In case you are wondering why there is so much fake news (unchallenged government narratives) coming out of the mainstream media over the past twenty-plus years, you should be advised that the 2013 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) legalized the use of propaganda and military grade psychological operations (PSYOPS) on the American public, just like the ones that are being waged against us right now about a variety of topics, such as COVID, vaccines, Ukraine, Russia, Climate, U.S. Border Security, Globalism, and many others.
That's right, folks. You don't live in Kansas anymore, and you haven't for a long time. On December 29, 2012, our glorious, sheep-dipped leader, Barry Saetero (a.ka. Barrack Obama), the bastard son of the Commie, Frank Marshall Davis, [1] signed and enacted into law the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act, [2] which was included in, and made part of the 2013 NDAA, just like all other freedom-crushing legislation that traitors in Congress have always managed to get passed since the Coup of 1963--they simply wrap it up in the annual Defense Budget Bill (NDAA), which is always rubber-stamped.
The Smith-Mundt Act, which was enacted in 1948, actually prohibited the U.S. government from disseminating [any more] propaganda against the American people, like they had been doing all throughout the course of World War II. However, the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 essentially repealed that law, giving the federal government even more power than it already had to covertly influence public opinion, which it has done with impunity ever since. [3]
[1]. Dreams from My Real Father (Obama Expose) |
[2]. Apple Pie Propaganda? |
[3]. U.S. PSYWAR Being Waged on You |
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