The thirteen, inbred central banking families who now own and/or control this broken and aching world have been implementing a multi-generational plan to enslave mankind for well over 100 years now.
Using their hegemonic control of our nation's fraudulent monetary system, and therefore everything that can be bought with their unlimited supply of unbacked, unredeemable, fiat (fake) U.S. currency that we dare still call "money," they intend to deindustrialize and weaken America, both economically and culturally, and in every other way they possibly can, while using our military to attack weaker countries that they don't already control.
Eventually, once the eagle can fly no more, they plan to drive the broken and shattered remains of our once great Nation into the waiting arms of their "New World Order," a Technocratic, Neo-feudalistic, AI-controlled system of human enslavement (a global slave state) that they have designed to rule over humanity forever.
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