The war against the vermin on the Left has just begun, and you, the American people, are on the front lines. You have to understand; whether you want to be in this war, or don't, it doesn't matter. You're in it, whether you like it or not. The Left is highly motivated, activated, and well-funded by the wealthiest people on Earth.
And make no mistake about it. They're coming for you and your family. They're attacking your children. They're attacking your culture, and they're attacking your nation's history. They're even attacking you because of your race while pretending to do so in in the name of fighting racism.
Yes. The Leftists are totally insane, and they were made that way as a result of decades of [reverse] social engineering by our nation's corrupted schools, media, and entertainment industries. You have to understand; on the outside, this Communist-style revolution is cleverly disguised as a benign Socialist movement that's aimed at lifting humanity up, but really it's a Globalist revolution (a Technocratic-Fabian Socialist movement) that was engineered by the thirteen central banking families, all of which are Monopoly Capitalists who have long owned and/or controlled our world fraudulent monetary systems, and therefore, everything else of importance, including ownership of the top 2,000 corporations, which they essentially bought up for free over the past 120 years.
It's just the latest evidence of how the world's ruling class create and manipulate dialectics for their own selfish benefit. Quite simply, the elite divide, and then they conquer. They've done it over and over again throughout history, and they're doing it again now.
The hour is late, folks, and our counter-revolution has been long overdue. So, don't shy away from this battle that's currently raging. Join the battle, and you'll quickly find out that you're not alone.
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