If you've ever read me, you'd see that I have been recommending for more than 30 years that patriotic Americans should sue these Commie traitors who have infiltrated all levels of local, state, and federal government, and perjured their sacred Oaths to "support and defend the Constitution."
Finally, someone has done exactly that.
Loy Brunson and his three brothers, none of whom are lawyers, have
a case that's currently pending before the U.S. Supreme Court that could not only overturn the 2020 Presidential Election results, but could end up in the removal of 385 [traitorous] Representatives from office, and prohibit those criminals from ever holding public office again. Why? Because they violated (perjured) their Oaths when they ignored warnings issued by 100 [patriotic] Members of Congress that the Election had been rigged, and then certified the Election results anyway, without even so much as holding a hearing aimed at exploring the merits of those claims.
Not only does the lawsuit name 385 Members of Congress as Defendants individually, it also names Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Mike Pence in the Action as well.
Whether the Supreme Court grants Certiorari to the Brunson brothers (a distinct possibility), this lawsuit provides a good template for other Americans, demonstrating how YOU TOO could hold politicians accountable to their duty to support and defend the Constitution rather than than spend 100% of their time trying to subvert and abrogate your rights under it.
You don't have to be a lawyer to file such an action. The Brunson brothers certainly aren't, and it makes no difference how you word your complaint, just so long as you point to the evidence that demonstrates how the Defendant[s] perjured their Oath. As per Rule 1 of the Rules of Civil Procedure, Pro per litigants (people acting in their own proper person) and Pro se litigants (people acting as their own attorney) aren't held to the same "forms of pleading" standards as attorneys.
It could be something as simple as a politician introducing and/or supporting legislation, which on its face, is aimed at subverting or abrogating our Rights under the Constitution. Think about all of those so-called "gun control" Bills these demons are always trying to get passed. That's a good example, or mandatory masking, lock-downs, or social distancing. Think about what the Governor of New Mexico is doing right now in "nullifying" the Second Amendment under the guise of a so-called "Public Health Emergency." That's right. She's
calling firearms a "public health issue," and evoking what are essentially dictatorial powers under the Model Emergency Powers Act, which every state of the union has adopted after 9/11. Each one of these things is anathema to your Liberty Interests as an American, which are supposed to be protected ("unalienable") under the Constitution. Therefore, any such acts by politicians who were sworn into office would amount to Subversion and/or Perjury of Oath, both of which are not only unlawful under the Constitution (the Supreme Law of the Land), but under multiple and various federal and State laws as well.
Somebody needs to step up and challenge the unconstitutional
Emergency Powers Act in Court. That's the most powerful weapon that has been used to subvert our Constitution and to enslave American under the boot of a global, Neo-feudalistic system that is growing stronger every day. See the COVID PSYOP for evidence of that. The Climate Change PSYOP is coming next. Guaranteed.
A good example of such a Law is Title 18 U.S.C. § 242, which "makes it a crime for any person acting under color of law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom to willfully deprive or cause to be deprived from any person those rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution and laws of the United States." That's verbatim what it says on the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Web site which pertains to
Federal Civil Rights Statutes
So, theoretically, you should just need to be call the FBI and have them open a criminal investigation, both into the matter involving the violation of your Constitutional Rights, but also into the Perjury of Oath matter (also a criminal offense). However, good luck with that these days, considering the fact that the FBI has long ago ceased to be a servant of the American People. Over the past three decades [or more], it's become a servant of the Globalists and their New World Order agenda. That's why a lawsuit might be more effective, especially if you file one under
42 USC § 1983, which authorizes the Courts to grant monetary and injunctive relief against anyone who, acting under the authority of state law, deprived a person of their Constitutional rights.
According to the FBI, "acts under 'color of any law' include acts not only done by federal, state, or local officials within the bounds or limits of their lawful authority, but also acts done without and beyond the bounds of their lawful authority; provided that, in order for unlawful acts of any official to be done under 'color of any law,' the unlawful acts must be done while such official is purporting or pretending to act in the performance of his/her official duties. This definition includes, in addition to law enforcement officials, individuals such as Mayors, Council persons, Judges, Nursing Home Proprietors, Security Guards, etc., [or other] persons who are bound by laws, statutes ordinances..."
Let's focus on the term "lawful authority" above. Just because something has become "the law," and is now "legal" for the government to do, or "illegal" for an individual to do, doesn't make it "Lawful." That very important word denotes a much higher standard, one which a system like ours--one that's based upon the Constitution and the Rule of Law-- demands. No authority exercised by any public servant, whether they're elected or not, can ever be considered "Lawful" if that authority is exercised in a way that's repugnant to the Constitution. Therefore, no one can ever have "lawful authority" to enforce a law which is unconstitutional. (see
Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. 137 )
There's also another good tool citizens have to
Stop Oath Breakers. When a public servant who has taken an Oath to support and defend the Constitution violates that sacred Oath, he or she has not only committed Perjury of Oath, which again, is a criminal offense, it also violates his/her Surety Bond terms, which almost all politicians are required before taking office. While, these days, it's nearly impossible to convince Leftist police and prosecutors, most of whom are Oath Breakers themselves, to prosecute a public servant for Perjury or Subversion due to the erosion of the Rule of Law in this country, you can always file a claim against the perjurers' Bonding Agent, who will be forced to act against the target of your Complaint, especially where you allege that the target politician has "perjured their Oath," thereby violating the Terms of his or her Surety Bond.
If you think the Brunson v. Adams case is frivolous and meritless, you'd be wrong. Why? Because the U.S. Director of National Intelligence (DNI) John Ratcliffe
issued a letter that was transmitted to Congress 11 days after the 2020 Presidential Election which provided credible evidence that China had interfered in the 2020 federal elections. That information alone ought to have been enough to spark a Congressional Investigation. However, that intelligence was suppressed by the traitors at the CIA (the "Communist Infiltration Agency"), which pressured its analysts to withdraw their support for the DNI's report. Is that any surprise to you, boys and girls?
Just say "NO!" for a change. Sue the !@#$%g traitors.
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