Post Number 438626
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Hell Like Slavery is a Choice
by Mike Baker
Black, white, red, brown, and yellow; it doesn't matter what color your skin is. When you boil it all down, we're all slaves living on the same plantation, a high-tech Neo-Marxist plantation which is owned and operated by and for the benefit of just thirteen central banking families.

These Money Masters keep us fighting among ourselves about stupid things like race and gender, or whatever other source of division they can drive their [Communist-style] wedge in, as they keep us perpetually stressed out about one totally manufactured crisis after another. That way we'll never be able to unite as a species and fight back against these demonic, inbred parasites, like we should have done sixty-one years-ago, after the evil system that still serves them to this day murdered our President on November 22, 1963.

In fact, we haven't had a legitimate government of the People, by the People, and for the People that's administered in accordance with the stated purposes and letter of the Constitution which was adopted by the Founding Generation of this nation since at least that moment in time, if not, in fact, a long long time before then. Just look what happened in the years of 1861, 1871, 1898, 1901, 1913, 1933, or 1947, and take your pick as to which year everything went to hell in in America.

Modern liberalism, what we call "Neo-Liberalism," since it's totally different from Classical Liberalism, is a clever scam indeed. Why? Because it has managed to convince millions of caring, idealistic, and well-meaning people to believe that they're fighting for social justice and environmental causes, when they're really just being used as a bunch of what Lenin called his "useful idiots" in order to build a Technocratic slave plantation for all of us to live on--their so-called "New World Order," which will be nothing less than a global feedlot that will be managed locally, but administered globally by the United Nations (itself a creation of the Thirteen Families).

Wake up America! As you can see, our nation is being conquered just like the Commies promised us it would be: "without firing a shot."

In this Tucker Carlson interview, you'll get the opportunity to hear the best selling author, Vince Everett Ellison expose the lies that have been sold to black America by the Democrats ever since the Coup of 1963, including, but not limited to the MLK myth, hip hop culture, and so-called "white supremecy." He hosts the “Vince Everett Ellison Show” on X, Rumble and YouTube. He also produced the documentary “Will You Go to Hell for Me?” and wrote the #1 best selling book, "The Iron Triangle."

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