Post Number 438621
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Globalist Banker Coup Exposed
by Mike Baker
A bonafide expert on all things financial, Catherine Austin Fitts exposes the Globalist banker coup over humanity that's currently underway right now. Every central bank in the world that's owned by the Thirteen Families and tied to the Bank of International Settlements (BIS), including our own U.S. Federal Reserve System, is working overtime to quickly phase out cash, and implement both a worldwide digital ID system and and some sort of (fully) digitized transaction control system (our existing plastic cards will do nicely, thank you) that's aimed at enslaving mankind under the yoke of a Technocratic, one-world dictatorship that they call their "New World Order."

Think about it, folks. When cash is outlawed, and a central banking authority such as the BIS in Geneva, Switzerland can monitor everything we say and everywhere we go, and control everything that we can or cannot buy using our digital ID and our [already] mostly digital-based currency system, how meaningful will democracy (rule by the people) be then? It won't be! For all intents and purposes, democracy, much less a Constitutional Republic such as our own, won't exist at all then. Humanity will be completely enslaved, and at the complete mercy of the Thirteen Families who have long owned and controlled this broken and aching world--the demons who are ultimately responsible for everything that's happened over the past 111 years [since they took over our nation's monetary system] and herded us toward this precipice of total enslavement.

Actually, I should say that democracy won't exist anymore for those of us who survive the "Great Culling," and avoid the "Great Marking," that's also underway right now throughout the world.

So, far, at least 5.5 billion people have been tagged with their lipid nanoparticle transcievers so far (see Patent WO20200606). And for those who are unvaxxed, the "Smart Dust" will find its way into us one way or another sooner or later.

It's time to start saying "NO" for a change, folks, or things never will.

See Related Posts: #Banking/Money
Friday, June 14, 2024  13:10 AKDT
Last Updated:
Tuesday, October 15, 2024  09:20 AKDT
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