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Close Look at the Climate Scam
by Mike Baker
This is a great video to share with anyone who may genuinely believe that our planet is in the grip of some sort of "Climate Crisis" that the radical Left has been proselytizing like some [failed] apocalyptic cult since the Club of Rome first launched this Communist-style, Globalist takeover plan in 1968.

This fact-filled, one-hour webinar by The Heartland Institute presents to you a panel of highly credentialed scientists and economists who discuss, not only a wealth of science that disproves the climate cult's apocalyptic narrative, but the devastating impact the radical Left's extreme climate agenda and will surely have on the economies and lives of people living in the United States and Europe.

Meanwhile, China and India alone--nations which currently produce more than twice as much carbon emissions than nations like ours who were undemocratically signed onto the The Paris [Climate] Agreement (UNFCCC)--will continue to build more and more coal-fired power plants and increase their atmospheric carbon emissions without any environmental regulations whatsoever. In fact, China alone has said publicly that it expects to increase its atmospheric carbon dioxide emissions by as much as 30% over just the next six years alone, while the West self-immolates economically.

Let's not forget either that it has never been China's goal to reduce their country's carbon emissions in any way. In fact, their sole stated goal--a 100 year plan first launched by Mao Zedong in 1949--is to become the world's lone superpower by the year 2049. And, as we can all see by now, the Democrat Party has been marching in lock step with China ever since then, helping their [Communist] comrades achieve that goal by weakening America in every way they possibly can with gigantic frauds like this 50 year-old "Climate Scam."

Related Content: #ClimateTruth

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Saturday, June 29, 2024  07:59 AKDT
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Saturday, June 29, 2024  08:31 AKDT
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