Post Number 438452
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Final Days
by Mike Baker
Who but the dullest knife in the drawer could deny that elite have been waging a war on the rest of humanity for decades now, and that the COVID PSYOP represented a suprise offensive against us--a "Hail Mary Pass," if you will, to win that war before most people ever realized thay they were under attack. It almost worked. It was a brilliant plan that was rehearsed over and over again for more than a decade.

They often say that "the future favors the bold." And what could possibly be bolder than unleashing a bio-weapon on the world, and using the crisis that ensued to exterminate hundreds of million of people [from the countermeasures alone] and then execute a complete social, political, and economic takeover of the entire planet? It was an incredibly bold plan.

Now, three years out from the lauching of their SARS-CoV-2 [lipid nanoparticle bio-weapon] attack on us--an attack that was planned and executed by agents of the Thirteen [central banking] Families who have long owned and controlled this broken and aching world through monetary fraud, enough ordinary people have finally seen through the lies, propaganda, and Totalitarian tactics that has been deployed against us that humanity is now striking back and defending itself against what will one day be called "the most diabolical crime ever committed against humanity."

Watch and learn, folks. This is a captivating documentary that everyone must see!

As you watch this film, I want you to consider OBiden's September 12, 2022, Executive Order, entitled "Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation," which reads as follows: "For biotechnology and biomanufacturing to help us achieve our societal goals... We need to develop genetic engineering technologies and techniques to be able to write circuitry for cells and predictably program biology the same way in which we write a software and program computers. The genetic engineering technologies that can program and control cells inside of Americans' bodies in the same way a software program determines a computer’s functionality and responsiveness."

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Saturday, October 21, 2023  17:52 AKDT
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Sunday, October 22, 2023  07:50 AKDT
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