Post Number 438611
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Bilderberg Group Charts the Destiny of Man
by Mike Baker
The reason it's considered taboo to talk about topics such as religion and politics is because our society has been conditioned to believe that. What two topics could possibly be more important to our existence as human beings? Of course the oligarchs who are herding America into the global feedlot that is their "New World Order" would rather We The Cattle limit our discussions, if any, to meaningless topics such as what we watched on TV, or had for dinner last night. That way the inbred elite who make up the membership of the Bilderberg Group can continue being left alone to chart the destiny of mankind without us, just as they have been since 1954.

We're not really free, folks. We're just spoon-fed the illusion of freedom in bites just large and tasty enough to keep us from rebelling against the oligarchs who rule over us. We're fed a lifelong buffet of lies and propaganda, along with a dessert of toxic chemicals, which they use to poison our food, water, and medicines with in order to keep us docile and compliant, or too sick to fight back. Over the course of the past century, America has been turned into a giant, high-tech farm, where the average citizen is treated like nothing more than human livestock.

This video captures an extensive Alex Jones interview with Daniel Estulin about the Bilderberg Group meeting that's taking place right now in Madrid, Spain. Nobody has covered the Bilderberg Group more extensively than Daniel Estulin.

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Wednesday, May 29, 2024  09:02 AKDT
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