Post Number 445915
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Western Culture is a Death Cult
by Mike Baker
Behold the spectacle of Western culture, a civilization that has become its own gravedigger, a death cult masquerading as the pinnacle of human achievement. Here, in this twilight of our idols, we witness not the celebration of life but the worship of decline, a perverse reverence for the end.

Do to the malevolent social engineering by the thirteen central banking families who have long owned this intentionally broken and aching world, Western culture, which was once vibrant with the will to power, now languishes in the shadow of its former self, obsessed with its own mortality. This culture, which once dared to challenge the heavens, now bows before the altar of Nihilism, where every value, every tradition, is sacrificed to the god of progress—a god that demands the death of all gods, including itself.

Consider the modern Western man, stripped of his nobility, his strength sapped by the comfort of his own making. He has traded the heroic for the mundane, the eternal for the ephemeral. His life, once a canvas for the expression of the will to power, now serves as a testament to mediocrity, where the highest virtue is comfort and entertainment, not flourishing. This is the man who, in his quest for equality, has leveled all greatness to the dust, creating a flatland where the tallest peak is but a molehill.

The death cult of the West manifests in its obsession with safety, with comfort, with the prolongation of life at the expense of living. Here, the body is preserved in its neutered state, but the soul is left to starve. The spirit, that which seeks to transcend, to create, to affirm life in its most potent forms, is subdued by a culture that not only fears its own shadow, its been taught to hate itself. This culture, in its cowardice, has turned against life itself, against the very essence of becoming, of growth through struggle.

Look upon its art, its literature, its philosophy—once arenas for the clash of titans, have become arenas where the weak celebrate their weakness. The music that once stirred the soul to greatness now soothes it into complacency. The literature that should challenge the reader to overcome himself instead mirrors his own decay, offering not a mirror to the abyss but a reflection of his own hollowed-out existence.

The West, in its current form, is a culture that has lost the will to say 'yes' to life. It has become a death cult because it no longer values creation over preservation, strength over safety, or greatness over equality. It is a culture that, in its ultimate act of self-negation, worships at the altar of its own demise, where the only sacrament is the slow, deliberate suicide of its spirit.

The West is no longer a culture that affirms life but one that, through its actions and inactions, whispers a constant 'no' to the vitality of existence. It is a death cult not because it seeks death actively, but because it has forgotten how to live, how to affirm, how to genuinely be human.

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Tuesday, September 17, 2024  15:54 AKDT
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Tuesday, September 17, 2024  15:56 AKDT
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