Welcome to the Neo-feudalistic (Hunger Games) society that the Edomite Banking Families have been planning for the rest of humanity to live in for the past 100 years. They call it their New World Order. Not only does this COVID-19 PSYOP and worldwide political takeover that it has provided cover for represent the greatest vertical wealth in world history, it's also the greatest crime ever committed against humanity in all of history, for what we are witnessing is genocide that's being committed on an epic scale. Do you think those at the top did not know what was going to happen when they unlawfully put everyone under house arrest, and shut down the world's economy? How naive. Of course, they knew. They gamed this way ahead of time. See Rockefeller's Lock Step plan (2010), the WHO's Disease X exercise (2018), Crimson Contagion exercise (2019), and Bill Gate's Event 201 exercise (2019) What we see now is that horrible crimes against humanity have been committed. It's time for Nuremberg Trials 2.0. What do you think?
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