Today, through stealth and distraction, and by way of a fear-based jingoism that's propagandized 24/7/365 to an emergency managed American public, the neo-conservatives and their neo-liberal comrades in crime (the "globalist traitors") in Washington D.C. have managed to hijack our federal government. Together, these criminals are working overtime in a bi-partisan effort to dominate and control the American people, and strip us of our Unalienable Rights. They know what they're doing, folks. They learned from some of the best political manipulators in history, including Adolph Hitler, who once said, "Nothing drives people harder than a fear of sudden death."
In this video, Gavin de Becker, who is the author of the 1997 bestselling book "The Gift of Fear" and one of America’s leading security experts discusses the psychology of fear, and how criminal, illegitimate governments, including our own, have weaponized fear in order to control humanity, and herd us like cattle in any direction they want us to go.
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