Post Number 445951
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We Must End Water Fluoridation
by Mike Baker
We've been duped, America. For decades, under the guise of public health, our government has been mass-medicating, or more accurately, mass-poisoning, the population with fluoride in our drinking water. This isn't just about clean water; this is also about forced medication without individual consent, and it's time we call it what it is: unethical, unscientific, and outright dangerous.

First and foremost, fluoride is the only chemical added to our water supply for the explicit purpose of medical treatment. The FDA itself classifies fluoride as a drug when used to prevent disease (FDA 2000). Think about it -- we add chlorine to kill bacteria, we filter out contaminants to make water safe, but fluoride? It's there to treat tooth decay, a non-waterborne condition. This is not water treatment; this is medical treatment without regard for individual health choices or consent.

Fluoridation is fundamentally unethical. The bedrock of medical ethics is informed consent. Yet, here we are, allowing our government to force medication on entire communities, a practice so abhorrent that most of Western Europe has rejected it. Ask yourself: Do you have the right to force your neighbor to take a drug against their will? The answer is a resounding no.

The dose of fluoride cannot be controlled. When you add fluoride to water, you're playing Russian roulette with people's health. Manual laborers, athletes, diabetics, and individuals with kidney issues drink more water, hence, ingest more fluoride. This lack of control over dosage is not just poor medical practice; it's reckless endangerment.

Fluoride goes to everyone, regardless of need or vulnerability. As Nobel Laureate Dr. Arvid Carlsson stated, this is the antithesis of personalized medicine. We're giving the same dose to infants, the elderly, the sick, and the healthy without any regard for their unique physiological needs or risks. It's a one-size-fits-all approach to medication that medicine has moved away from for good reason.

We're already exposed to fluoride from numerous sources. From processed foods made with fluoridated water to dental products, to the increasing use of pesticides, our fluoride intake has skyrocketed since the inception of water fluoridation (NRC 2006). We're over-fluoridating our population, yet we continue to pump more into our water supplies.

Fluoride is not an essential nutrient. No disease, not even tooth decay, results from a fluoride deficiency. Instead, fluoride can disrupt vital biological processes, interfere with enzymes, and alter cellular signaling in ways that are not fully understood but are certainly not beneficial (Barbier 2010).

Fluoride in mother’s milk is extremely low. This stark contrast with the high levels in fluoridated water should raise alarms. Bottle-fed babies, who consume formula made with fluoridated water, can get up to 300 times more fluoride than breast-fed ones, with no added benefit but with increased risk.

Fluoride accumulates in the body. What we don't excrete ends up in our bones and other tissues, with children absorbing up to 80% of what they ingest (Ekstrand 1994). Over a lifetime, this accumulation can reach dangerous levels, yet no health agency in fluoridated countries is monitoring this exposure or its side effects.

There's never been a single randomized clinical trial to prove fluoridation's effectiveness or safety. After over 60 years, we still don't have the gold standard evidence to back this practice. The York Review in 2000 couldn't even classify any fluoridation study as Grade A (McDonagh 2000). We're basing public health policy on a foundation of sand.

The benefit of fluoride is topical, not systemic. The CDC acknowledges that fluoride's primary benefit for teeth comes from direct contact, not ingestion (CDC 1999, 2001). So why are we swallowing it? It's ludicrous to increase systemic risks for a benefit that can be achieved topically through toothpaste or mouthwash.

In conclusion, water fluoridation is not just an outdated practice; it's an assault on our bodily autonomy, a mockery of medical ethics, and a gamble with public health. It's time to end this charade, protect our right to informed consent, and return to practices that are both ethical and scientifically sound. End water fluoridation now.

Fluoride is also classified a cumulative toxin which means it accumulates in your body. In fact, researchers out of Harvard have linked fluoride to the likes of lead, mercury and other deadly chemicals that pose significant threats to our health.

Harvard Study on Water Flouridation

Thursday, December 12, 2024  11:09 AKDT
Last Updated:
Thursday, December 12, 2024  11:26 AKDT
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