America is facing an existential threat that has potentially catastrophic economic, political, and national security implications. That threat is the self-destructive relationship that our nation has had with the Communist China Party (CCP) since 1949, which is nothing less than a suicide pact that has largely been engineered by the Rockefeller banking family (Chase-Manhattan Bank), who financed Mao and the Communist Revolution in China, and the other globalist schemers in Washington, D.C. who have long served the interests and goals of central bankers (a one-world Totalitarian government), and not us, the American people.
These traitors have practically handed over our once free nation to the Commies ever since 1949, which is the same year Mao Zedong took power in China, and declared his 100 year war on America, which is an "Unrestricted War" and one that's almost already been won by China. It's certainly been won economically, and soon, they will also be a stronger nation than ours militarily. They may already be stronger military power than the U.S. right now when you consider who their allies are, and how many soldiers they and their BRIC nation allies could put on the battlefield should they ever choose to fight a kinetic war with us.
This is NOT hyperbole, folks. The existential threat that Communist China now poses to America is the
greatest single threat that our country has ever faced in it's history. Yet, your average American is completely unaware that we are already on the brink of defeat by the CCP, which practically owns and runs our country right now. Just look at the influence the Chinese have had with the Clintons and the Biden family top see how up in our political system Communist Chinese Party influence reaches. It seems it's not very hard for the CCP to find Americans and American companies who are willing to sell their country out for money that we essentially gave to the Chinese over the past 50 years through traitorous, lopsided trade deals and the intentional offshoring our nation's manufacturing.
If you're one of those Americans who isn't up-to-speed on this extremely important topic, this feature-length documentary will cure your ignorance. It's important that you learn about this issue, and take steps in your own life to mitigate the damage that's being done to our society every time you buy something that's Made in China. For every Dollar you put into the hands of a Chinese business buys another bullet that's will one day be aimed directly at the head of you and your family.
Without greater public awareness of the threat that the Communist Chinese Party poses to America, and how deeply our nation has already been infiltrated and usurped by the CCP at the academic, political, and corporate levels, it could literally mean the death of America well before the China's target date of defeating us by 2049, which is not only possible, it's very likely if we don't change our attitudes towards the Communist threat to our American values and our American way of life.
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