In the UNhallowed halls of the United Nations, a narrative has been spun so audaciously absurd that it would be laughable if it weren’t so dangerous. The UN, with its insatiable appetite for control, has concocted a scheme under the guise of environmental salvation that's nothing short of a blueprint for a totalitarian one-world government. At the heart of this plot is the ludicrous assertion that carbon dioxide (a.k.a. the "Gas of Life"), a fundamental building block of life, is an existential threat to our planet.
Let's be clear: carbon dioxide (CO₂) is not a menace but a necessity. It's one of the four essential gases for life, alongside oxygen, water, and sunlight (also under attack). This trace gas, currently at about 420 parts per million (ppm) in the atmosphere right now, is near its lowest level in all of geologic history. Plants, the base of the food chain, thrive at concentrations of 1,000 ppm or more. Without sufficient CO₂ (>180 PPM), life on Earth would not just suffer; it would cease to exist.
In short, the climate scam is a scheme that was concocted by the wealthiest families on Earth (the central banking families) to facilitate global wealth redistribution and the creation of a one-world government administered by the United Nations (also created by the central banking families), where the guise of climate justice is used to mask their global economic and political ambitions, not to save the Earth from too much CO₂ or sunlight.
The climate scam It's just another of the MANY examples of how the Hegelian Dialectic has been used successfully by the ruling class to herd humanity into the global feedlot that is their "New World Order."
What is the Hegelian Dialectic?
The Hegelian Dialectic is a social engineering technique that has been used by the ruling class to engineer societies for hundreds of years. It has three steps: First, you create a PROBLEM, or claim that a problem exists, where one actually doesn't. Then, in the second step, you fan the flames of REACTION to this problem by using the sock puppet media outlets and academic institutions that you own and/or control in order to fear-monger and elevate the issue to the point where the public is demanding a solution. In the third step, you offer the public a SOLUTION to the problem--your solution; the one you already cooked-up way before you began this process, and which, if finally implemented, only you, and/or your agenda will benefit from.
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