Post Number 438429
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It's Simple: No Land, No Food, No People
by Mike Baker
This groundbreaking documentary reveals how farmers throughout the world, including here in America, are literally being forced out of business by the ridiculous, anti-human environmental policies that have been un-democratically forced upon the world by such un-elected groups as the the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, and an army of Leftist environmental organizations that, all of which are funded by the wealthiest people on the planet--the central banking families.

Upon close examination of these organizations and the policies they are promulgating, what we discover is that they all have but two basic goals: human depopulation and the creation of a global, Technocratic government that will be ran by un-elected, Leftist bureaucrats on behalf of their masters--the Thirteen Families who have long owned and controlled this broken and aching world through their hegemonic control of the world's fraudulent monetary system.

It all comes down to this question: will you eat the bugs, or will you join us in the Freedom Movement and fight back against the slow motion coup d'état over humanity that we've been witnessing for the past fifty plus years? I can assure you that time is running out for you to make a decision. If we don't soon turn things around and start heading this hijacked bus that we're all being held hostage on in the opposite direction, you and your loved ones will either be exterminated, or you will have a short, miserable and unhappy life, living as a slave and eating bugs in the open air prison that they call their New World Order.

Related Content: #ClimateTruth

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Tuesday, September 26, 2023  10:17 AKDT
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Saturday, June 29, 2024  09:50 AKDT
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