Since the end of WWII, Americans have been socially engineered to accept a narrow idea of freedom which only suits the needs of the ruling class, and their desire to establish a one-world Technocratic form of government. Through their obsessive study of Human Behaviorism over the past 100 years, the Thirteen Families, and their agents, have developed a simplistic and de-humanized notion of human beings as self-seeking, almost robotic, human resources, which can easily be manipulated and controlled by appealing to our fears.
This model was derived from ideas and techniques developed by nuclear strategists during the Cold War and by Mathematicians such as John Nash who developed game theory equations that required people to be seen as selfish and isolated creatures, who are constantly monitoring each other suspiciously, always intent on gaining their own advantage.
What we have been witnessing in the country since 9/11 and the never-ending "emergencies" that have been engineered since that one is the political and economic takeover is nothing more than the ruling class once again utilizing these social engineering strategies in order to move their human livestock in any direction they want us to go.
This is a three-part documentary series by Adam Curtis...
The Century of The Self (Part 1) |
The Trap (Part 2) |
The Power of Nightmares (Part 3)
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