Many people misunderstand what Fascism is. They think it's the iron-fisted oppression of the people by agents of the government. However, that's not what Fascism is at all. That's just tyranny, plain and simple. Actually, Fascism is a highly comprehensive, technocratic political system--a Technocracy.
The "Father of Fascism" was the Italian dictator, Benito Mussolini, who was Hitler's ally during WWII. So, if there was anyone who was imminently qualified to tell us what Fascism is, and what it's not, it would most certainly be him. In his own words, Mussolini described Fascism as "the merger of government and corporate power." He once even said that Fascism could better be described as "Corporatism," which is to say, government by and for the [corporate] oligarchs. That's exactly what we have now in America, and everyone who isn't delusional knows it.
That's right, Spartacus, Fascism is essentially the system that we live under here in America, as do the people who live in all other so-called "Democracies" around the world. You know, countries that are supposedly ruled by the people, by and through their elected representatives, pursuant to our Constitutions. ROTFLMFAO! In fact, even when you closely study political systems that are supposedly based upon the tenets of Marxism (i.e., Socialism and Communism), what you see is that they too always end up operating as Fascistic systems--Technocratic systems [designed by "experts"], where a small number of oligarchs remain perched on top of the rest of the people, using government laws and regulations to drive more and more wealth [and power] in their direction.
Think of mandatory insurance laws as good examples of Fascism here in America. Anytime government points its [ever present] gun at your head, and tells you that you must buy a product or service in the private marketplace in order to exercise your Natural Rights as a human being, such as the right to live, and the right to travel upon the public roadways, then you've found Fascism.
This great documentary will identify the most recent, and perhaps the ultimate example of Fascism--"ESG," which stands for environmental, social, and governance [of you and I by corporations]. It's the giant social engineering phenomena that we're witnessing grow up around us now at warp speed. Meanwhile, most Americans don't really understanding what ESG is all about.
ESG is a totally Fascistic system under which the central banking families, who literally own everything [because they bought up the world for free with worthless, unbacked, fiat currency] are using their investment fronts such as BlackRock, State Street, Vanguard, and Berkshire Hathaway and all of the Fortune 1,600 plus corporations that they own or control by and through those investment fronts in order to herd humanity, in directions our governments cannot, which is straight towards the dystopic, New World Order feedlot that those Thirteen Families have been building for us to live in [if at all] for the past 100 plus years.
Like the fake "Climate Crisis" Agenda (formerly called "Global Cooling" and then "Global Warming" and then "Climate Change"), which is also a product of the round table groups that are funded by, and operating on the behalf of the
Thirteen Families, it's a
GIANT SCAM --a way to rob you and your family of of prosperity, lower your standard of living (while theirs remains unchanged, of course), and bring in the new system they want, which is called Neo-Feudalism. You will be a serf living on their global plantation administered by their most potent creation, the United Nations, while you and your family struggle to survive off the scraps that might fall from their table.
You should watch this film. It'll teach you how the scam works, what the [real] goals of ESG are, and who's behind it all.
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