Apparently, owning and/or controlling our intentionally broken and aching world just wasn't enough for the the thirteen [Khazarian] central banking families (the "cabal"). They also want to dissolve sovereign nation states like our own, and in doing so, effectively place countries like the United States and its citizens under the control of a single, supra-national organization like the United Nations (UN), an organization that the Rockefeller and the Rothschild families funded into existence right after World War II under the pretense of being there as a tool for preventing future wars.
With their new global governance organization in place, the cabal started thinking about ways they could herd humanity into the waiting arms of the UN. In 1968, one of their "round table" groups (see "Club of Rome Roots of the Climate Scam" below) struck gold, and figured out how best to herd the sheeple into the waiting arms of their global slaughterhouse. All they had to do was use their unlimited supply of fake, unredeemable, unbacked, fiat money to task their media, science, and academic resources with the objective of convincing us that Western Civilization as we have known it for the past 100 years somehow poses an existential threat to the planet which transcends any one nation state's wherewithal to deal with it--something that required global governance in order to deal with.
Enter the "Ecology" scam that began in the early 1970's. At first they fear mongered to us about how there were too many of us living on the planet (see book entitled "The Population Bomb"), and that we would therefore run out of food soon. Enter birth control and the attack on traditional family life. Simultaneously, they started telling us that [Western] human activities were also causing "Global Cooling," and that we would soon be entering another Ice Age if we didn't quickly acquiesce to preventative global governance by the [always benevolent] United Nations.
Well, that didn't work out too well, because in the 1970s, the cabal still had not bought off enough scientists to make that hoax work well enough. So, after the Sun and El Nino started working together to heat the planet [as they do in regular cycles], they changed their messaging in order to convince us that we were all going to die from "Global Warming" if we didn't quickly surrender our [wicked] way of life.
As the planet warmed up until about 1998 (a good thing for all life on the planet, by the way, see history), agents of the cabal went to work pounding us with the "Global Warming" propaganda 24/7/365. Their Chief Front man, Al Gore, even published a book and produced a multi-million dollar documentary called the "Inconvenient Truth." For years, he used these pseudo-scientific tools like a Bible to indoctrinate everyone, like a religious prophet would, into falsely believing that we would all die in coming global apocalypse if we didn't start living like serfs, and start paying the his god, the cabal, Indulgences in the form of "Carbon Offsets" and "Carbon Taxes."
In 1999, much to the chagrin of Al Gore, the Sun went into another one of its regular cycles again, and that cycle caused the planet's temps to stabalize ("Pause") until about 2014, notwithstanding the fact that CO₂ emmisions during this time period actually increased.
So, after their "Global Cooling" and their "Global Warming" hoaxes were both soundly disproven by REAL scientists, the cabal decided to make lemonade, and they came up with something ingenious to throw at the public--"Climate Change." Now, every flood, every hurricane, every tornado, every wildfire, and every other Inclement weather event would forevermore become prima facie evidence that We the Sheeple are indeed an "enemy of the planet," just like the Club of Rome's said we were.
What's really bad about all this? I think it's the sad fact that millions of otherwise well-intentioned people, including two generations of young people in America who have been the unfortunate products of our nation's [Marxist] public indoctrination system, actually believe this quasi-religious nonsense as if it were Gospel. Even worse, they've been taught that CO₂--the Gas of Life, which is one of the four fundamental building blocks of all life on our planet, is an evil Devil Gas that somehow needs to be regulated by UN Technocrats for our own good.
God help us all, because we now live in an Idiocracy, a society in which the average college graduate doesn't even understand the basic science of Photosynthesis, or understand that anyone who wants to wage war on carbon is, by definition, "anti-life," because ALL life on this planet is made of carbon. After all, both plant and plankton life requires an abundance of carbon dioxide (>1000 ppm) in our atmosphere (currently only 420 ppm) in order to thrive, and thereby provide adequate food and habitat to all animal life. In fact, when CO₂ falls below 300 ppm, life on Earth will soon cease to exist.
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