Post Number 438484
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MSM Deletes 'Vaccine' Portion of GOP Debate
by Jeffrey Tucker
In the Rumble version of the video of the very exciting fourth GOP nomination debate, a glitch occurred near the end. It happened the instant that Megyn Kelly asked about Operation Warp Speed. It was the first time in this entire political season that this hugely important topic has been mentioned at all. And for vast numbers of people, the screen went blank.

After all, as we look back at the history of the last four years, with the greatest traumas of our lives, we are overwhelmed at the evidence of the power of a handful of vaccine companies to drive public policy. The whole point of the lockdowns and masking and everything awful that happened was, at least in part, to buy time for the release of the vaccine, which was supposed to be the inoculation for the dreaded disease.

Only thing is that the vaccine didn’t actually work to stop or even reduce infection, much less stop transmissions. It utterly failed to live up to the promise. And that’s actually the least damaging aspect of it all. The result is surely one of the biggest scandals in the history of public health and modern medical practice.

The question was a striking moment for the audience too. We are so used to irrelevant questions at these debates. Too often they seem canned. Or they speak to issues that do not truly impact our lives at all. This question was different. The vaccine plus the mandates have torn apart friend groups, families, companies, churches, and whole communities.

Millions have been injured. Others have died. We don’t actually have any precise idea how many. As more data has come out, it is more than obvious to multitudes that the vaccine was not necessary, safe, or effective, and likely did vast damage. And yet the companies that shoved through this new technology, mRNA shots with lipid nanoparticles, are so powerful that they have managed to squelch public debate.

Finally, moderator Megyn Kelly bravely broached the subject, giving us the most exciting moment of any of the debates. Sadly, not only did the Rumble video version glitch but all existing transcripts that I can find have the entire section missing.

Watching the original video (below @ 1:30:00), I decided to create a transcript myself. Here is how it went down:

Megyn Kelly: Through Operation Warp Speed, the Trump Administration and private industry developed a COVID vaccine in record time. The program protected vaccine companies from virtually all lawsuits over vaccine injuries. The government has a program to compensate victims from such harm but critics say it is a black hole of bureaucracy: 12,000 claims filed, 10 percent decided, and only 8 payouts so far, in a forum with no right to a counsel, no hearings, no appeals. Mr. Trump says he is very proud of Warp Speed. Should he be?

Vivek Ramaswamy: “This question on liability goes back actually to Reagan. Reagan is a president who I admire. Many of us do. I think that reviving that spirit is going to be in many ways good for this country, in so many ways. But one of the areas where he erred was this special form of lobbying to say that one kind of manufacturer, a vaccine manufacturer, cannot be sued for their product liability. So I have pledged, and it is part of my legislative agenda, we will repeal that, just like we will repeal every other form of crony capitalism.

People who have been harmed by those vaccines deserve accountability. They cannot be forgotten Americans. And I think one of the top lessons we learned from that COVID pandemic is that free speech in this country is most important in those alleged times of emergency. If we had been allowed to openly debate the merits of those vaccines they would have never been mandated in the way that they were.

In general, I don’t think we want capitalism and democracy to share the same bed anymore. It’s time for a clean divorce. Let companies be companies but I don’t like the crony capitalism. This dates back a long time in both parties.

And I think that we need to end the lobbying, and I personally believe that if you have been working in the government, you should not lobby that government for ten years. If you have been a government elected official, doing deals with companies, be they Boeing or be they pharmaceutical companies, you should not join the board of that company for ten years after.

The former chairman of the FDA, the commissioner of the FDA, ended up on the board of Pfizer. Nikki Haley did deals for Boeing and ends up on the board of Boeing. I don’t care if it is a Republican or Democrat, we need some basic principles that end the corruption in government. That’s how we got the health insurance exemptions. That’s how we got the pharmaceutical liability exemptions. We need to end the corruption.

Ron DeSantis: We need a reckoning for what this government did during COVID-19. That includes the mRNA shots. They put it out, it was experimental, and people wanted it, then the government started trying to mandate it. To say you don’t have a right to put food on your table if you don’t take an mRNA shot that was under emergency use? They tried to take nurses away.
Now, in Florida, we blocked that. We provided protections for everybody so that they wouldn’t lose their job.

You also have the FDA approving an mRNA shot for six-month-old babies. There was no data to support that. They are doing it because Big Pharma will make money.

So I’m going to go in there—CDC, NIH, FDA—we are going to clean house. There is going to be a reckoning. Right now, nobody has been held accountable for any of the damage. They are going to try to do it again. When I’m president, this will never happen to our country ever again.

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