In pursuit of their goal to create a Technocratic, one-world government, the thirteen [Khazarian] central banking families who have long owned and/or controlled this broken and aching world through monetary fraud have been very successful in conquering Western Civilization using weaponized migration to do so. After all, it was these
inbred families who created both the United Nations and the European Union, in my opinion, for the sole purpose of doing so.
Now it's America's turn.
And I don't find it surprising at all that the Director of the United Nation's Global Compact for Migration, Peter Sutherland is a not only a Khazarian, just like the head of DHS, Alejandro Mayorkas, the head of the USDOJ, Merrick Garland, the Secreatry of Treasury, Janet Yellen, the Director of the CIA, David Cohen, and over 430 other top-level appointees of the criminal, illegitimate Biden regime, he's also a former President of Goldman-Sachs, a banking empire which represents two of the Thirteen Families who have been waging a
war of genocide and ethnic cleansing against all people of Indo-European (formerly known as "Aryan") descent, no matter where they may exist in the world.
I don't believe in coincidences that big.
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