Post Number 438344
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by Mike Baker
In this video, Brownstone Institute fellow, Debbie Lerman, discusses her deep dive into U.S. government documents that relate to the origins of the U.S. government's pandemic policies and its unprecedented and destructive response to what, if you rationally analyze it in retrospect using definitions and policies that existed prior to 2018, was a mild-moderate [flu-like] respiratory illness that never posed any more danger to public health than what we might have expect from a bad Flu Season.

"If we had not known about a new virus out there, and had not checked individuals with the notoriously inconclusive and innacurate RT-PCR tests [and the grossly exaggerated statistics], the number of total deaths due to 'influenza-like illness' would not seem unusual this year. At most, we might have casually noted that flu this season seems to be a bit worse than average." - Dr. John Ioannidis, Epidemiologist, Stanford University (March 17, 2020)

You would think that such an outbreak would be something that the department of Health and Human Services (HHS) would handle, utilizing the pandemic protocols, guidelines, and definitions that have been developed over the past century. All of that expertise and experience was thrown out the window by the President. The response to COVID-19, from lockdowns to mask mandates to vaccine mandates, was actually a national security response, not a public health response.

Incidentally, prior to a re-definition of the word "pandemic" in 2018 by the World Health Organization (WHO), a pandemic was defined as an outbreak of some sort which was causing widespread death and disease (actual sickness) throughout the world. However, after the re-definition, a "pandemic" is any viral or bacterial antigen that is detected in human beings throughout the world, without any regard whatsoever as to the pathogenicity of the antigen. In other words, if health officials can find a potentially disease causing antigen in someone's body using the RT-PCR device, a laboratory device which was never designed to diagnose illness in any human being according to its Nobel Prize-winning inventor, Kerry Mullins, the health officials can call that person a "new case" and add it to their worldwide dataset, even though that patient is assymptomatic and may never become ill from the antigen. This is because, just like with the word "pandemic," WHO redifined the word "case" as well, which previously, had only applied to people who were actively being treated for an illness (sick people). Most people are unknowingly carrying around LOTS of different, potentially deadly viruses, which will NEVER EVER make them sick, because they have a functioning Immune System.

According to Lerman’s research, in a sharp break from what had been our nation's official pandemic preparedness plans, the National Security Council (NSC), the U.S. Military, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) were unexpectedly put in charge of pandemic policy in 2020. She said that the folks at FEMA "were like a deer in headlights" when that happened, because they are NOT a public health agency. They are a natural disaster response agency. On TV, we saw folks like Birx and Fauci feeding us BS 24/7/365, but all the real action was happening with the DoD and FEMA people.

What really happened in the first few months of 2020?

For more than two decades prior to the Plandemic, BigPharma scientists at been working on mRNA genetic therapies, but prior to the so-called COVID-19 "vaccines," nothing had ever been approved. Why? Because they had a horrible track record of safety and efficacy. The Plandemic turned into a HUGE opportunity for Big Pharma and their agents within the U.S. government (like Pfauci) to "fast track" approval of these mRNA genetic mutagens by using the WHO-manufactured "global health emergency" to do an end around the normal FDA-mandated drug approval process, which applied to all "medicines" (like mRNA therapies) by using the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) process (another legal loophole) in order to do so.

Now, in spite of growing evidence of critical side effects from the mRNA COVID-19 genetic mutagens that were disguised as "vaccines" [by a re-defintion of that word in Sept of 2019 by Pfauci and Co.] during the Plandemic, Moderna, Pfizer, J&J, BioNTech, and other Big Pharma companies now have dozens of new mRNA "vaccines" in development, which they will now never have to get approved in the traditional way, because the COVID PSYOP paved the way for them to do so without ever having to go through the traditional approval process that all new "medicines" must endure. Why? Because now they are now considered "vaccines," and vaccines are never subjected to long-term safety studies against a genuine placebo or control group [of unvaccinated people], because of another ridiculous loophole in federal law (see deceptively-named "Vaccine Safety Act of 1986").

I know that you might not want to hear this, but the entire COVID-19 PSYOP was Trump's baby from the start. After all, the NSC is headed by the President. It is the top level command of all other U.S. intelligence agencies. From the stupid decision to pull HHS off the the pandemic response, and then hand that authority over to the military, and an agency like FEMA which has NEVER dealt with public health crisis in the past, these decisions all rolled downhill from the President himself. Every major decision made during the COVID PSYOP, from the unnecessary lockdowns, the forced masking, the ridiculous social distancing mandates, all of which were patently UNCONSTITUTIONAL, and the subsequent ["warp speed"] development and use of an experimental, mRNA genetic mutagen on the general population, all required the approval of Donald J. Trump.

Never forget that the buck stops with the President where matters regarding the National Security Council and the U.S. Military are concerned.

FYI: The United States National Security Council is the principal forum used by the president of the United States for consideration of all national security, military, and foreign policy matters. Based in the White House, it is part of the Executive Office of the President of the United States, and composed of senior national security advisors and Cabinet officials. Since its creation in 1947 by President Harry S. Truman, the function of the NSC has been to formulate and implement all national security policies. It also serves as the president's principal arm for coordinating these policies among various government agencies.

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