In the UNhallowed halls of the United Nations, a narrative has been spun so audaciously absurd that it would be laughable if it weren’t so dangerous. The UN, with its insatiable appetite for control, has concocted a scheme under the guise of environmental salvation that's nothing short ...
In the land of the free, where skies once symbolized limitless potential, the U.S. government, in collusion with its legion of private contractors, has embarked on a sinister campaign. This isn't just about drones; it's a chilling testament to how far those in power will go to manipulate, ...
In this short interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr, Bobby describes how Pfizer engaged in statistical fraud during the vaccine safety trials that were conducted on its COVID-19 [death] shot in order to sell the lie to the public that their product was "100% effective" in preventi ...
We've been duped, America. For decades, under the guise of public health, our government has been mass-medicating, or more accurately, mass-poisoning, the population with fluoride in our drinking water. This isn't just about clean water; this is also about forced medication without indivi ...
The United States of America stands at a perilous crossroads, where our national sovereignty and democratic integrity are being systematically undermined by a cabal of dual Israeli-American citizens embedded within our governmental structure. This infiltration has not only skewed our fore ...
In the heart of America's cultural and academic landscape, an ideological ["woke"] mind virus was introduced under the guise of intellectual enlightenment. This virus cam to us from the Frankfurt School, a school of Neo-Marxist interdisciplinary social theory within the Institut ...
Since the shadows lengthened at the close of World War II, a far more insidious campaign has been waged not with bullets but with bytes, not on battlefields but within the minds of the populace. This isn't a tale of espionage or military conquest; it's the story of how the American people ...
In the cacophony of modern political discourse, one phenomenon stands out, not for its reasoned debate or nuanced critique, but for its sheer hysteria and lack of logic: Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). This term, while often used pejoratively, genuinely captures an affliction of the min ...
The notion of drafting women into the military, particularly those aged 18-25, strikes at the heart of what many hold dear regarding traditional values, the sanctity of life, and the essence of choice. This isn't merely a policy decision; it's a seismic shift in societal norms that bears ...
In the heart of what should be one of the most advanced nations on Earth, a silent yet devastating epidemic rages -- a chronic illness crisis fueled by the very institutions meant to safeguard our health. The collusion between America's health care system, the food industry, Big Pharma, a ...
In the heart of what should be one of the most advanced nations on Earth, a silent yet devastating epidemic rages -- a chronic illness crisis fueled by the very institutions meant to safeguard our health. The collusion between America's health care system, the food industry, Big Pharma, a ...
In the shadow of what was once considered the bedrock of American liberty, we find ourselves facing a chilling paradigm shift with the Department of Defense Directive 5240.01. This directive, emerging not from the halls of Congress but from the opaque corridors of administrative rule-maki ...
The Federal Reserve, a name that evokes the illusion of governmental oversight, stands not as a guardian of economic stability but as a leviathan of financial manipulation, ensconced in the heart of American economics since 1913. This institution, privately owned by a cabal of banking fam ...
In an age where the line between science fiction and reality blurs, we find ourselves confronting an unsettling truth: the weather, once the last bastion of natural unpredictability, has become a weapon in the arsenal of the U.S. government. This isn't mere conjecture but a reality backed ...
The Left's narrative that Native Americans were universally peaceful and lived in complete harmony with nature and each other before European contact is an oversimplification that does not hold up under historical scrutiny.
The concept of the "Noble Savage" has been romantici ...
In the annals of human history, there has never been a crisis quite like the one we are edging towards right now—not by war, not by plague, but by a silent, self-imposed diminution of our species.
Environmentalists and anti-natalists, with their doomsday prophecies and ethical postu ...
Imagine a world where the weather is no longer a force of nature but a tool of governance, where rain, sun, and storm are orchestrated not by the whims of nature but by the strategic calculations of government agencies. This scenario, which is not speculative but a stark reality now, invi ...
In the shadow of the once-great American enterprise, where the rugged individualism of the entrepreneur once prevailed, we now witness the insidious rise of a new aristocracy. This is not the aristocracy of old, defined by blood or land, but an oligarchy of the clipboard and the conferenc ...
From Nietzsche's perspective, modern Western society's approach to gender equality might be viewed as a leveling force that risks creating a culture where both genders are diminished versions of their potential selves.
Women, by adopting masculine traits for equality, might lose their ...
Behold the spectacle of Western culture, a civilization that has become its own gravedigger, a death cult masquerading as the pinnacle of human achievement. Here, in this twilight of our idols, we witness not the celebration of life but the worship of decline, a perverse reverence for the ...
Consider the transformation of Rome from a pagan empire to a Christian one while drawing parallels to contemporary cultural and societal shifts. This transformation wasn't merely a change in religious practice but represented a profound upheaval in societal values, power structures, and i ...
Numerous allegations of financial crimes are discussed in this important video about the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center:
There were reports and investigations into potential insider trading before the attacks. The idea was that individuals with foreknowledge of th ...
In a world where jet fuel can't melt steel beams but apparently can cook up the wildest theories, we delve into the realm of 9/11 conspiracy theories. Here's everything the U.S. government wants you to believe about the 9/11 attacks in under 5 minutes of delicious satire.
[TAGNAME]ifra ...
The notion that YHWH, traditionally revered as the God of the Hebrews, might not be the divine creator but rather a literary construct, crafted by the Jewish people to assert their cultural and religious dominance over all other people, invites a deep dive into historical, theological, an ...
Among the many religious practices of the Ancient Israelites that are described in the Hebrew Bible, child sacrifice stands out as the most horrifying. The idea that any group of people would willingly sacrifice their own children to their god(s) is so contrary to modern moral sensibiliti ...
Arthur Schopenhauer, a 19th-century German philosopher known for his pessimistic views about the human condition, had some opinions about women, which are, of course, criticized today by Woketard Neo-Marxists who usurped our society decades ago. However, his opinions were actually highly- ...
From Nietzsche's perspective, modern Western society's approach to gender equality might be viewed as a leveling force that, while well-intentioned, risks creating a culture where both genders are diminished versions of their potential selves.
Women, by adopting masculine traits for eq ...
The elephant in the room that nobody in the mainstream wants to address head-on because they're too busy sipping their lattes and reading from their teleprompters. Here's the deal, straight from the heart of someone who's been sounding the alarm for decades:
Globalism, as they pitch it ...
There is a chronic disease epidemic in America. In fact, over 60% of people in our country are suffering from one or more chronic illnesses. More than 100 million adults in the U.S. are obese, with over 22 million having severe obesity. In 2021, it was estimated that 38.4 million people i ...
This a golden interview with Dr. Peter McCullough, MD, who is a renowned cardiologist practicing medicine in Texas. He has been a central figure in the discourse surrounding the COVID-19 Plandemic, particularly with regard to issues that relate to the [failed] public health policies that ...
If this profound two-minute video doesn't cause you to pause and think deeply about how our broken and aching nation has been totally !@#$ed up by the Marxist traitors who took over our country four years ago in their poorly-disguised [Plandemic/election] coup, then nothing will.
[TAGN ...
This is a golden interview with Alex Epstein, philosopher, energy expert, and author of 'Fossil Future,' who says that the net-zero goal is a death sentence for billions of people. Epstein delves into the global debate on energy policy and the push for net-zero emissions. Epstein argues t ...
One of the saddest lessons of history is when people have been lied to long enough by institutions they have been conditioned to trust, they tend to reject any evidence of those lies. They get to where they are no longer interested in finding out the truth. The lies have captured them. Ev ...
Dr Jim Lundstrom, a family dentist concerned about exposing his patients to the lipid nanoparticles like those which were found in the COVID shots by scientists at La Quinta Columna in Spain, has been doing Darkfield Microscopy testing on popular types of dental anesthetics that he uses i ...
In all ages, in all lands, there have been those who seek the truth. This seeking is an individual's search for something greater than himself, outside of the confines of this worldly system. It is the seeker, who understands there is more than what meets the eye, and he is not afraid and ...
The ruling class discovered long ago that the best way to herd the people in the direction they want us to go is no different than the way a few cowboys can control and move a large herd of cattle; through the use of fear. After all, fear can motivate people in ways no other emotion can. ...
Former president Donald Trump introduced Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as the "special guest" at a rally in Glendale, Arizona, just hours after Kennedy suspended his presidential campaign.
Kennedy 70, a former Democrat, withdrew his candidacy as an Independent candidate on Aug. 23 am ...
Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said on Aug. 23 that he's suspending his campaign and throwing his support behind former President Donald Trump.
"In my heart, I no longer believe that I have a realistic path to electoral victory in the face of this relentl ...
There wasn't anything particularly new or earthshaking about the Aug. 2 jobs report. The unemployment rate clicked up a bit, as it was destined to do given the underlying decay that had been unbearably obvious for at least two years. The increase did trigger the so-called Sahm rule and he ...
People only believe what they're conditioned to believe. Whether it's through education, mass media, or popular culture, what we think is largely a result of what we've been exposed to. It's only when you can step completely back from these paradigms of influence that the true nature of o ...
It's no wonder why President Trump was considering Dr. Ben Carson as one of his top choices for Vice President. Here is a man who was brought up under under the worst of economic circumstances, yet persevered through his own initiative to become one of the most famous pediatric brain surg ...
The [corrupt/criminal-led] FBI is allegedly leading an active and ongoing investigation into an assassination attempt on July 13 at a rally in Butter, Pennsylvania, where President Donald Trump was the keynote speaker. The President sustained non-life-t ...
In the words of John F. Kennedy, "The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie, but the myth: persistent, persuasive, and unrealistic." Such is the case with the assassination of that U.S. President, which was not the act of a crazed lone gunman, but a coup d'état tha ...
On Tuesday, June 25, 2024, Tucker Carlson delivered a thoughtful and important presentation to a large crowd who were assembled at the Hyatt Hotel in Canberra. He spoke to the recent rellease Julian Assange, the decline of mainstream propaganda media in the West, the importance of free sp ...
This video provides American taxpayers with a close look at what's been happening with the hundreds of billions of dollars that we have been sending to Ukraine. If you think that any of that money is being used to help ordinary Ukrainians, then you're clueless to the fact that the Ukraini ...
Following the embarrassing train wreck that was Biden's performance during the June 28th CNN Presidential Debate, Colonel Douglas MacGregor made a four-minute Statement to The Nation where he calls for Americans to wake-up and recognize the fact that we don't have someone leading this cou ...
This is a golden discussion with Marc Morano who is the executive director of and the author of three great books that reveal the Globalist's secret agenda behind climate alarmism, NetZero policies, and the control of the world's food production systems.
During this d ...
Anthropogenic climate change threats and the so-called "solutions" promulgated by the proponents of that fictitious hypothesis is one of the biggest con jobs ever imposed on humanity in the past 100 years. It has never been about the climate, energy, the environment, or the well ...
It's sad that American Christians have been so thoroughly duped into believing that when they support the criminal, illegitimate state of Israel, and the evil things that it does, that they are supporting the descendants of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob, and that they are helping fulfill Bibl ...
This is a great video to share with anyone who may genuinely believe that our planet is in the grip of some sort of "Climate Crisis" that the radical Left has been proselytizing like some [failed] apocalyptic cult since the Club of Rome first launched this Communist-style, Globa ...
What is it about intelligent people that makes them so uniquely prone to cognitive bias? To understand this paradox, we must consider what intelligence actually is. Often, it can be measured as the effectiveness with which someone pursues a goal.
Rationality, on the other hand, is int ...
Kim Dotcom gives his expert analysis on why the thirteen central banking families who have long controlled America and the rest of the Western world are simultaneously destroying the West, while at the same time trying to provoke Russia into a nuclear war that will likely end in the death ...
Black, white, red, brown, and yellow; it doesn't matter what color your skin is. When you boil it all down, we're all slaves living on the same plantation, a high-tech Neo-Marxist plantation which is owned and operated by and for the benefit of just thirteen central banking families.
T ...
I don't know see how you or any reasonable human being can look objectively at what's been happening since the COVID PSYOP was launched against humanity, and NOT see it for what it really was: a giant psychological warfare (PSYWAR) and depopulation operation, the magnitude of which is unp ...
Jason Christoff is an expert on how mass mind control techniques that are currently being used to modify our behaviors and manipulate the public psychologically in a variety of evil ways. He has testified many times on Capitol Hill, in the EU Parliament, the Romanian Palace of the Parliam ...
This video captures a golden discussion between between Jason Bermas and Author and lecturer, Dr. David Hughes that identifies the criminal, worldwide application of military-grade Fifth-Generation (5G) Warfare techniques that were, and still are being used against society in order to her ...
A bonafide expert on all things financial, Catherine Austin Fitts exposes the Globalist banker coup over humanity that's currently underway right now. Every central bank in the world that's owned by the Thirteen Families and tied to the Bank of International Settlements (BIS), including o ...
As far back as 2009, Alex Jones was discussing how [live] H5N1 bird flu virus was being added to regular flu vaccines, and how that would create a highly contagious, hybrid form of Bird Flu that would itself become a new form of biological weapon which would be used by the Thirteen Famili ...
Everyone who still has two brain cells to rub together have known for decades that the bought-and-paid-for, mainstream propaganda media lies to the American people more now than Pravda ever did to the citizens of the [Communst] USSR in the 50s. Unfortunately though, the vast majority of R ...
One of the saddest lessons of history is when people have been lied to long enough by institutions they have been conditioned to trust, they tend to reject any evidence of those lies. They get to where they are no longer interested in finding out the truth. The lies have captured them. Ev ...
The rise of Populism is a reflection of genuine problems in America, most of which have to do with the general knowledge among We the People that the game is rigged for the elites at the expense of everyone else. It most certainly is and ever more so now than ever before in American histo ...
Professor Jeffrey Sachs has had a long and illustrious, 44 year-long career working within the diplomatic and economics circles of the U.S. government. He knows hundreds of world leaders personally, and has worked with them up close, pursuant to overcoming various diplomatic and economic ...
In turbulent times like the one in which we Americans now live, Victor Davis Hanson is always a voice of reason. Not only is he an American author, classicist, historian, and conservative political commentator, he's also an expert on modern and ancient warfare.
In his latest book " ...
The reason it's considered taboo to talk about topics such as religion and politics is because our society has been conditioned to believe that. What two topics could possibly be more important to our existence as human beings? Of course the oligarchs who are herding America into the glob ...
In pursuit of their goal to create a Technocratic, one-world government, the thirteen [Khazarian] central banking families who have long owned and/or controlled this broken and aching world through monetary fraud have been very successful in conquering Western Civilization using weaponize ...
Did you know that the miscarriage rate among pregnant women who received the COVID shot during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy is over 80%, and that after the genetic mutagen that was disguised as a "vaccine" was rolled out, the worldwide birth rate has been declining for the fi ...
Apparently, owning and/or controlling our intentionally broken and aching world just wasn't enough for the the thirteen [Khazarian] central banking families (the "cabal"). They also want to dissolve sovereign nation states like our own, and in doing so, effectively place countri ...
Fifth-generation warfare (5GW) is an all-out war that's being waged against all of us by our nation's criminal, illegitimate government and by numerous other organizations as well. In fact, 5GW is currently being waged against each and every one of us right now, and it's a battle for domi ...
I don't know how anyone with two brain cells left to rub together could look objectively at what's been happening in this broken and aching world since the COVID PSYOP was [publicly] launched on January 1, 2020, and NOT see it for what it really was: a giant psychological warfare (PSYWAR) ...
These are the teachings of Woke Jesus. Ye shall know the truth by watching this hilariously funny video, and as the Bible teaches, the truth shall set you free from any foolish, Conservative ideas you right-wing MAGA extremists may have about ever making America great again. Give it up. A ...
Alex Jones interviews Dr. Judy Mikovits, PhD who is a former Fort Dietrich scientist and government whistleblower who once worked under Dr. Anthony Fauci and had the courage to report his unethical HIV/AIDS research. She even authored three books, two of which cover that topic specificall ...
A project manager working in Cyber Operations for the CIA and an NSA contractor, Amjad Fseisi, is caught on hidden cameras implicating the highest levels of the CIA, including what he called "The executive staff" (Mike Pompeo, et. al.) in a treasonous conspiracy against a sittin ...
On May 3, 2024, Dr. Robert Malone, one of the co-inventors of mRNA technology, appeared on the Alex Jones show to warn about the genocidal plans of the unelected global elite to depopulate humanity using weaponized viruses, mRNA jabs, war, and engineered famine, and then enslave the survi ...
One of the saddest lessons of history is when people have been lied to long enough by institutions they have been conditioned to trust, they tend to reject any evidence of those lies. They get to where they are no longer interested in finding out the truth. The lies have captured them. Ev ...
The rich are getting richer, the poor are getting poorer, and it's all thanks to the Federal Reserve Act scam that was unconstitutionally passed in 1913 by a handful of traitors in D.C.
Last week the Fed released a new study that wealth of the top 1 percent in America hit an all time h ...
As most of us in the Freedom Movement already know, the thirteen [Khazarian] central banking families who long ago bought up control and or ownership of our broken and aching world through their ability to create unlimited amounts of unbacked, unredeemable, fiat [US and EU] currency, are ...
It's very important to understand that trans-humanism is simply the transitional stage between humanism and post-humanism. Make no mistake, the final goal is to eradicate Humanity as we know it. Once you understand the end game of the Technocratic elite who are currently ruling over us, i ...
This is a sobering, must-watch speech delivered by Dutch-born Eva Vlaardingerbroek to her fellow conservatives at the 2024 CPAC conference in Budapest, Hungary. She discusses the United Nation's genocidal "Replacement Migration" program that's currently being carried out simulta ...
Most lobbying organizations that represent foreign countries are required to register with the federal government as "foreign agents." That way, if foreign countries are donating heavily to a particular candidate, the American people will be able to recognize this fact by lo ...
Second only to his interviews with Alex Jones, this is one of Joe Rogan's best episodes ever. Here, he sits down for an epic 3-hour conversation with the dreadnaught reporter, Tucker Carlson. Together, they discuss a plethora of interesting topics, including UFO (UAP) sightings, artificia ...
There are scores of serious issues facing our intentionally broken and aching nation right now, but for the sake of brevity, here's 25 of the most significant ways America is being destroyed by the bought-and-paid-for political whores who are currently ruling over us.
[TAGNAME]iframe[/ ...
The warped ideology of Communism, cleverly rebranded as Socialism, Fascism, and even Nazism was responsible for the slaughter of hundreds of millions of innocent people in the 20th century alone. So, how many people will do you think will end up dying here in America in the 21st century n ...
Independent, investigative journalist Julie Kelly provides us with a comprehensive update on what we know, and what we still don’t know about what happened on Jan. 6, 2021. She also exposes the numerous obstruction of justice crimes committed by the Jan 6 Committee itself in hiding or d ...
The United Nations' World Health Organization has drafted a new Pandemic Treaty and amended the existing International Health Regulations, which our country is already a signatory to, in order to give the UN unprecedented new powers over once independent nations such as ours under anythin ...
The World Economic Forum warned us several years ago that its ultimate goal was to destroy the middle class. How else would you explain their slogan: "You will own nothing and be happy"?
This mantra is playing out in real time in the state of Oregon, and other states, in vari ...
When he wrote the book "1984" back in 1948, he probably never imagined that the "totalitarian, bureaucratic world" that he wrote about would ever actually become a reality. Yet, that's exactly what's happened.
The government now monitors and records billions of our ...
According to the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), there are more than 70 million illegal aliens living here in America now, with tens of thousands more are pouring in every day through our bleeding Southern border. Perhaps as many as 18 million of those aliens have been permitted to ...
Despite overwhelming scientific evidence that millions of people were either killed or suffered severe adverse reactions after being injected with the experimental genetic mutagens that were cleverly disguised as "COVID-19 vaccines" as well as overwhelming evidence that the FDA ...
Because it too is controlled by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and their comrades in the CIA, which has long controlled what kind of movies and entertainment programming that we Americans are exposed to, YouTube recently took down this golden documentary which exposes China's almost co ...
This is an informative, clear-headed interview with climate engineering expert Jim Lee, not about the Gas of Life Carbon Dioxide, but about the real dangers that are posed to humanity and our environment caused by jet aircraft flying in the Earth's stratosphere (above the delicate ozone l ...
The COVID-19 PSYOP and the worldwide political takeover that it provided cover for is the greatest crime ever committed against humanity in history, bar none. Sure, when this all over, there will be a lot of traitors who will have to face Justice at something like a Nuremberg trial fo ...
Contrary to the Department of Homeland Security's assertion that called the 2020 Election "the most secure election in American history," according to a new Heartland Institute study entitled "Who really won the 2020 election? Measuring the effect of mail-in ballot fraud in ...
It's important for We the People to critically evaluate information provided to us by establishment sources. We must always seek out diverse perspectives, and hold politicians and institutions accountable for the false claims and predictions that they so often make, especially when it com ...
The road to the New World Order the Technocratic elite are currently paving for humanity is a road that will lead to worldwide economic concentration, a road which will end in political slavery, not only for ordinary Americans, but everyone in the world. Mankind must grow a backbone, and ...
According to the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), there are more than 70 million illegal aliens living here in America now, with tens of thousands more are pouring in every day through our bleeding Southern border. Perhaps as many as 20 million of those aliens have been permitted to ...
Carbon dioxide is not causing detrimental changes to the Earth’s climate. In fact, carbon dioxide is one of the four building blocks of life, and we need more of it, not less. Plant life on this planet needs more than 1,000 ppm concentrations in the atmosphere to thrive, not the 420 ppm ...
It isn't enough thet the thirteen central banking families who bought-up this broken and aching world through 111 years of monetary fraud, all of whom are Caucasian themselves (Khazars who pretend to be racial Jews), by the way, have been waging a war against [Gentile] Caucasians here in ...
Bukele gave a historic speech at the 2024 CPAC, during which he outlined how he was able to rescue El Salvador from the grip of the global elite, their NGOs, and the gangs that have been working for them to destroy his country.
Singlehandedly, in just a few short years, Bukele has comp ...
Since Obama created the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) on his way out of office in 2017, the national security state and their partners in BIG TECH became the main drivers of censorship and election interference in the United States. "What I'm describing is m ...
Since the COVID PSYOP was launched against humanity four years ago, much has been revealed about the origins of SARS-CoV-2. The evidence now points definitively to a lab origin. However, important questions remain about the cover-up, and who was ultimately responsible.
The cover-up has ...
Back in 2018, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) received a grant proposal called Project DEFUSE from Peter Daszak (EcoHealth Alliance) and Ralph Baric (UNC-Chapel Hill), which proposed high-risk coronavirus research to prevent [SIC] emerging pathogenic threats.
The ...
In case you are wondering why there is so much fake news (unchallenged government narratives) coming out of the mainstream media over the past twenty-plus years, you should be advised that the 2013 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) legalized the use of propaganda and military grad ...
Geologist, Douglas Vogt lays out the scientific evidence that major global disasters such as devastating solar outbursts and cosmic impacts have been coming and going like clockwork about every 13,000 years, which not only correlates with every bit of knowledge that's been handed down to ...
When you take a close look at Darwin's Theory of Evolution, you can't escape the fact that it's an improbable explanation for the origins of life on this planet, especially when it comes to the origins of Homo Sapiens. A better explanation for the origins of mankind is the oldest one of a ...
Together, we must say "NO" to "UN Agenda 2030" (a.k.a. "The Great Reset), a plan for humanity's future that was authored by the world's financial and ideological elite--a mostly unelected group that's financed by the wealthiest people in the world--the Thirteen Fa ...
There’s a whole generation of people who have lived "in the box," as I call it. By "the box," I mean the Internet, of course. In fact, they've never known a time when information had to be gathered elsewhere by reading books and doing their own independent research.
Since the COVID-19 PSYOP and global political takeover operation was launched against humanity by the Left in 2020, much has been revealed about the origins of SARS-CoV-2. The evidence now points definitively to a lab origin. But questions remain about the cover-up, and who was ultimately ...
This is an in-depth conversation with John Beaudoin, a man who after taking a deep dive into the public health records data covering the State of Massachusetts, discovered that that the U.S. CDC knowingly and intentionally overcounted COVID-19 deaths in 2020, and then hid safety signals t ...
By now everyone's heard about the ridiculous $118 Billion border bill, which has more to do with funding Ukraine than it has to do with securing our bleeding Southern border. The bill would provide Ukraine with more than $60 billion, which is more than the entire budget of the U.S. Marine ...
I used to think that it was just a bunch of dumb, misguided people with warped, collectivist political philosophies who were responsible for undermining the foundations of our society, our culture, and our government since the end of WWII.
Actually, these people aren't dumb or misguide ...
The criminal, illegitimate British and U.S. Governments recently colluded with their media sock puppets and their Big Tech partners in crime to shut down and destroy Russell Brand after he began speaking out against the New World Order. This is his first interview since all of that that h ...
For over 40 years now, if not longer, American children who attend the Communist Indoctrination Centers that we call our "public schools" are being taught to march in lock step with the warped ideologies of the radical, far-left extremists who have seized power throughout our na ...
Ever since a national State of Emergency was declared by President Trump on March 13, 2020, after the COVID-19 PSYOP was launched by the global elite, the American people have been the target of an ongoing Psychological Warfare (PSYWAR) campaign that's being conducted under the Color of L ...
Together, we must say "NO" to "UN Agenda 2030" (a.k.a. "The Great Reset), a plan for humanity's future that was authored by the world's financial and ideological elite--a mostly unelected group that's financed by the wealthiest people in the world--the [TAGNAME]a[ ...
The following is a transcript of Javier Milei's January 18, 2024 speech that he presented at the World Economic Forum in in Davos, Switzerland. It comes two months after his election. Milei, a member of the libertarian-leaning La Libertad Avanza coalition, won the Nov. 19 runoff election ...
Why would Jeffrey Epstein commit suicide just two days before his bail hearing, especially when he would almost certainly have been able to raise any amount of bail that was set? Why would he commit suicide when the charges that were pending against him would almost certainly have been th ...
Did you know that, on average, we Americans waste four years of our life looking at our cell phones. That's four years we could have spent actually interacting with one another in more meaningful ways. Speaking with one another in one-on-one conversations is exactly what we should be doin ...
The new version of the United Nation's World Health Organization (WHO) International Health Regulations (IHR) Amendments, which is being drafted right now by the World Economic Forum, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and other unelected globalist institutions, along with the help ...
The science journal Correlation has published a new report entitled “COVID-19 Vaccine-associated Mortality in the Southern Hemisphere” that was authored by Dr. Denis G. Rancourt who is an accomplished interdisciplinary scientist and physicist, and a former tenured Full Professor of ph ...
Is the lesson of the genocidal COVID PSYOP that we should give its architects more power? I don't think so, and neither does eminent biologist, professor, and intellectual, Bret Weinstein who briefs the world during this Tucker interview on how over 80 million souls were starved to death ...
During the 2016 United States presidential election, Donald Trump read the lyrics of a popular song entitled "The Snake" at several of his campaign rallies in order to illustrate his position on illegal immigration. He prophetically warned us that the Woketard Left's decision to ...
Carbon dioxide is not causing detrimental changes to the Earth's climate. In fact, carbon dioxide is one of the building blocks of life, and we need more of it, not less. Plant life on this planet needs more than 1,000 ppm concentrations in the atmosphere to thrive, not the 400 ppm that w ...
In all ages, in all lands, there have been those who seek the truth. This seeking is an individual's search for something greater than himself, outside of the confines of this worldly system. It is the seeker, who understands there is more than what meets the eye, and he's not afraid and ...
According to the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), there are more than 70 million illegal aliens living here in America now, with tens of thousands more are pouring in every day. Perhaps as many as 20 million of those aliens were permitted to enter our country illegally under the OBid ...
This is a golden December, 2023 interview with Author Naomi Wolfe about her new book "Facing the Beast: Courage, Faith, and Resistance in a New Dark Age." As a former well-to-do [Classical] Liberal, she has rubbed elbows with evrybody who is anybody in the Democrat Party. For de ...
This is a December, 2023 interview with the most published medical doctor on the planet, Dr. Peter McCullough, a leading Cardiologist and Internist who both practices medicine and teaches medical students at Baylor University in Texas. He unpacks for viewers the latest scientific informat ...
This is a good look at the growing problem of anti-white (anti-Caucasian) racism that has been actively promoted by wealthy so-called "Jews" for decades in America at our nation's schools, in countless Hollywood films, and anywhere else they can inject or foster this kind of det ...
The very premise that CO₂ is a evil gas that somehow contributes in any significant way to global warming is retarded. It’s a bald-faced lie promoted by Commies who want power. CO₂ is the “Gas of Life.” Global climate is driven primarily by the Sun (that big ball of fire in the ...
Only a few short years ago, who could imagine a highly-respected Archbishop of the Catholic Church such as Maria Vigano, who you will see here, talking to the global media in order to warn the public about the danger of experimental genetic mutagens that are disguised as vaccines, vaccine ...
One of the saddest lessons of history is when people have been lied to long enough by institutions they have been conditioned to trust, they tend to reject any evidence of those lies. That's called Cognitive Dissonance. They get to where they are no longer interested in finding out the tr ...
Short, but deliciously sarcastic parody of the Technocratic, global slave state currently being built around humanity that the global elite architects of this prison planet we're now living in so affectionately call their "New World Order." If good humor doesn't help you underst ...
In the Rumble version of the video of the very exciting fourth GOP nomination debate, a glitch occurred near the end. It happened the instant that Megyn Kelly asked about Operation Warp Speed. It was the first time in this entire political season that this hugely important topic has been ...
Like the original Watch the Water video that we presented here more than a year ago, this is an even deeper dive into the COVID-19 PSYOP with Dr. Bryan Ardis, M.D., who discovered through his research that the so-called "SARS-CoV-2" virus which was developed at the Wuhan Institu ...
They must really think the general population is retarded, because nothing changes so regularly as does Earth's climate. Everyone should know that. In fact, the word "weather" has always been synonymous with change, just as it always will be. Think about it. Ask yourself what it ...
Today, through stealth and distraction, and by way of a fear-based jingoism that's propagandized 24/7/365 to an emergency managed American public, the neo-conservatives and their neo-liberal comrades in crime (the "globalist traitors") in Washington D.C. have managed to hijack o ...
Those who don't understand how the Thirteen Families who have long owned and controlled this planet use their agents and round table groups to create, maintain, and manipulate geo-political dialectics such as the one that currently exists between the Jews and the Muslims will never fully ...
This is a great compilation that glues together all of the most recent eye-opening videos by Greg Reese. Greg makes short, 9-minute or less "Reese Report" videos that educate people about the nature and scope of the elite's plan to abolish human freedom, and slowly herd humanity ...
Michelle Makori, Lead Anchor and Editor-in-Chief at Kitco News, interviews Peter St Onge, Economist at the Heritage Foundation and a Fellow at the Mises Institute, who says the real storm will hit the global economy when the Federal Reserve starts cutting rates. St Onge describes the last ...
This is an interview with the President of El Salvador who quite eloquently describes the evil system under which most of humanity currently lives; where our lives are completely controlled by a small group an unelected elite (just thirteen central banking families) who use their power to ...
In light of what's going on in Israel and the United States right now, I thought it would be a good time to put together a special Truth Bomb that's aimed at educating folks about the history of Zionism, and it's connection to the Rothschild and other so-called "Jewish" central ...
This is a golden, fact-filled interview with the human encyclopedia, Matt Ehret. He walks you through over 1,000 years of human history, identifying the Thirteen Families (the familial bloodlines) who created this intentionally broken and aching world that we wake up to each day, and how ...
Peter Schiff, founder of Schiff Gold and Chief Market Strategist of Euro Pacific Asset Management, says the current macro economic environment resembles 2007, right before the 2008 financial crisis. Schiff, a sound money proponent and the former financial adviser to Ron Paul, is currently ...
For anyone wanting to hear long overdue Congressional testimony regarding the damage that was done to Americans as a direct result of the criminal, illegitimate federal government forcing or coercing the people to take the experimental mRNA genetic mutagens that they disguised as "va ...
The war against the vermin on the Left has just begun, and you, the American people, are on the front lines. You have to understand; whether you want to be in this war, or don't, it doesn't matter. You're in it, whether you like it or not. The Left is highly motivated, activated, and well ...
Who but the dullest knife in the drawer could deny that elite have been waging a war on the rest of humanity for decades now, and that the COVID PSYOP represented a suprise offensive against us--a "Hail Mary Pass," if you will, to win that war before most people ever realized th ...
This is a great speech that Tucker Carlson delivered to the beautiful people of Hungary in August of 2023. It contains about 27-minutes of Truth that every one should take time to listen to. In fact, if there was ever a video that you could show to a bunch of Woketard Leftists in order to ...
If you thought that life was getting back to normal now that COVID PSYOP had run its course, you'd be sorely mistaken. The global elite NEVER let a good crisis go to waste. Especially ones like they created during the SARS-CoV-2 Plandemic, a horse they intend to ride all the way across th ...
No matter how good you think the school is that you are sending your kids to, I can assure that the teachers there have all been trained in American universities where the teachers-in-training are taught to use a teaching method called "Social-Emotional Learning." This method of ...
This groundbreaking documentary reveals how farmers throughout the world, including here in America, are literally being forced out of business by the ridiculous, anti-human environmental policies that have been un-democratically forced upon the world by such un-elected groups as the the ...
The case known as Missouri v. Biden, which is currently headed to the Supreme Court, is perhaps the most important free speech case of our generation—and arguably, of the past 50 years. For it will decide whether the government can continue to engage in censorship of the American people ...
If you've ever read me, you'd see that I have been recommending for more than 30 years that patriotic Americans should sue these Commie traitors who have infiltrated all levels of local, state, and federal government, and perjured their sacred Oaths to "support and defend the Constit ...
According to Nobel laureate John Clauser, who won the Nobel Prize in Physics for settling a long-standing argument that relating to Quantum Entanglement between Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr, all the climate models produced by the United Nation's IPCC, pursuant to which Western civilizat ...
On Saturday, September 2, 2023, General Michael Flynn appeared on InfoWars in order to brief Americans about the war that is currently being waged on us by the Communist Chinese Party, their comrades at the World Economic Forum, and the Democrat party. Lock-downs, a major cyber attack, a ...
This episode is jam-packed with a ton of useful information, regarding a wide variety of subjects, all of which aimed at informing people who are part of the Freedom Movement. Some of the topic covered are as follows: New Texas law reinforces health freedom; Censorship concerns creep back ...
This is a must watch compilation video highlighting the well-documented history of Democrats denying election results over the past twenty years.
President Trump is being ridiculed, persecuted, and even criminally prosecuted by radical Left-wing prosecutors for questioning the accuracy ...
Andrew Tate has not only been fighting the New World Order program of dehumanization and world conquest by the Thirteen [central banking] Families who own this broken and aching world, he's also been using his well-earned fame in order to teach men (both young and old) how to walk the tru ...
The radical Leftist (Neo-Marxist) revolution that we are witnessing today is not just some fad that spontaneously emerged during the Summer of 2020 as people were posting their black squares on Instagram. In fact, it's part of a very conscious plan that developed over the course of the la ...
Over 40,000 hours of Capitol Hill security video footage only became available for Americans to analyze more than two years after the Stop The Steal protests occurred on January 6, 2021. Now that several news organizations have been able to sort through the footage, we now have a clearer ...
Tucker Carlson Interviews U.S. Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund about what really happened during the Stop The Steal Protest that took place on January 6, 2021. Tucker previously interviewed Sund when he was still working at Fox, but Fox fired Tucker before the interview could air. Coinci ...
Tuck postulates, as do I, that the exponential growth we are witnessing in the daily news cycle fed to us by our controlled, mainstream propaganda media of totally irrational claims--things that no sane, even badly educated person could ever accept as true--things like two men can have a ...
Del Bigtree recently gave this electrifying on-stage presentation--what may be his best talk ever--exposing the real pandemic humanity has been enduring--the pandemic of lies surrounding vaccine safety and the failed public health policies of the NIH, FDA, and CDC (captured agencies of Bi ...
A July 6, 2023 scientific paper published by Dr. Peter McCullough, MD, MPH and a team of other renowned doctors show that the mRNA injections caused or significantly contributed to 74% of deaths was removed from The Lancet's preprint SSRN server within 24 hours of its submission, adding t ...
Del Bigtree recently gave this electrifying on-stage presentation--what may be his best talk ever--exposing the real pandemic humanity has been enduring--the pandemic of lies surrounding vaccine safety and the failed public health policies of the NIH, FDA, and CDC (captured agencies of Bi ...
Author and Senior Fellow at the Manhattan Institute, Christopher Rufo, just released a powerful short film showing how the Transgender Movement is conquering America. This is 12.5 minutes of the most succinct, cutting-edge truth describing how the transgender movement is actually a Marxis ...
This is a great compilation that glues together all of the most recent eye-opening videos by Greg Reese. Greg makes short, 9-minute or less "Reese Report" videos that educate people about the nature and scope of the elite's plan to abolish human freedom, and slowly herd humanity ...
We have long known that the World Health Organization was much more than an ignorant stooge when it came to covering up the origin of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) was, in fact, the kingpin of the giant, worldwide PSYOP that our unelected overlor ...
In a major win for folks like us in the Freedom Movement who have been fighting back against the lies and propaganda that are being shoved down our throats 24/7/365 by the usurpers of our once great nation, a U.S. Circuit Court Judge slapped the White House with a historic injunction--one ...
How can ingesting a dangerous neurotoxin be beneficial to human health in any way? Fluoride has been proven to reduce IQ by as much as 15 points in a Harvard study, and it also increases certain cancer risks significantly. Do they want to dumb-down and sicken the American population even ...
In this video, Brownstone Institute fellow, Debbie Lerman, discusses her deep dive into U.S. government documents that relate to the origins of the U.S. government's pandemic policies and its unprecedented and destructive response to what, if you rationally analyze it in retrospect using ...
Why is it that Earth experiences catastrophic climate shifts, extinction level comet and asteroid strikes, great floods and/or major geological upheavals (super volcanos, pole shifts, etc.) about every 12,000 years? We can clearly see that these catastrophes do, in fact, happen on a regul ...
I normally don't post a lot of Alex Jones material, not because I don't respect his work (I actually love his work), but because I feel like if you're someone like me--someone who has been "awake" to the realities of this socially-engineered prison planet that we all live in, yo ...
Many people misunderstand what Fascism is. They think it's the iron-fisted oppression of the people by agents of the government. However, that's not what Fascism is at all. That's just tyranny, plain and simple. Actually, Fascism is a highly comprehensive, technocratic political system--a ...
The CIA murdered John F. Kennedy Jr's Father, his Uncle, and then they murdered him, along with his Wife [who was likely pregnant at the time] and her sister while they all were on their way from New Jersey to visit his Mother, Jackie in Massachussetts. Why would the CIA do that? Because ...
Ever since it was created by the Rockefeller and Rothschild [central banking] families in 1945, the real goal of the United Nations was to slowly and incrementally centralize all political, economic, and ecclesiastical power within its jurisdiction, and to destroy the sovereignty of every ...
A FOX news producer put the words "WANNABE DICTATOR SPEAKS AT WHITE HOUSE" on a scene showing Biden speaking at an event honoring some foreign NATO official. Of course, all hell broke loose, and it became a HUGE deal with the Leftists in the District of Criminals. So, Tucker too ...
Most Americans are completely unaware that U.S. pork producers have already been using genetic mutagens to treat livestock with no oversight since 2018. What makes this particularly troubling is the fact that there have been ZERO scientific studies conducted in order to determine if these ...
Like most of the things that we're being told to believe by establishment sources these days, like men and women can change their gender, or that CO₂, the "Gas of Life," is somehow bad, the Anthropogenic Climate Crisis narrative is also a HUGE lie, a lie that is aimed at achie ...
This latest political prosecution of President Trump by radical-left Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, a George Soros-funded candidate who bragged when running for his current office that he had "sued Trump more than a hundred times," points to an alarming escalation of t ...
This documentary is about how the U.S. State Department has been working hand-in-hand with the United Nations' International Organization for Migration (IOM) and George Soros' Open Borders Society, which provides the funding to deceptively-named organizations like Catholic Charities and t ...
America is facing an existential threat that has potentially catastrophic economic, political, and national security implications. That threat is the self-destructive relationship that our nation has had with the Communist China Party (CCP) since 1949, which is nothing less than a suicide ...
Many people misunderstand what Fascism is. They think it's the iron-fisted oppression of the people by agents of the government. However, that's not what Fascism is at all. That's just tyranny, plain and simple. Actually, Fascism is a highly comprehensive, technocratic political system--a ...
The Hegelian Dialectic is a social engineering technique that has been used by the ruling class to engineer societies for hundreds of years. It has three steps: First, you create a PROBLEM, or claim that a problem exists, where one actually doesn't. Then, in the second step, you fan the f ...
Independent filmmaker, Mikki Willis, who brought us the Plandemic series, which was the most viewed independent documentary ever produced, has since doubled-down in his efforts to open the eyes of the American People to issues and ideas that we don't ever see presented to us by our mainst ...
For more than two decades now, the criminal, illegitimate U.S. government has been waging 5th Generation psychological warfare (a.k.a. "5G PSYWAR") against its own citizens.
That's right, thanks to such unconstitutional atrocities such as the Patriot Act and many other autho ...
The recent blizzard of criminal indictments that were handed down against President Trump by Leftist prosecutors, and the more general trend of Leftist prosecutors to indict prosecute people they consider their political opponents, while rarely, if ever, prosecuting their fellow travelers ...
In the climate of a global, COVID-19 Plandemic, mRNA shots which had been disquised as "vaccines" due to a September 2019 definition change of that word by Fauci and company, were rolled out under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) rules after a much shorter than normal testing p ...
The only "climate change" We the People should be concerned about is the climate change that's being caused by the criminals in Washington D.C. who have, for decades, been spraying the skies above our country [and others] with aluminum, barium, strontium, graphene, and polymer f ...
This feature length documentary provides commentary from a wide variety of experts who are exposing U.S. geoengineering programs that have been ongoing for decades now. It slices and dices the insidious claims made by government shills that the chem trails we're all seeing in our skies ar ...
If it hasn't already happened, then very soon, a "singularity" will be reached where Artificial Intelligence (AI) will be beyond human control. We will then be dealing with an intelligence that will likely become very dangerous to the human race. It will almost certainly result ...
This video covers Dr. David Martin's May, 2023 appearance before the European Union's International COVID Summit III.
During Dr. Martin's excellent, fact-filled presentation, he provided Members of Parliament with irrefutable evidence that rogue actors within the U.S. goverment, inclu ...
Peter Flaherty, who is the Chairman of the National Legal and Policy Center, bravely spoke out against Warren Buffet's funding of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation through his private investment front Berkshire Hathaway during a Shareholder's Proposal Meeting on May 8, 2023.
Aft ...
Carlo Maria Viganò Titular Archbishop of Ulpiana
Former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America
November 21, 2021
FOR TWO YEARS NOW we have been witnessing a global coup d’état, in which a financial and ideological elite has succeeded in seizing control of part of na ...
This is a golden speech that Dr. James Lindsey gave at the European Parliament in March where he outlined how "Woke" culture, which includes critical race theory, the LGBTQ movement, and the push for "equity" are all Westernized tentacles originating from Marxism with ...
"Since March 2020, we may have experienced the greatest intrusions on civil liberties in the peacetime history of this country. Executive officials across the country issued emergency decrees on a breathtaking scale," wrote Neil Gorsuch, associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Cou ...
To those of you who see what I see, and feel as I feel, I invite you to stand with me and millions of others like us--patriotic Americans who believe in the Founding Principles of this nation and the vision of its Fathers--people who are willing to risk their honor, their fortunes, and th ...
An all-out war on patriotic Americans has been going on for a long time now. But, the poisonous rhetoric that we're hearing from the Leftist usurpers of our nation has reached new lows. They're now calling anyone who isn't marching in lockstep with their warped ideologies a "terroris ...
The Federal Reserve System is a strange creature it's easier to say what it is not than what it is. Most people think it's a government agency. It is not. Those who have studied it say it is a private banking corporation, but it's not really a private corporation either. It's a hybrid and ...
It's amazing how the global elite publish entire books describing their evil plans to destroy America, and to enslave humanity under the jackboot of a one-world Technocratic government which will be controlled by and for their own benefit. Yet, they've been doing so for more than 100 year ...
This is a great Freedom Movement Music Video that was written by Robert F. Kennedy Jr, and performed by Grant Ellman at a massive rally that was held in Washington D.C. to protest the unconstitutional COVID tyranny and mandates we Americans were made subject to for two years. It's a very ...
This is a hidden camera interview with Christpher Cole, an FDA official who heads up that agency's Countermeasures Initiatives. He plays a key role in ensuring that drugs, vaccines, and other measures are approved for use by the FDA. He made shocking revelations to an undercover reporter ...
This is a powerful documentary explaining facts which are never provided to you by the lamestream media, which spend 100% of its time acting as a propaganda arm of Slavery, Inc., a multi-national corporation that's owned and operated for the exclusive benefit of its shareholders, the thir ...
This is a documentary that's designed to help break people out of their mass delusional psychosis, so they can see the big picture, and help take our world back. It's an excellent, well-researched film that reminds you of all of the lies that you told, and then later psychologically condi ...
Our Marxist education, media, and entertainment systems tell us what the world is and what the world isn't. They tell us what is right; what is wrong; what to believe; who to love; who to hate; and what it is that we should fear. However, when you're able to break its hypnotic grip these ...
In actuality, American history is far different from the way it has been presented in modern schools or portrayed on the big screen. What little the average citizen does know mainly comes from what he or she sees in Hollywood movies. However, Hollywood has a tendency to finance and promot ...
We call our country the "Land of The Free and The Home of The Brave." But who's feeling brave and free today, in the midst of this worldwide COVID-19 psychological warfare campaign that's being waged against us? So far, Americans have permitted Totalitarians, most of whom were n ...
We must look at history, and pay close attention to the current political trends in America; trends that also occurred in other countries that fell into fascism. The National Socialists/Zionists (the "Nazis") who took over the political and economic order in Germany are a good e ...
This classic 2011 documentary has been shared across the Internet for years, waking people up the reality of the socially-engineered world that we live in. Of course, it's banned on CIA-hatched Web sites like YouTube and Fakebook now. So I thought I would share it here, just to give them ...
Free market capitalism shouldn't be condemned for today's economic problems, since we haven't had free market capitalism for more than 100 years, when the Money Masters seized control of our nation's Monetary System. What was once the level playing field of a free market; an American Syst ...
We live in extraordinary times with billions bewildered, and billions of people are seeking answers about what is happening. David Icke, the man who has been proved right again and again, has spent 30 years uncovering the truth behind world affairs and in a stream of previous books he pre ...
You need to understand that the COVID-19 PSYOP and the worldwide political and economic takeover that it provided cover for is the path that leads towards destruction of Western civilization and the creation of a global, Technocratic police state in which there will be no place for indivi ...
"Soon, every American will be required to register their biological property in a national system designed to keep track of the people and that will operate under the ancient system of pledging. By such methodology, we can compel people to submit to our agenda, which will effect our ...
At the end of of the 19th Century, a man named Sigmund Freud sought to understand the human mind, and how it worked. After many years of research, he developed a theory that would eventually change the course of human history. He said that human beings were primarily governed by primitive ...
The mainstream propaganda media tells us what the world is and what the world isn't. It tells us what is right; what is wrong; what to believe; who to love; who to hate; and what is that we should fear. However, when you're able to break its hypnotic grip on your consciousness and take a ...
A 2014 Cambridge University study analyzed 1,779 policy issues passed in the federal government in order to analyze the state of Democracy in America. Here's what they said: "What do our findings say about democracy in America? They certainly constitute troubling news for advocates o ...
Since 1908, the Thirteen Families have been using their network of private non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to hijack our government, education, media, and healthcare institutions and socially-engineer our society. This is not a "conspiracy theory," it's a well documented f ...
On 4/23/2023, Tucker Carlson provided the Keynote Address at the Heritage Foundation's 50th Anniversary Celebration. He did NOT disappoint. I believe this speech will be seen as a turning point in the Great Awakening that's FINALLY happening now in America, an awakening that's been long o ...
This is an exclusive two hour interview with Alex Jones conducted by Del Bigtree of TheHighWire on September 19, 2022. During this interview, Alex lays out the evidence that he is being targeted for persecution by a multitude of deep state actors who hope to squelch his voice of resistanc ...
Royce White has a deep understanding of the Technocratic slave state that the thirteen [central banking] families have been building for us to live in for the past 100 plus years. A former NBA basketball player who was railroaded out of the league because he fearlessly stood his ground ag ...
Fluoridation amounts to forced medication of the water supply. Such practices demonstrate a complete lack of ethics on the part of its promoters. Studies as early the 1930s showed extreme hazards to man and the environment due to fluoride dumping and exposure. Companies and organizations ...
Fluoridegate is a documentary that reveals the tragedy of how the United States government, industry, and trade associations protect and promote a policy known to cause harm to our country and especially small children, who suffer more than any other segment of the population. While the b ...
The Great Culling of the human population has quietly begun. It's not only the so-called genetic mutagens they are pushing on humanity right now as "vaccines," it's always been our food and and water supplies. Especially our public water supplies, which have been poisoned for de ...
I see no reason to treat Russia with any animosity. What's happening in Ukraine is a Slavic Civil War happening 6,000 miles away, which does not affect American national security in any way.
It seems to me that if Russia, along with several Eastern-block countries, say a Warsaw Pact, e ...
Supporting a criminal war against Russia, which is now being orchestrated and promoted by NATO, the CIA, the IMF, the World Economic Forum, the same group of despots who brought you this COVID-19 PSYOP doesn't make you a patriot. It makes you a useful idiot of the same unelected globalist ...
The current crisis in Ukraine are the direct result of decades of political maneuvering by the CIA, NATO, and by globalist billionaires like George Soros and the NGOs that they fund. Just like they funded and promoted the BLM/Antifa Color Revolution here in the U.S. in order to fragment o ...
Not only were the bloody and violent BLM/Antifa riots of 2020 organized and funded by the far-Left billionaire, George Soros, his tax-exempt Open Society Foundations have funded the destabilization of entire governments and economies throughout the world, including our own. The organizati ...
Royce White has a deep understanding of the Technocratic slave state that the thirteen [central banking] families have been building for us to live in for the past 100 plus years. A former NBA basketball player who was railroaded out of the league because he fearlessly stood his ground ag ...
Crops grown from genetically modified seeds are destroying agriculture and the health of the American people. Our food supply is being permanently tainted by the widespread cultivation of genetically-modified (GMO) food crops.
Right now, the health of the American people is being sacr ...
No wonder JFK said he wanted to break the CIA into a thousand pieces. It's a rogue agency, ran by and for criminals. The CIA not only participated in the assassination, which was orchestrated by LBJ, they also participated in the cover-up that ensued after Kennedy's murder, and then carri ...
The Assassination of John F. Kennedy was not the random act of a lone malcontent, devoid of meaning. It was a coup d'état by orchestrated by then Vice-President, Lyndon Baines Johnson, and carried out by CIA agents from behind the picket fence of Dealy Plaza, and by his own personal hitm ...
By 2019, America was an energy independent nation. We were no longer had to rely upon energy imports from any other country. In fact, we were exporting surplus oil to other countries. We have unlimited amounts of oil in the ground, and about a 1,000 years worth of clean-burning Bauxite co ...
Royce White has a deep understanding of the Technocratic slave state that the thirteen [central banking] families have been building for us to live in for the past 100 plus years. A former NBA basketball player who was railroaded out of the league because he fearlessly stood his ground ag ...
Through my research, I discovered there are thousands of documents that the government won't release to the American people concerning the assassination of our president. If Oswald really did it, if the Warren Commission's findings were 100% accurate, what purpose does it serve to conceal ...
The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie, but the myth: persistent, persuasive, and unrealistic. Such is the case with JFK Assassination, which was not the act of a crazed lone gunman, but a coup d'état that was orchestrated by the criminal vice president, Lyndon Baines Joh ...
The forces that were responsible the death of JFK continue to exert their malevolent influence upon America to this day. It was a coup d'état, orchestrated and covered up by LBJ on behalf of the real power in this world the central banking families, the Money Masters, who Kennedy opposed ...
Lyndon Johnson had two choices in 1963: make a bold move for the White House, or get thrown in the Big House. Since the coup d'état that was the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, which history proves LBJ orchestrated, the Leftists have managed to invert our society, and transfo ...
For Christopher Fulton, the journey began with the death of Evelyn Lincoln, the secretary to President John F. Kennedy. Upon her death, she provided crucial evidence that directly linked Lyndon Johnson (LBJ) to the assassination of our President on November 22, 1963, which was much more t ...
Owing to the many federal records that have been released over the years relating to the Kennedy assassination, especially through the efforts of the Assassination Records Review Board in the 1990s, many Americans are now aware of the war that was being waged between the Kennedy family an ...
President John F. Kennedy stood up for America and took on the Thirteen Families who own and/or control this broken world like no other President since Abraham Lincoln. For example, on June 4, 1963, he signed Executive Order 11110, which would have basically stripped the Federal Reserve, ...
What a tangled web the Biden crime family weaves. A thorough examination of the facts reveals that Hunter Biden is not only connected to the illegal biological weapons labs in Ukraine that are producing and storing dangerous pathogens that could be released on an unsuspecting public, or a ...
This is the story of Israel's attack on the USS Liberty in 1967. In an effort to bring America into their war with their Arab neighbors, the LBJ administration and the Israeli government staged a false flag air and sea attack against one of our Naval reconnaissance ships, which was unarme ...
If you ever wanted to know what it's like to live in a Communist society, like the Technocratic New World Order society that humanity is currently being hered into, where you remain under constant surveillance by a Leftist Totalitarian government, then you should watch this classic movie. ...
Great filmmakers always try to teach their audience a lasting and worthwhile moral lesson. Such is the case with this short film that was made in 2008 by Sean Stone, and quite prophetically, I might add, because it deals with exactly what were going through right now as a society dealing ...
Bill Gates: Making a Killing. In addition to using the billions of dollars of Microsoft profits that he funnels into his tax-free shelter, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation as a tool to exercise control over WHO, UNICEF, GAVI and PATH, and the NIH, Gates funds private pharmaceutical ...
Revealing Ukraine is the sequel to the Oliver Stone documentary Ukraine of Fire. It further investigates the ongoing Ukrainian crisis, and the truth behind the scenes about what's really been going on there over the past 20 years leading up to this current conflict. It also analyzes the s ...
If you were to ask ten people on the street if mankind was causing global warming, at least eight out of ten would say yes. After all, Al Gore’s Inconvenient Truth provides incontrovertible "evidence" that this is the case. Yet, contrary to what is heard in the mainstream prop ...
Dr. Rima Laibow, M.D., a medical doctor who cared for royalty and heads of state throughout the world came out in 2009 and warned the world on Jessie Ventura's show, Conspiracy Theory, that she had learned that the Thirteen Families who have long owned and/or controlled this world through ...
The meaning of the term "affirmative action" has changed dramatically over the last six decades. Although it first showed up in the Wagner Act in 1935, it was John F. Kennedy who started it on its modern trajectory in 1961 when he issued an executive order holding that the feder ...
One of the saddest lessons of history is when people have been lied to long enough by institutions they have been conditioned to trust, they tend to reject any evidence of those lies. They get to where they are no longer interested in finding out the truth. The lies have captured them. Ev ...
21 February, 2023: Tucson, Arizona -- Amendments to the World Health Organization (WHO) International Health Regulations (IHR) giving WHO Director General nearly unlimited transnational powers are slated for adoption by the World Health Assembly.
These highly impactful amendments were ...
International Law Attorney Dr. Francis Boyle, who is a professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law, and the man who wrote the U.S. Anti-Biological Terrorism Act, which is now Law, is one of the foremost experts on biological weapons in the world. In this in ...
The fraudulent monetary system that we live under amounts to a system of modern slavery. Think about it. Since our currency is no longer based upon anything of genuine value such as gold and silver, as it was prior to 1933, all money is created solely from debt, and every Dollar equals on ...
This is a great 3D animated short film by Oleg Kuznetsov that shows you what life will be like in the very near future if the thirteen Edomite central banking families who own and/or control this world are able to fully implement the plans that they have been making for over a hundred yea ...
Unless you have been in a coma, or you're one of those people who watches mainstream news propaganda for any other purpose than to simply monitor enemy communications, then you probably already know that the thirteen Edomite central banking families who own and/or control this world after ...
There is no moral or Constitutional justification for taking money from your neighbor in order to pay for what other citizens can't afford, or to support the drunken spending a criminal, illegitimate, and predatory government which long ago broke away its Constitutional restraints. With o ...
By now everyone has seen crisscrossing streaks of white clouds trailing behind jet aircraft, stretching from horizon to horizon, eventually turning the sky into a murky haze. Our instincts tell us that these are not mere condensation trails from jet engines, and we'd be right. Condensatio ...
They'll silence you, they'll hurt you, they'll lie to you, they'll burn your country down, and they'll even cheat in order get their candidates into office. So, the question is, how should we respond to this giant, worldwide Communist takeover? Well, that's easy. We must respond with cour ...
We've long passed the tenth anniversary of "Climategate" - the release of thousands of emails to and from climate scientists who had been (and still are) collaborating and colluding to create a manmade climate crisis that exists in their minds and computer models, but not in the ...
We've long passed the tenth anniversary of "Climategate" - the release of thousands of emails to and from climate scientists who had been (and still are) collaborating and colluding to create a manmade climate crisis that exists in their minds and computer models, but not in the ...
In 2013, Reality Analyst and Populist Movement leader, Alex Jones delivered let go with an impressive rant on when he the CIA News Network's "Piers Morgan Tonight" propaganda show aimed at low IQ, Low information viewers, which is CNN's average viewer demographic. The Briitish R ...
The Second Amendment wasn't added to the Constitution in order to protect our hunting rights, or to protect our right to defend ourselves from a personal attacker. To the Founders, those kind of things went without saying. It was their fear of government tyranny that led them to guarantee ...
History teaches us that every evil tyrant who has ever left the filthy imprint of his boot upon the face of humanity first had to promulgate laws which were aimed at disarming the people of his country. Hitler did it, Stalin did it, Mao did it, as well as many others. Why? Because they al ...
A small group of 9/11 Widows, who later became known as the "Jersey Girls," and their allies -- the 9/11 Families Steering Committee, fought a reluctant White House for more than a year before it would begin an investigation into 9/11.
Finally, when the 9/11 Commission invest ...
Loose Change 9/11 examines the September 11 attacks, showing how various elements within the US government were involved in its planning and execution. Through interviews with various witnesses and experts alongside analysis of news footage, the film proves that the official version of ev ...
911 Mysteries is a documentary that explains what really happened on that fateful day. It systematically deconstructs all of the propaganda you have heard about the twin towers, and replaces it with facts. It provides a detailed analysis of Fox News’ daily programming and minute-by-minu ...
Hear testimony from highly credentialed scientists, engineers, and military experts, including Dr. Robert Bowman, Dr. Lynn Margulis, Dr. Neils Harrit, David Chandler, and many more. This expert testimony is interwoven with analyses by social scientists who examine the psychological impact ...
The American System of economics, which our nation foolishly abandoned in 1913, acknowledges the fact that a strong and independent country's economic system must be a selfish one. After all, a nation that pays foreigners to buy food and consumer goods which it can readily produce itself ...
From sacred mathematics to ancient symbolism, the fingerprints of secret societies are hidden everywhere in plain site. Through the exploration of national monuments like those found in Washington D.C. and other art and architecture throughout the world, this documentary uncovers the hidd ...
Since 1873, the global elite have held secret annual meetings in the ancient Redwood Forest of Northern California. Members of the so-called Bohemian Club include former presidents Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, HW Bush, Clinton, GW Bush, and scores of other influential political and corporat ...
There is no doubt that there was a great deal of occult influence guiding the layout and design of our nation's capitol. Given the fact that most of the Founding Fathers were Freemasons, that occult influence was, of course, Freemasonry. Therefore, they intentionally designed that city to ...
This is an expansive documentary that summarizes decades of debate about what really happened on 9/11. All the most important issues in the debate are presented in full detail, showing both the positions of both those who reject the fictional narrative, and the positions of those within t ...
Made in 1969 by G. Edward Griffin, a man who has been a leader in the Freedom Movement since 1950, his classic documentary traces the history of a small group of thirteen Edomite central banking families who seized control the world's entire monetary system in 1913. It shows how the unlim ...
In 2014, the Obama administration placed a moratorium on Gain-of-function (GOF) viral research in the United States. However, instead of ending such research, Anthony Fauci (NIAID) and Frances Collins (NIH) conspired together to simply move that research to the Wuhan Institute of Virology ...
If I knew someone who is totally clueless about the plans of the global elite to exterminate more than 90% of humanity before 2030, and to herd the few who remain after that Great Culling and genetic modification into the Technocratic feedlot they call the New World Order, it would be thi ...
Humanity has reached a tipping point. Mad scientists have developed technology so dangerous and so effective that it can destroy the human race. Today, science operates with total disregard for ethics and the future of human life on Earth. In fact, most scientist who work in the nanotechn ...
Like he's always done, Ron Paul speaks truth to power in this interview with Kitco.
He comments on the Ukraine situation, and weighs in on the financial crisis that faces our nation, which has been caused by the insane borrowing and spending by the criminal, illegitimate federal governme ...
This is an inspiring documentary that gives you the unvarnished truth regarding the history of the King James Bible.
Few people understand that a centuries old battle was waged between the Catholic Church and anyone or any group who attempted to produce an English version of the Bible ...
This is a video remix of a famous radio broadcast made by the legendary Paul Harvey in 1965. It seems extremely prescient to the age that we Americans now live in. It's really amazing to realize how he prophesied what the future spiritual condition of America would be if we continued down ...
This documentary explores Bible prophecy concerning the last days and the kingdom of Antichrist, tracking the history of the New World Order from the pages of Scripture through the Globalist New World Order revolution that is sweeping the world. Popular subjects in this film include the p ...
Two economists; two schools of thought. Who will emerge the winner of this epic battle? What's at stake? Everything! This is the Fight of The Century.
If we are ever to regain our lost Liberty and prosperity, we must abolish the Federal Reserve and the entire fiat-money system, coupled ...
The great economic fight continues. Keynes vs. Hayek, Second Round. It's time to weigh-in. Will it be more of the same, or something sound?
Many people want to blame Free Market Capitalism for today's economic problems. But, genuine Free Market Capitalism has not existed in America sin ...
As a Christian, are you really certain that you will be "raptured" before the Tribulation as the pastors of most mega churches funded by Rockefeller's World Council of Churches teach? Perhaps you should think again. For the first 1,800 years of Christianity, pre-Tribulation Rapt ...
Either it is a giant coincidence that the unelected global elite are implementing a plan to accomplish all of the anti-human, anti-nature, anti-God, anti-freedom goals for human civilization that were the stated goals of psychopaths like Bertrand Russell and others like him, or they read ...
While the Democrats of today have been completely absorbed into the Collectivist ideologies of the New World Order, even in the 1980's you had great men like the Democratic U.S. Congressman from Georgia, Larry McDonald who recognized who the architects of this anti-human, anti-freedom, an ...
This is a clip of Fauci admitting that getting infected, and thereby achieving Natural Immunity is better than ANY vaccine.
It's amazing how Fauci flip-flops on the most important issues with regard to the Plandemic. He flip-flopped on masks, which have long been known to be ineffectiv ...
There is a broad scholarly consensus that the final edits that were done to the Hebrew scriptures occurred sometime during the 6th Century BCE with the agenda of turning all of the ancient stories contained therein, many of which are based entirely on Sumerian stories that predate the Bib ...
Because We The People failed to rise up against the COVID-19 PSYOP and the worldwide political and economic takeover by the unelected elite, and the thirteen [Edomite] central banking families whom they work for, the collapse of civilization as we once knew it, is now imminent.
In thi ...
This is an extensive lecture by Professor Robert Eisenman, who is one of the foremost experts on the origins of the world's three major religions. He's also an expert on the Dead Sea Scrolls and religious texts. He has published three expansive and best-selling books on these subjects, on ...
The criminal, illegitimate federal government wants us to believe that drinking hydrofluorosilicic acid and sodiumsilico fluoride, two highly toxic industrial pollutants which are added to public water supplies under the cloak of "public water fluoridation," is meant to protect ...
Nearly everyone is familiar with holograms, the three-dimensional images projected into space with the aid of a laser. Two of the world's most eminent physicists believe that the universe itself may be a giant hologram, quite literally, a kind of image or construct created, at least in pa ...
The Trap: What it is. How it works, and how we can escape the illusions.
David Icke has been writing books for decades warning that current events were coming. He has faced ridicule and abuse for saying that the end of human freedom was being planned, how, and by whom. His book, " ...
This is Dr. Peter McCullough's full lecture regarding the COVID-19 PSYOP, which he presented at the Abilene Wellness Summit on April 1, 2023. It's a must watch for anyone who wants the raw, uncensored [peer reviewed] medical facts and official statistics summarizing what is currently know ...
This is a short, 10-minute montage containing all of the finer points a justifiably angry public could point to regarding the greatest crime ever that's ever been perpetrated on humanity in all of human history--the COVID-19 PSYOP. It culminates in a poem that was written by Margaret Anna ...
Unless you've been completely brainwashed by the false historical narratives that we are fed to you 24/7/365 by the forces of evil that have completely taken over ALL [formerly] European societies over the past 150 years, then you too cannot help to notice that every one of those societie ...
We have been conditioned over the years to believe that during the Second World War the Germans and Japanese were the only ones capable of atrocities whilst 'our boys' were good, moral upstanding people who would never dream in a million years of committing immoral and repugnant acts or s ...
This is a fantastic Italian documentary with English subtitles that exposes like few others have, the REAL source of man-made "climate change," which is not the Gas of Life, carbon dioxide, nor the methane produced by cow farts, nor the nitrogen in a farmer's fertilizer. That's ...
Right now, under the guise of preventing TikTok from adversely affecting Americans, the criminal, illegitimate government in D.C. is considering a Bill known as S. 686 - RESTRICT Act, which would set up a surveillance state panopticon, the likes of which could potentially make innocent, e ...
I like listening to what old Americans have to say about history. Especially folks like Eustace Mullins (1923 - 2010) who was a researcher, forensic historian, and a genuine American patriot who authored at least seven books, some of which you can find on the Network still, fee of charge. ...
When you or I write a check or use a debit card there must be sufficient funds in our account to cover the check. However, when the privately-owned Federal Reserve writes a check in order to buy U.S. Treasury Bonds, which is how the U.S. government has funds its never ending expansion an ...
The problem with our Monetary System is that it's a debt-based system. All of our money is based on government debt, not on anything of real value. We cannot extinguish government debt without extinguishing our money supply. That’s why talk of paying off the national debt, without refor ...
Artificial fear, promulgated by a controlled media has always been the tool that's used by despotic governments such as ours to herd human beings into some new and more stricter paradigm of control. All you have to do is look backwards in our own country's dark history in order to verify ...
Unless you have been in a coma for the past 21 years, then you too probably recognize that we have been in a war--a war in which We the People of this country have been treated as the enemy of the criminal, illegitimate government that currently rules over us from the District of Criminal ...
One would have to be willfully gullible, unstudied, or incredibly naïve to believe that societies are not engineered. Of course, they are. Just like anything else that's important, societies have always been planned. This COVID-19 PSYOP and worldwide political takeover operation that it ...
When you're watching this compilation of Fauci's never-ending string of lies and contradictions, which are a matter of historic record, by the way, you should bear in mind that Fauci was the tip of the spear of the unlawful development of the SARS-CoV-2 virus (the virus that allegedly cau ...
A war is currently being waged against humanity, and the type of unconventional warfare that's being waged against us that can be best described as "5th Generation Warfare."
In this interview, Dr. Robert Malone MD, MS, an expert in medicine and science, will explain the scope ...
Anytime the criminals who now rule over us want to create a new Bogeyman in order to frighten the public into submission, and herd us into the direction they want us to go, is claim that humanity is threatened by some new retrovirus such as HIV, H1N1, SARS-CoV-2, or the like. However, you ...
At one time Climatology was a science. Today it has become a cult-like pseudo-religion for people who have no other. Its tenets are based upon scientific fraud, and its high priests are criminals who ought to be thrown in prison, just like the architects of the COVID-19 PSYOP should be, f ...
In this video a Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) consultant, Dr. James Giodarno is captured on hidden camera lecturing to a group of eager, young military types about new technologies which have been developed by DARPA. These technologies are designed to abolish the free ...
Day by day, year by year, events are unfolding according to a multi-generational plan that was made over 240 years-ago by a small group of Freemasons who called themselves "The Illuminati" (the enlightened ones), but those men weren't really enlightened at all. They're were simp ...
Transcript of 1967 audio recording, entitled Illuminati C.F.R., by Myron C. Fagan (1887-1972)
[Part 1]
The question of how and why the United Nations is the crux of the great conspiracy to destroy the sovereignty of the United States and the enslavement of the American people within ...
This classic documentary, which was made by Jason Burmas after the 9/11 PSYOP, exposes the secret plan to enslave humanity by the Thirteen Families who own and/or control this word through their hegemonic control of our monetary system, media, education system, and governments. It chronic ...
The whole BLM/Antifa uprising that we witnessed in 2020 is just a modern-day manifestation of the tried and true Marxist revolutionary formula devised by the Bolsheviks in order to destabilize any society that they wish to conquer.
First, the Leftists, the folks who are falsely-labele ...
Americans are not responsible for anything bad that ever happened to the Jews, and therefore we shouldn't have our speech infringed upon when speaking about that or any other religious group.
My Grandfather fought the Nazis, and his sacrifices ultimately led to the liberation of the 40 ...
It's a well-known fact that there is a HUGE crisis in science now. Scores of investigative articles have been about the topic. In fact, only 36% of scientific experiments can be replicated by other scientists. However, two areas of science where fraudulent conclusions have been sold to th ...
A Pfizer Research Director was caught on hidden camera telling an undercover reporter that the pharmaceutical giant is actively "directing the evolution" of the virus which causes the mild-moderate flu-like illness known as COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2), but is also developing new virus ...
This is a deep dive into the COVID-19 PSYOP by Stew Peters and Dr. Bryan Ardis, M.D., who discovered through his research that the SARS-CoV-2 virus which was developed at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, and The University of Texas-Galveston labs, ...
Stew Peters appeared on the Alex Jones Show on Feb 20, 2023, in order to point out to everyone that sufficient evidence currently exists within the public domain to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt in a Court of Law that the COVID-19 PSYOP was single greatest crime ever committed against ...
There's a very reason that carbon dioxide (CO₂) is called the "Gas of Life." Because it is. In fact, it's one of the four main building blocks of life. Without CO₂ all life on Earth would cease to exist. Too much carbon dioxide? Bravo Sierra! Plants can't get enough of it, w ...
This great documentary by Mike Adams reveals how the globalists are trying to ban and/or control [and ultimately monetize through a derivatives-style monetization scheme] the key elements of life, but not just CARBON, but OXYGEN and NITROGEN too.
Marching in lockstep with their diabol ...
This video documentary exposes the role of Dr. Anthony Fauci, Big Pharma, Big Tech, and Big Government in perpetrating the most egregious crime that's ever been committed against humanity in recorded history. Watch it now for free and spread the word to those you love. Nuremberg 2.0 shoul ...
This is a great documentary about the History of Communism that was made back in 1965 by G. Edward Griffin and Ronald Reagan. They walk you through methods that have been used by the Communists to overthrow societies like ours. Sure. We just don't call them Commies anymore. We call them & ...
There are thousands of documents related to the JFK assassination that the government still won't release to the American people even though they have been ordered by an Act of Congress to do so before 2017.
If Oswald really did it, if the Warren Commission's findings were accurate, t ...
In January of 2017, just before Trump took office, Anthony Fauci announced to the world that the Trump Administration would face a "surprise pandemic." A few months later, he along with the World Economic Forum, the CIA, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and other globali ...
I see no reason to treat Russia with any animosity. What's happening in Ukraine is a Slavic Civil War happening 6,000 miles away, which does not affect American national security in any way.
It seems to me that if Russia, along with several Eastern-bloc countries, say a Warsaw Pact, e ...
In order for our collective reality to experience specific timelines and versions of reality that the ruling class want us to accept, they need to mold our free will in a way that forces us to consent to their evil deeds. And they don't care whether we hand our free will over to them cons ...
The extraordinarily precise fine tuning of our universe, which defies the notion that this all happened by chance, and which appears to be aimed at supporting intelligent life on our planet rather than any other in the universe, points to the existence of fine tuner. In fact, it demands a ...
You would either have to be ignorant or stupid to not see the writing on the walls. Since 1971, the Dollar has been backed by nothing of tangible value. It's only been backed up by the threat that our military would invade your country and destroy it if you failed to recognize it as the s ...
I understand your initial skepticism. I too am an American who has been bombarded all my life with the notion that the universe simply emerged spontaneously from nothing, and that everything that we see around us, including all life, came from that nothing in some unguided and materialist ...
This is a staggering thought. We are completely dependent on the commercial banks. Someone has to borrow every dollar we have in circulation, cash or credit. If the banks create ample synthetic money we are prosperous; if not, we starve.
We are absolutely without an honest monetary sy ...
The oligarchs have been working hard to enslave humanity for more than a hundred years now, and their plan to do so is a simple one. Using their hegemonic control of the world's financial and political systems, they have been implementing a multi-generational plan to remove their greatest ...
"We're all Jews now," said Dr. Vladamir "Zev" Zalenko, M.D. when summarizing the COVID-19 PSYOP humanity has been enduring for the past three years. In fact, when you look at the mind-boggling numbers, more people have been murdered by the man-made SARS-CoV-2 virus, wh ...
We have been lied to about many things in history, but one of the most egregious and monumental lies that we've been told by our criminal, illegitimate federal government for almost 80 years now is that Adolph Hitler committed suicide on April 30, 1945 in the Führerbunker, in Berlin, Ger ...
There is not even one narrative that's been pushed by the FAKEstream media over the past 22 years that has not been proven to be false. That includes such outlets as FOX news as well, which pretends to be a bastion of muckraking journalism and a megaphone of Conservative ideals but is rea ...
The climate change movement is part and parcel of a larger, radical Left-wing ideology known as "Wokeism." It is both unscientific and unnecessarily alarmist, stoking public fears in the public's mind in order to herd society in a particular political direction (see the Hegelian ...
When I was still an Atheist, which is what our Sovietized education system and popular culture is designed to produce, I saw planet Earth as being one of probably billions of planets just like it all over the universe. I saw the Sun as being just an average undistinguished star. When I lo ...
In this Google Talk, Author Alex Epstein makes a solid case for the continued use of what he mistakenly refers to as "fossil fuels," a term that was invented by John D. Rockefeller in the late 19th century in order to promote the idea of artificial scarcity (see my video here ab ...
Isn't it ironic that now, just as the Judeo-Christian roots from which Western civilization grew have been almost completely hacked away by the atheistic materialists who have been chopping at those roots using Darwin's axe for the past 150 years, scientists are finally realizing that the ...
This video unpacks all of the latest information regarding this worldwide, Globalist takeover and depopulation operation that has been the COVID-19 PSYOP.
You'll hear lots of useful information that you're probably not already aware of. It exposes the propaganda that's being spread by ...
Fossils are some of the rarest things to find on Earth. Just ask any archeologist, geologist, or anthropologist who look for them every day. Bacteria, and the weather make quick work of any living that dies on Earth. Therefore, just based upon the simplest of logic, you want me to believe ...
The myth of anthropogenic global warming (now called "climate change" by the radical Left when that lie was exposed) and the so-called "solutions" that are currently being proposed by the proponents of that fictitious and fraudulent hypothesis is one of the biggest con ...
Few media outlets are doing as good a job as TheHighWire at bringing the facts, not only about the chronic wrongdoing and corruption within our nation's healthcare and food industries, and within the myriad of government agencies that are tasked with regulating those industries, but about ...
One would have to be willfully gullible, unstudied, or incredibly naïve to believe that societies are not engineered. Of course they are. Just like anything else that's important, societies have always been planned. This COVID-19 PSYOP and worldwide political takeover operation that it p ...
This is a must watch video of Dr. Michael Yeadon's testimony before the German Corona Committee. Dr. Yeadon is perhaps one of the most pre-eminent Toxicologists and Pharmacologists in the world.
Despite the fact that he worked as Chief Science Officer at Pfizer, he does not believe th ...
One of the saddest lessons of history is when people have been lied to long enough by institutions they have been conditioned to trust, they tend to reject any evidence of those lies. They get to where they are no longer interested in finding out the truth. The lies have captured them. Ev ...
While the Democrats of today have been completely absorbed into the Collectivist ideologies of the New World Order, even in the 1980's you had great men like the Democratic U.S. Congressman from Georgia, Larry McDonald who recognized who the architects of this anti-human, anti-freedom, an ...
Author and human origins researcher Lloyd Pye presents a well-researched, fact-based, clearly expressed, and solidly defendable presentation of an entirely new position regarding the origins of life, and more importantly, human life, on planet Earth.
The origin of life, particularly hu ...
When you really take a close look at the world from a rational and fact-based perspective, what you see is that, from almost every viewpoint that Leftists most often point to as a source of impending doom for humanity--issues like poverty, hunger, climate, etc. those things have actually ...
Near the end of the last ice age, 12,800 years ago (10800 BC), a giant comet entered the solar system from deep space, which had thousands of years earlier broke into multiple fragments, forming what we now call the Taurids. Some of these large mile-plus wide comet fragments struck the Ea ...
It's time to bring down the house of cards by exposing the largest and most deadly criminal organization on the planet. Mark Howitt presents some of the most important problems that threaten the human race and explains solutions that are simple and achievable for everyone in the world. Ea ...
Mankind has been under constant attack by the ruling class since Darwin published his "Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life" book that was published in 1859. Later, in 1883, his cousin, Francis Galton, fu ...
If you ever wanted to know what it's like to live in a Communist society, like the Technocratic New World Order society that humanity is currently being hered into, where you remain under constant surveillance by a Leftist Totalitarian government, then you should watch this classic movie. ...
As I'm sure you are aware, modern devices such as your cell phone are now specifically designed to interact with us in ways that mimic a real human being. Applications such as Siri, which was a taxpayer-funded AI project that was simply handed over to Apple for free, are providing the use ...
This documentary was made possible by thousands of people who submitted their warning signs that a societal collapse is near. Each of these warning signs on their own may not have a lot of meaning, but together they paint a complete picture of America’s dismal future. It's a must see fo ...
The rise of Monotheism has transformed the world, and at the helm of that transformation is the ancient Near-East deity, YHWH (a.k.a. "Yahweh"). But, how did YHWH, who once was only a minor [warrior & storm] god among many other Canaanite gods, become the ONE AND ONLY God f ...
In an era where the boundaries between science, spirituality, and personal experience blur, one film has dared to challenge our perceptions, expand our minds, and invite us into a profound dialogue about the nature of reality. "What the Bleep Do We Know!?" isn't just a documenta ...
For over 100 years now the criminal, illegitimate federal government in D.C. rests its authority to collect income tax on the 16th Amendment to the Constitution, a.k.a., the "Federal Income Tax Amendment," which was allegedly ratified in 1913. After an extensive year-long nation ...
In this video, Jordan B. Peterson engages the best-selling science writer, Matt Ridley in an extremely interesting discussion about the origins of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which is still an unanswered question that both the controlled mainstream media and our government seem only to ignore.
A 2014 Cambridge University study analyzed 1,779 policy issues passed in the federal government in order to analyze the state of Democracy in America. Here's what they said: "What do our findings say about democracy in America? They certainly constitute troubling news for advocates o ...
What happened on January 6, 2021 was part of a well prepared contingency plan by Leftists on both sides of the two-party trap to disrupt President Trump’s chances of contesting the Presidential election, which was riddled with fraud and even foreign influence from China.
This year a ...
Supporting a criminal war against Russia, which is now being orchestrated and promoted by NATO, the CIA, the IMF, the World Economic Forum, the same group of despots who brought you this COVID-19 PSYOP doesn't make you a patriot. It makes you a useful idiot of the same unelected globalist ...
Cybernetics is the system of human control that is based on the collection, manipulation, and use of data in order to manage and control human beings. China has already implemented such a system with its Social Credit Scoring System and digital currency system. Likewise, we too are slated ...
Many Americans would love to hear an honest and open conversation about the topics of race and gender in this country. These topics are treated as taboo by academia and the mainstream propaganda media, unless you embrace the "Woke" view that's being crammed down the throat of Am ...
The human body, as well as all other life forms on Earth, are extremely sensitive to pulsating electro-magnetic fields, whether that radiation is natural or artificially produced. The human body resonates at 7.83 Hz, just as all other life on Earth does. Even Sunspots, for instance, have ...
Humanity is in the midst of World Revolution, a quiet revolution launched against us by the global elite more than 100 years-ago. Since the beginning of the 20th Century, these demons have been using a wide range of methods to enslave humanity under the jackboot of a global, Technocratic ...
Unfortunately, most Americans have been successfully conditioned by the system that we were raised under to believe anything that we are told by any source of authority. Whether the information comes to us from our parents, our teachers, our government, or the mainstream propaganda media. ...
So, you don't believe that the criminals perched on top of America aren't criminals and Satan-worshiping pedophiles? You thought PizzaGate was a myth? Of course you do. Why? Because that's exactly what these Globalist demons want you to continue believing. But, wait until this documentary ...
At age 18, Barack Obama arrived at Occidental College a committed, revolutionary, and self-admitted, Islamic Marxist. What was the source of Obama's foundation in Marxism? Throughout his 2008 Presidential campaign and term in office, troubling questions have been raised regarding Barack O ...
We must look at history and pay close attention to the current political trends in America; trends that also occurred in other countries that fell into fascism. The National Socialists (Nazis) who took over the political and economic order in Germany are a good example of how totalitarian ...
Our Right to peacefully assemble together, as well as our Right to breathe a full breath of oxygen into our lungs, and to exhale however much carbon dioxide our bodies might then produce, as well as our right to be secure against arrest (being locked down by our government) without probab ...
If we don't rise to the occasion, and tear-out the ugly page of history that's unfolding right now, the Earth will soon be dominated by a tyrannical, one-world government, ran by and for the benefit of a tiny group of psychopaths. If we don't stop the Globalists who are seizing power righ ...
If we really want to understand the awful situation that we face as a nation, then we should take the time to listen to what wise old men like Russell Means have to say to America. Means explains how the U.S. government enslaved American Indians within a de facto prisoner of war system; a ...
There's basically two kinds of people in the world--collectivists and individualists. When a collectivist sees a problem, you're likely to hear him say, "they should do something about that," or "the government ought to pass a law to..." On the other hand, an individua ...
Welcome to the Neo-feudalistic (Hunger Games) society that the Edomite Banking Families have been planning for the rest of humanity to live in for the past 100 years. They call it their New World Order. Not only does this COVID-19 PSYOP and worldwide political takeover that it has provide ...
In the midst of this fraudulent pandemic, there has been a renewed call to look to the Constitution for answers. This is a smoke and mirrors solution that does not address the real problem. Constitutional rights do not exist, and if they did, those so-called rights would be worthless. Rig ...
Chemical/GMO-based farming is killing the Earth, the environment, and the animals and people living upon it. This is not hyperbole, folks. Outside the threat posed to America (and the rest of the world) by the criminal, illegitimate government that occupies the halls of power in D.C., thi ...
When the Protocols of The Meetings of The Zionist Men of Wisdom were first revealed to the world in 1905 by Russian Sergei Nilus, Freemasons and Zionist Jews everywhere screamed and complained that these 24 Protocols were a "hoax," a "forgery," even a "blood taint ...
Humanity has reached a tipping point. Mad scientists have developed technology so dangerous and so effective that it can destroy the human race. Today, science operates with total disregard for ethics and the future of human life on Earth. In fact, most scientist who work in the nanotechn ...
Jay Dyer reads difficult, thousand-page tomes written by the global elite, so you don't have to. Then, he breaks it all down for you in videos like this one where he explains the most important parts of the book in a way that's easy for anyone to comprehend. That way you too can understan ...
Unfortunately, the vast majority of [willfully ignorant] Americans look at what's been happening in our country since the end of WWII, and they just shrug their shoulders and assure themselves that the downfall of our society must have been organic thing; that it was just the way things p ...
From the days of Adam Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, to those of Trotsky, this ancient, worldwide conspiracy to overthrow our Judeo-Christian civilization and replace it with a Technocratic one-world government has been steadily gaining speed. It not only played a recognizable role in t ...
Like any other symbol, the so-called "peace symbol," has a specific meaning, and it's not the meaning that most people have been taught to believe. In its earliest forms, it was used by the Gothic people as a "death rune," which was carved on headstones as their symbol ...
BondsForTheWin is building a team of professionals to assist citizens just like you in obtaining and filing Surety Bond claims against public officials who break their oath of office. When a public servant who has taken an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution violates that Oath, he ...
America is facing an existential threat that has potentially catastrophic military, economic, political, and national security implications. That threat is the U.S. "trade relationship" with the regime ruling Communist China, a suicidal pact engineered by globalist schemers in W ...
America's single greatest foreign-policy challenge today is our relationship with Communist China. For over 40 years American presidents have stood by and watched while China has stolen our jobs and our military secrets. Bill Clinton actually gave them our missile secrets. From the brewin ...
With the way that social media algorithms are currently being manipulated by tech companies in ways that serve powerful institutional interests, many people fail to realize that the moral stances of popular culture are merely stances that further the agendas of corrupt corporations and go ...
A meeting of top Chinese Generals was convened in May of 2022 wherein they discussed what appears to be an invasion of America's West Coast sometime between June - November of 2022. Fortunately, someone was able to smuggle an audio recording of the meeting to us. The recording was transla ...
The ultimate weapon of disinformation, information operations, psychological warfare is "brainwashing." This documentary examines the twelve historically documented mass brainwashing tactics that have been actively used by Communists who now control our nation's government, scho ...
You will interact with many different social institutions throughout your life. But, there's one social institution that's unlike any other. One that either already possesses, or is always striving to possess a monopoly on the use of force and violence. This group, which is organized and ...
One of the hallmarks of a Totalitarianism government is their need to establish widespread conformity to a psychotic narrative, even if it's a totally delusional official narrative which has little or no connection to reality, or one which can easily be contradicted by a preponderance of ...
Jay Dyer summarizes the writings of the elite during the last century in order to explain their multi-generational plan to create a Fascist one-world government, administered by the United Nations, that they alone will control. This plan involves the promotion of two things- -a political ...
Technocracy is the science of social engineering and the Soviet-style economic system that's being crammed down the throat of the world by the thirteen central banking families, by and and through their Agents, who planned and carried out this COVID-19 PSYOP on their behalf. It's their go ...
This is the untold story of the laptop that exposes the dirtiest secrets of the Biden crime family.
When a drug-addled Hunter Biden abandoned his waterlogged computer at a Mac repair shop in Delaware in the spring of 2019, just six days before his father announced his candidacy for the ...
MKULTRA was a covert program set up by CIA director Allen Dulles in 1953 to research & develop new and more effective ways of controlling and manipulating human behavior. This program was uncovered by the US Senate during its Church Committee Investigation of the 1970s when American p ...
The mainstream propaganda media tells us what the world is and what the world isn't. It tells us what is right; what is wrong; what to believe; who to love; who to hate; and what is that we should fear. However, when you're able to break its hypnotic grip on your consciousness and take a ...
So, you think the global elite weren't behind this PLANdemic? Sure they were. This has been planned for many years. However, SARS-CoV-2 is nothing compared to the Hong Kong Flu, a virus that also came out of China in 1968. That virus was reported to have killed over 4 million people world ...
We're not really free. We're just spoon-fed the illusion of freedom in bites just large and tasty enough to keep us from rebelling against the oligarchs who rule over us. We're fed a lifelong buffet of lies and propaganda, along with a dessert of toxic chemicals, which they use to poison ...
Does it sometimes feel like you're surrounded by people who've been hypnotized in some way by this absurd COVID-19 narrative that we are being force fed 24/7/365? Well, maybe you are. Many experts like Mattias Desmet, Professor of Clinical Psychology at Ghent University in Belgium have co ...
I know that the mainstream propaganda media isn't telling you this, because that would be to give you a more proper perspective about what's going on, and that's definitely not their job. Their job during COVID-19 this PSYOP is to keep you as ignorant, confused, and fearful as possible, s ...
The former president of Fakebook, Sean Parker, says Fakebook was specifically designed to exploit several human psychological vulnerabilities, so that it can be used by the Deep State to hijack our minds and slowly and incrementally herd the American people into a Chinese style social cre ...
Fakebook was hatched by the Deep State. It was designed in the 70s by DARPA, and then handed over to Mark Zuckerberg while he was at Harvard as the part of a technology transfer the Deep State planned for whenever public Internet use became ubiquitous here in America. Yes, the CIA has a r ...
Imagine a world where many of your daily activities are constantly monitored and evaluated: what you buy online; where you are at any given time; who your friends are and what you said to them, and what you're searching for on Google (what you're thinking). It's not hard to picture this w ...
America's education system is in crisis, but not for the reasons that you might suppose. When you look at the subject closely at the issue, you see that the American people themselves have little or no influence over the type of education our kids receive. That's all decided by the by une ...
Notwithstanding the propaganda you were taught in the Communist slave training centers, commonly referred to as "public schools," CO₂ (carbon dioxide) is essential to all life on Earth, not a danger to it. CO₂ has always been called the "Gas of Life." Why is it cal ...
Both during and after the COVID Plandemic, we bore witness to loneliness, free-floating anxiety, and to fear, which gave way to censorship, loss of privacy, and surrendered freedoms. It was all spurred by a singular, focused crisis narrative that forbade dissident views and relied on fake ...
MK-ULTRA was a covert program set up by CIA director Allen Dulles in 1953 to research & develop new and more effective ways of controlling and manipulating human behavior. This program was uncovered by the US Senate during its Church Committee investigation of the 1970s when American ...
Out of Shadows is a documentary filmed and produced independently in order to shed light on the dark secrets of Hollywood, mainly how it has close ties with both the CIA and occult. It reveals how the mainstream media and Hollywood regularly manipulate and control the masses by spreading ...
One of the saddest lessons of history is when people have been lied to long enough by those who they have been taught to trust, they tend to reject any evidence of those lies. They get to where they're no longer are interested in finding out the truth. The lies have captured them. Eventua ...
This extreme Anti-natal/Anti-European male experiment we are currently witnessing here in the West, which is only a few decades old, will not last forever. Perhaps another generation or two at the most. After that, the natural Patriarchal Order will return in one form or another. When tha ...
The Communist subversives on the Left are using a tried-and-true method of conquering our country, without ever firing a shot. Commies have long known that the best way to conquer a country is, not to fight it, but to infiltrate it, subverting every foundational element of that country th ...
Before the American Revolution, tyrants ruled the world. After we defeated the New World Order of that age, the British Empire, America became a Beacon of Liberty for other countries to admire, but that only lasted about 70 years. Then, our wonderful experiment in human liberty was ended ...
The marketing industry uses the latest advances in human behaviorism to turn American children into one of the most exploited consumer demographics in the world. American kids are being covertly targeted from birth to adulthood with sales pitches for everything from Hollywood merchandise ...
Our Marxist education, media, and entertainment systems tell us what the world is and what the world isn't. They tell us what is right; what is wrong; what to believe; who to love; who to hate; and what it is that we should fear. However, when you're able to break its hypnotic grip these ...
On February 1, 1992, in a speech he gave before the United Nations, George H.W. Bush marked himself as a traitor, when assured that body of foreign agents that it would no longer be the U.S. Constitution that we Americans would support and defend, but instead it would be "...the sacr ...
The Hegelian Dialectic is a social engineering technique that has been used by the ruling class to engineer societies for hundreds of years. It has three steps: First, you create a PROBLEM, or claim that a problem exists, where one actually doesn't. Then, in the second step, you fan the f ...
Why do you think that the Thirteen Families who own and control this world invested so much time and money over the past 100 years in the study of human behaviorism? Once they seized control of our nation's monetary system in 1913, and became our Money Masters, they knew that they must al ...
America's was never suffering from a grave viral illness. For at least the past six decades, America has been suffering from a mass psychological illness. Americans were never the victims of a virus, but the victims of a carefully-planned psychological warfare (PSYWAR) campaign that's bei ...
History proves that the same psychological warfare (PSYWAR) techniques that are being used against us now have been used to achieve every Totalitarian takeover in history. The only difference between what happened in the Soviet Union or in Hitler's Germany, or Mao's China is that this is ...
Over the past 50 years, those in positions of power, in particular politicians, technological utopians, financiers and various social agents have given up on facing the complexities of the "real world" and have instead crafted a "fake world" for the public to experienc ...
After WWII, the Thirteen Families seized the opportunity to convince President Truman, their Freemasonic Brother, to create a secret agency within the U.S. Government, which would be unaccountable to anyone, and which would operate under the guise of "national security." This ag ...
The same techniques that most cult leaders use to control the minds of the members of their cults are now being used by a Totalitarian system to control the minds of everyone in the world during this COVID-19 PSYOP & Globalist takeover operation; things like such as Milieu Control, Lo ...
In all ages, in all lands, there have been those who seek the truth. This seeking is an individual's search for something greater than himself, outside of the confines of this worldly system. It is the seeker, who understands there is more than what meets the eye, and he is not afraid and ...
This great documentary explores the evolution of propaganda and public relations in the United States. It provides a richly illustrated study of the nature and history of propaganda, featuring some of the world's most insightful critics and experts on state-sponsored psychological warfare ...
Of course, our parents, peers, and the institutions of our society should form the basis of our values and behaviors. However, this once organic process has been hijacked. Over the course of the past 100 years, the social engineers have turned the pillars of our society into weapons of ma ...
"Died Suddenly" is a documentary that explores bizarre surge of people who have died suddenly after receiving the mRNA genetic therapy (hereafter, the "shots") that was cleverly disguised as a vaccine, when that word was conveniently re-defined in Sept of 2019. What we ...
Filmed decades ago, John Carpenter's, "They Live" (1988), is a stark look into 21st century America, shining a light on a post 9/11 dystopian America--the surveillance-corporate-propaganda state, where ordinary people, "the unconscious" go about their daily lives with ...
When you're studying history, what you find is that history is written by those in power, no matter where you are or what time you live in. "History is written by the victors," as the old saying goes. Nothing could be more true. If you doubt that, you either unstudied, willfully ...
This is a short video made by Greg Reese early in 2020, at the beginning of the COVID-19 PSYOP. It reveals the multiple layers of fraud regarding the use of the RT-PCR test to [falsely] diagnosis people COVID-19. It shows how the test is NOT actually being used to test for the presence of ...
Contrary to what you might have been taught in the Globalist indoctrination Centers called public schools, the world's population will only grow to 9 billion over the next 50 years. That's no reason to complain that there are too many people as Leftists always claim. In fact, when you con ...
Since the end of WWII, Americans have been socially engineered to accept a narrow idea of freedom which only suits the needs of the ruling class, and their desire to establish a one-world Technocratic form of government. Through their obsessive study of Human Behaviorism over the past 100 ...
In the past, our so-called political "leaders" promised to create a better world for us to live in. Their power and authority came from the optimistic visions that they offered to us. However, those dreams failed to ever become a reality, so Americans lost faith in ideologies. N ...
When you slide back the curtain and take a look, you'll discover, as the young man who made this video did, that only 6,000 - 8,000 people own and/or control absolutely everything that you could call important in this world--every bank, every corporation, every resource, every industry--e ...
In an announcement that’s been a long time coming, Tulsi Gabbard announced that she’s leaving the Democratic Party. It’s also the launch of her new Podcast.
She has many reasons for doing so, but it’s in the final portion of her essay that she focuses on three issues which are ...
The journey down the rabbit hole that is Robert F. Kennedy Junior's 2021 bestselling book, "The Real Anthony Fauci," is now a full-length feature documentary by the same name which exposes the role of Dr. Anthony Fauci, Big Pharma, Big Tech, and Big Government in perpetrating th ...
All of us strive to achieve the American Dream, but for many Americans that dream appears to be slipping away. The reason for this is simple. Elite families long ago gained control over all of the world's financial institutions, and have been running them for their own selfish benefit eve ...
This is the story of your enslavement. How it came to be and how you can finally be free. Like all animals, human beings want to dominate and exploit the resources around them. At first, we mostly hunted and fished, and ate off the land. But then, something magical and terrible happened t ...
If the history of humankind is a history of slavery, conquest, prejudice, genocide, and exploitation, why are only Western nations, and more precisely people of European descent taking the blame for it, when it was white Europeans who ultimately ended slavery?
It has become perfectly a ...
The hereditary elite families have been farming humans for thousands of years, and as you can see, their methods have greatly improved. Why? Because over the course of the last century, the elite robber baron families of the U.S., in cooperation with the hereditary elite families of Europ ...
If deception and control over the distribution of information are essential aspects of socially engineering a society, what is the purpose of deception? Could it be to completely enslave humanity on a high-tech plantation? Why are we wise to question the trustworthiness of the appointed s ...
This is shocking video G. Edward Griffin interview with ex-KGB officer and Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov, who decided to reveal the Communist subversion tactics that are now used against Western society, not by the USSR anymore, but by the Communist Chinese and the Leftist collaborators t ...
This is a comprehensive analysis of the systematic destruction and takeover of our civilization by the the globalist elite agents of the thirteen [central banking] families who have long owned this broken and emergency-managed world.
While proponents of the Great Reset push slogans lik ...
The New World Order is a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent that was hatched by Freemasons, Mayer Amschel Rothschild, Jacob Frank, and Adam Weishaupt more than 240 years-ago. The aim of these conspirators is to replace the Democratic s ...
The journey down the rabbit hole that is Robert F. Kennedy Junior's 2021 bestselling book, "The Real Anthony Fauci," is now a full-length feature documentary by the same name which exposes the role of Dr. Anthony Fauci, Big Pharma, Big Tech, and Big Government in perpetrating th ...
Political correctness has taken politeness and turned it into a weapon of censorship and intimidation. In the workplace, on social media, and even at the dinner table, Americans are confronted daily with a laundry list of words they're "not allowed" to say -- and that list is up ...
In this MUST WATCH video you will hear the most peer reviewed and published medical doctor in history, Dr. Peter McCullough MD, lay out how we were the unwitting victims of a well-planned U.S. military PSYOP, brought to us by the U.S. Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority ...
As coalitions of females, pandering politicians and fearful men organize to child-proof our world, to ban guns and regulate violent sports, men retreat to redoubts of virtual and vicarious masculinity like video games and fantasy football because it’s all they have left.
The psycholo ...
As long as mankind continues to pay so-called "national debts," so long as they are such dupes and cowards as to continue paying for being cheated, plundered, enslaved, and murdered, they will continue to be unwitting slaves of the criminal, illegitimate governments that current ...
JP Spears of the globally respected We Lie to You News Network brings you 4 minutes of "news you can trust" about Pfizer. It covers their "safe and effective" COVID-19 injection and points-out the myriad of reasons why ought to consider ourselves lucky to be able to gi ...
The demons responsible for weaponizing and/or releasing the COVID-19 bio-weapon against humanity are now facing a Crimes Against Humanity Complaint in the International Criminal Court. Even those people, such as Dr. Anthony Fauci, who knowingly and intentionally took part in the developme ...
It isn't just the harm that we're causing by allowing our so-called "leaders" to openly subvert the Rights and Privileges which are guaranteed by our nation's Constitution, it's the future harm that we cause when we allow politicians to do so by acquiescing to their unconstituti ...
Genetically modifying plants, animals, and now even human beings is not the stuff of science fiction anymore. It's a dark reality that threatens to overwrite all natural life on our planet with lifeforms that are unnatural. Some groups, like the World Economic Forum and that group's found ...
Revealing Ukraine is the sequel to the Oliver Stone documentary Ukraine of Fire. It further investigates the ongoing Ukrainian crisis, and the truth behind the scenes about what's really been going on there over the past 20 years leading up to this current conflict. It also analyzes the s ...
As we witness the destruction of Western society and culture by the useful idiots on the Left, it is important to understand their mindset and the ideological and strategic models they are following. After all, when you are in a war, it is of the utmost importance to understand your enemy ...
If there is one thing that freedom fighters need to understand is the ideology of Fabian Socialism, for that is the ideology that's behind everything destructive that we have been watching happen throughout the Western World for the past 100 years. It is the strategy that's being implemen ...
The reason that you hear so often that six million Jews were slaughtered by blood-thirsty Germans during WWII is not based on reality, but on a re-occurring theme that has been repeated many times throughout history by Jewish propagandists in order to build public sympathy, and to [someho ...
In lunatic asylums it is a well-known fact that patients are far more dangerous when suffering from fear than when moved by rage or hatred. In fact, the greatest threat to civilization lies not with the forces of nature nor with any physical disease or the ever-changing climate, but with ...
CIA-hatched Big Tech companies such as Google and Fakebook, as well as our nation's FAKEstream media apparatus, 95% of which is now owned by just 4 corporations, is a relatively new phenomenon. Such monopolies over the press and media never existed in this country before the Reagan admini ...
Unbelievable, but true! Hunter Biden’s Laptop, as well as U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) documents show that the Biden crime family's funded unlawful COVID-19 development at one of the numerous DoD biolabs in Ukraine before anyone even knew what COVID-19 was.
Watch this video and ...
History teaches us that it's easy for despotic Leftists to come to power, and then brainwash an entire nation into believing almost anything. In 1967, a brilliant teacher named Ron Jones set out to teach his High School students this important lesson by conducting a mind control experimen ...
Humanity is in the midst of World Revolution, a quiet revolution launched against us by the global elite more than 100 years-ago. Since the beginning of the 20th Century, these demons have been using a wide range of methods to enslave humanity under the jackboot of a global, Technocratic ...
Karen Kingston is a biotech industry with over 25 years of experience. She took the deep dive into examining the evidence surrounding the so-called COVID-19 "vaccines." She examined all of the relevant patent information, research history, and the evidence made available by the ...
According to a massive report released by the BIS in June 2021, CBDCs will likely be tied to a digital identification system. To some, it may seem natural to design a new monetary system around a digital ID. In reality this is a giant, fluttering red flag.
Under the proposed CBDC + Dig ...
Almost every ill that faces the world today has its roots in the debasement of the US Dollar and in our nation's conversion from an honest monetary system which, until 1933, was based upon a redeemable currency to one where banks are have been permitted to conterfeit unlimited amounts of ...
If you haven’t guessed the next move of our nation's criminal, illegitimate government in D.C. yet, allow me to introduce you to central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). If you think that today’s [totally unconstitutional] Fiat Monetary System is bad enough, imagine what life will be ...
We have long been told that man-made global warming is real; that it imperils the planet with rising seas, hurricanes and storms; that all nations have a duty to curb the release of carbon dioxide to save the world for future generations. This is said to be "scientific truth," a ...
This is a great audio book by Joel Kotkin wherein he describes how, following a remarkable epoch of greater dispersion of wealth and opportunity, we are inexorably being herded by the unelected global elite towards a more feudal era marked by greater concentration of wealth and property, ...
With the advent of CIA-hatched Social Engineering fronts (ooops!, I mean social media sites) like Fakebook, a new psychological phenomenon has emerged within our society. This phenomenon is called "profilicity."
Profilicity is now playing a huge role in the way people develo ...
We're not really free. We're just spoon-fed the illusion of freedom in bites just large and tasty enough to keep us from rebelling against the oligarchs who rule over us. We're fed a lifelong buffet of lies and propaganda, along with a dessert of toxic chemicals, which they use to poison ...
Free market capitalism shouldn't be condemned for today's economic problems, since we haven't had free market capitalism for more than 100 years, when the Money Masters seized control of our nation's Monetary System. What was once the level playing field of a free market; an American Syst ...
Instead of raising taxes to fund the out-of-control growth of government, politicians have learned to go around the People, who would naturally revolt at the level of taxation it would take to support the kind of drunken spending it regularly engages in, by [pretending to] borrow endless ...
The U.S. government routinely conducts experiments on weather modification and has been doing so for at least half a century now. Previously classified under such names as "Project Cirrus" (1947) and "Project Popeye" (1966), weather modification is no longer a secret p ...
In the beginning, men submit under constraint and force, but those who come after them obey without regret, and perform willingly what their predecessors had done because they were forced to. This is why men born under the yoke, and then nourished and reared in slavery, are content withou ...
The journey down the rabbit hole that is Robert F. Kennedy Junior's 2021 bestselling book, "The Real Anthony Fauci," is now a full-length feature documentary by the same name which exposes the role of Dr. Anthony Fauci, Big Pharma, Big Tech, and Big Government in perpetrating th ...
All of us strive to achieve the American Dream, but for many Americans that dream appears to be slipping away. The reason for this is simple. Elite families long ago gained control over all of the world's financial institutions, and have been running them for their own selfish benefit eve ...
Is the modern world caught in the grip of a fear psychosis and has a cult of safety entrenched itself the West? I think so. Today we live longer than ever before. Yet, our chance of dying from war, natural disaster, pandemics, or starvation are at levels our ancestors could only have drea ...
In lunatic asylums it is a well-known fact that patients are far more dangerous when suffering from fear than when moved by rage or hatred. In fact, the greatest threat to civilization lies not with the forces of nature nor with any physical disease or the ever-changing climate, but with ...
Totalitarianism is a religion that never achieves what it promises. It creates a Hell on Earth in which many are sacrificed to the god of the state, but none are ever delivered into the Brave New World that they were promised. History proves that the more power the state is granted, the m ...
This is TheHighWire's great coverage of the CDC voting to mandate COVID-19 vaccines for children in spite of the almost non-existent threat of death to children in order to ensure that Big Pharma has a captive group of customers post pandemic, and no liability for its dangerous, experimen ...
Many people misunderstand the political spectrum, and fail to properly distinguish between what is "Left-wing" ideology and "Right-wing" ideology. Actually, it's easy. Imagine the Left-Right political spectrum as a Government Meter. On the far left of that meter you'll ...
With the way that social media algorithms are currently being manipulated by tech companies in ways that serve powerful institutional interests, many people fail to realize that the moral stances of popular culture are merely stances that further the agendas of corrupt corporations and go ...
The single greatest problem facing our nation right now is not natural viruses. You're carrying around lots of super deadly viruses that could kill you if God had not gifted you with this wonderful thing called an Immune System.
Viruses are everywhere, and they're nothing to fear. I b ...
Technocracy is the science of social engineering and the Soviet-style economic system that's being crammed down the throat of the world by the thirteen central banking families, by and and through their Agents, who planned and carried out this COVID-19 PSYOP on their behalf. It's their go ...
One of the most famous studies of obedience in psychology was carried out by Stanley Milgram, a psychologist at Yale University. He conducted an experiment focusing on the conflict between obedience to authority and personal conscience. Milgram (1963) examined justifications for acts of g ...
Have you ever wondered what the true religious beliefs are of the evil global elite who rule over the rest of humanity. You know, the Thirteen [central banking] Families and their Globalist agents, who seem hellbent on destroying Europeans and the Western civilization that our ancestors b ...
Humanity is currently being imprisoned under the specter of a manufactured and carefully planned pandemic, which is no more lethal than the Seasonal Flu. People everywhere are being arrested for surfing in the ocean and meditating in nature. Nations are collapsing. Hungry people are rioti ...
The whole Pan-European movement out of which the EU was born, was created by Count Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi. In fact, he created the EU's anthem: "Ode to Joy and Our flag." He also invented the concepts of Total European Integration, Multiculturalism and the New World Order.
Historically, psychiatrists have been the tool most often used by rogue governments to kill or destroy the lives of political dissidents. We saw it happen in Nazi Germany where over half of all psychiatrists were SS officers, and then it happened in the Soviet Union. Now, we're seeing it ...
What is the militia? It is We The People.
Every American must have the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, because as the Constitution reminds us, it's "necessary to the security of a free State." That reminder, which is set out in the prefatory clause of the Second Amendment, expla ...
When most people think about the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution they think of the Anti-slavery Amendment; the Amendment which was shortly after the Civil War; the one which portends to prohibit involuntary servitude. However, a growing body of convincing evidence, derived from r ...
Among the flood of misinformation perpetuated by fluoridation proponents is the concept of fluoride as an important nutrient. Despite the fact that fluoride has never been proven to serve any role in human nutrition whatsoever, for some perplexing reason, proponents believe ingesting a ha ...
WWII: An Unacknowledged Conspiracy(Nationwide, Alaska)In the dark corridors of history, where the light of truth is often obscured by a fog of political convenience, lies the complicit role of the British establishment in fostering the rise of one of the most tyrannical regimes the world has ever seen. ...
Why Americans are FAT(Nationwide, Alaska)This great documentary tells you how our country became so fat and unhealthy over the past 5 decades.
In 1970, just over 1. 5 million people had been diagnosed with Diabetes in the United States. Now, approximately 38.4 million Americans, which is ...
R.I.P Lou Dobbs: His Last Interview(Nationwide, Alaska)Lou Dobbs, the iconic, OG, Populist TV commentator and truth-teller passed away on July 18, 2024, at the age of 78. This video captures the last interview he ever did with Alex Jones, which was taped on February 16, 2024, where he and Alex cover some ...
America Stands at the Edge of a Cliff(Nationwide, Alaska)Classical Liberal, Democratic Party "WalkAway" Dr. Naomi Wolf, wants America to know that our country stands at the edge of a cliff, and that what we are witnessing now could very wll be the End of America as we know it. She also informs us ...
America's Future Hangs in the Balance(Nationwide, Alaska)picThe thirteen, inbred central banking families who now own and/or control this broken and aching world have been implementing a multi-generational plan to enslave mankind for well over 100 years now.
Using their hegemonic control of our nation's f ...
U.N Has Long Planned to Replace Americans(Nationwide, Alaska)The U.S. Census Bureau recently reported that non-European-American births in America now surpass those of European-Americans. This represents an unprecedented milestone in American history. European-Americans, who in 1965, made-up over 90% of the po ...
We Will Never Accept the Leftist World Order(Nationwide, America)If a family disagreed as broadly as we Americans do on issues so fundamental as right and wrong, good and evil, the family would fall apart, the couple would divorce, and the children would go their separate ways.
Something like that is happening ...
The Keys of Wisdom(Nationwide, America)The dark religious cult that we call Freemasonry has roots that reach back all the way back to the dawn of civilization itself. The "Craft," they call it, has been not only been used to subdue the masses throughout all of recorded history, ...
ClimateGate Rebunked(Nationwide, America)It was during the Thanksgiving weekend 14 years ago that the Climategate's unsettling oeuvre was first being disseminated and analyzed. This post summarizes some remembrances from that period.
"The conflict between the two ideas about how sci ...
G. Edward Griffin Lecture About the FED(Nationwide, America)Our Constitution grants Congress the exclusive the power to "coin money" and "regulate the value thereof." But in 1913, Congress transferred that power to the Federal Reserve. With the Fed as its steward, the dollar's purchasing p ...
97% Owned(Nationwide, America)All Americans strive for the American Dream, but for most people that dream seems to be slipping further from their reach. The economic problems we have today are nothing new. The Founding Fathers warned us, and aggressively fought back against the c ...
Fiat Empire(Nationwide, America)Never before in history has every single industrialized country had a century of the exponential growth of credit, asset prices, and inflation. That is, until now. Of course, it's impossible to guess when the end of this 100-year bubble will occur. I ...
The Untouchables(Nationwide, America)Fraud and criminal conduct by banks was at the heart of the 2008 Financial Crisis. Banks were lending billions of dollars to people who really weren't qualified to purchase homes they couldn't afford. It was all a GIANT scam that nearly wrecked our e ...
Money as Debt(Nationwide, America)Most Americans believe that banks lend out money that has been entrusted to them by depositors, but in fact, banks create the money they loan, not from the bank's own earnings, or from money that's been deposited there, but directly from the borrower ...
The Monopoly Men(Nationwide, America)Sold to us as if it were a government organization charged with maintaining national financial stability, the Federal Reserve is actually the Mother of All Frauds. When you take a close look at what the Fed really does, you'll be shocked to discover ...
The Secret of Oz(Nationwide, America)If you take a close look at the history of central banking in America, what you learn is that the shareholders of the privately-owned central bank, which we know as the U.S. Federal Reserve, intentionally created the stock market crash of 1929, as we ...
William Cooper Truth Lecture(Nationwide, America)Bill Cooper, a former United States Naval Intelligence Briefing Team member, reveals information that remains hidden from the public eye. This information has been kept in top secret government files since the 1940s. His audiences hear the truth unfo ...
The COVID-19/HIV Connection(Nationwide, America)It isn't like we didn't know that, in violation of the Biological Weapons Convention, the NIH funded unlawful gain-of-function in order to develop man-made biological Weapon that is called SARS-CoV-2, or that this virus was cooked up at University of ...
Most of Humanity Poisoned by mRNA Shot(Nationwide, America)Dr. Ben Marble is one of the Medical Doctors who appeared before Senator Ron Johnson's Congressional Hearing. He like the other physicians and scientists there wanted the world to know what's really happening with this COVID-19 PSYOP and depopulation ...
Planet Lockdown(Nationwide, America)You either have to go with the Covidian Cult and continue following the Judas Goats who are currently leading humanity towards a Technocratic system of global enslavement, from which there will soon be no escape, or you have to face the horror that i ...
Plandemic: Indoctornation(Nationwide, America)This is not a vaccination story. This is a population management story. Think about it. If it's you are an elitist, and it's your intention to make this beautiful Earth that we live on the exclusive playground of you and the mere .00001% of people on ...
Generation Zero(Nationwide, America)This documentary An examination of the causes of the global economic crisis which began in 2008, studying how decades of social changes have influenced financial systems and practices. Generation Zero goes beneath the headlines and talking-head sound ...
Nullification: The Rightful Remedy(Nationwide, America)When measured by how far it has strayed from the expressed intent and purposes of the Constitution which was agreed to by our Nation's Fathers, the flagrant and repeated violations of the Rule of Law by the federal government we are currently witness ...
Police State 4: The Rise of FEMA(Nationwide, America)This 2010 documentary chronicles the sickening depths to which our republic has fallen. Veteran documentary filmmaker Alex Jones conclusively proves the existence of a secret network of FEMA camps, now being expanded nationwide. The military industri ...
COVID-19 Crimes Revealed(Nationwide, America)Dr. David Martin asks all Americans to repudiate the propaganda surrounding this Mother of All Conspiracies. In this powerful presentation, he exposes the fact that there is no such thing as a "SARS-CoV-2" virus, which would explain that no ...
Political Mind Control(Nationwide, America)Those of us who study history probably won't find it surprising that the political frustration felt by so many is so easily controlled by the ruling class by pitting people against each other rather than against their common oppressor. Why? Because t ...
The Dumbing Down of America(Nationwide, America)It's glaringly obvious to anyone who is over 60 that the American education system has been transformed into something that is barely recognizable. American children are no longer taught how to think critically, but are taught what to think, and to a ...
Salting The Earth(Nationwide, America)In 1992, a group of mad scientists won a Nobel prize for a plan to spray aluminum dioxide, barium salts, and radioactive isotopes into the atmosphere at 30,000 feet, the same altitude at which commercial aircraft typically fly. They proposed it would ...
Event 201: Pre-Planning the COVID-19 PSYOP(Nationwide, America)So, you think the global elite weren't behind the COVID-19 PLANdemic? Sure they were. The COVID-19 PSYOP was planned for decades. However, SARS-CoV-2 is nothing compared to the Hong Kong Flu, a virus that also came out of China in 1968. That virus wa ...
Klaus Schwab's Great Reset(Nationwide, America)Like some super villain character from a James Bond movie, witness the evil that is Klaus Schwab. Both Steering Committee member of the Bilderberg Group and a key member it's more public sub-groups such as the Davos Group, and the World Economic Foru ...
Jay's Analysis: The Great Reset(Nationwide, America)Along with contemporary realities involving global elites stashing all their vast wealth in tax-exempt foundations -- offers powerful evidence that the elites pushing the elimination of private ownership in their "Great Reset" do not intend ...
Jay's Analysis: Globalist Plans for Humanity(Nationwide, America)It's amazing how the global elite publish entire books describing their evil plans to destroy America, and to enslave humanity under the jackboot of a one-world Technocratic government which will be controlled by and for their own benefit. Yet, they' ...
Georgia Guide Stones(Nationwide, America)What the Globalist oligarchs behind this COVID-19 PSYOP/takeover operation are doing right now is using their favorite tool--people's fear of sudden death, to herd the public, like cattle, into the slaughterhouse that is the dystopic New World Order ...