Post Number 438473
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Who Rules This Broken & Aching World?
by Mike Baker
This is a golden, fact-filled interview with the human encyclopedia, Matt Ehret. He walks you through over 1,000 years of human history, identifying the Thirteen Families (the familial bloodlines) who created this intentionally broken and aching world that we wake up to each day, and how they have managed to keep their boot firmly pressed down upon the neck of humanity for so long.

They've been able to do this throughout the ages in numerous way, many of which Matt will outline for you here. But most recently, they've been able to maintain control over humanity through their hegemonic control over the issuance of the U.S. Dollar, the fake, unbacked, unredeemable [therefore worthless] currency which they have been using for over 110 years now to buy up the world for free. Now there is nothing that they do not own and/or control. They now own the top 2,000 corporations (by and through their investment fronts like BlackRock, State Street, and Vanguard, etc.). They own our politicians, and therefore they own our governments. They own our schools and colleges. They own our media and entertainment industries. They own our land and our resources. They own our so-called "healthcare systems." And, to a large extent, they even own and/or control our nation's churches too, which are prohibited by an unconstitutional 1956 law brought to you by LBJ from ever pointing any of these things out to you.

There is nothing you can't do when you are given the power to create unlimited amounts of the world's reserve currency. You simply buy up anything and everything you want. And that's exactly what these demonic families did over the course of the past century.

Without understanding the fraudulent way in which our nation's so-called money has been created since 1913, and how ever since then these thirteen, inbred families have essentially been counterfeiting money, and then pretend to lend that fake (fiat), unbacked money to our government, based upon the American People's promise to repay this so-called "loan" [SIC] at interest, no less. you will never be able to understand the depth of the crime that has been committed against the American people, but all of humanity, and what it is We the People must do in order to restore peace, prosperity, and freedom.

However, we will never have enjoy of those things until our nation once again enjoys an honest monetary system; one that's based upon a redeemable sovereign currency; one backed by gold and silver and other noble metals, just as our forefathers mandated in our nation's Constitution. Until then, mankind will continue to be debt slaves to these inbred families, most of whom, by the way, aren't even American. That is, if we're even permitted to live at all.

After all, now that we live in a world of automation and robotics, where the global elite don't really want or need us around anymore to do their manual labor and farming. In fact, we're referred to as "useless feeders" by the architects of this broken and aching world. They often call us "animals," and publicly lament that we are consuming their finite natural resources, while contributing nothing of real value to the world, as far as they are concerned.

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Wednesday, November 22, 2023  12:13 AKDT
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