Everyone who still has two brain cells to rub together have known for decades that the bought-and-paid-for, mainstream propaganda media lies to the American people more now than Pravda ever did to the citizens of the [Communst] USSR in the 50s. Unfortunately though, the vast majority of Russians were always fully aware of the fact they were being lied to, while the vast majority of Americans still haven't figured it out yet.
In fact, for more than two decades now, the thirteen [Khazarian] central banking families who not only literally own our broken and aching world and the criminal, illegitimate governments that are currently lording over us, have been waging
5th Generation psychological warfare (a.k.a. "5G PSYWAR") against American and all other Western countries in pursuance of their diabolical, anti-human goals.
That's right, thanks to such unconstitutional atrocities such as the Patriot Act and many other authoritarian laws and policies that have been put in place by the U.S. government since September 11, 2001, the Globalist, New World Order traitors who pretend to serve the People of this nation in D.C. have even turned their unlimited military, intelligence, law enforcement, and media assets, which were once aimed only at our foreign enemies, against We the People of America. Not only are they pointing their finger now at ordinary, patriotic Americans who champion our nation's Constitution and the ideas that gave birth to this nation, calling anyone who's not marching in lockstep with their warped, Leftist ideologies "terrorists" and "white supremacists," they're using hard core propaganda against us--something that was actually legalized under the Obama era
Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012.
In fact, we're are being bombarded every day now with fake news that comes at us from every FCC-licensed media network. Globalist, multi-cultural, and "woke" perception management themes are also being projected at us, not only from all of the Hollywood movie studios, which are using scripts that are either being influenced or are actually written by the CIA (see "Project Mockingbird"). We're also seeing this Soviet-style propaganda embodied in the comedy and music entertainment products that we are all being exposed to.
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