Post Number 438309
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Trump on Trial: America at a Crossroads
by Mike Baker
The recent blizzard of criminal indictments that were handed down against President Trump by Leftist prosecutors, and the more general trend of Leftist prosecutors to indict prosecute people they consider their political opponents, while rarely, if ever, prosecuting their fellow travelers for doing things that, in many cases are far worse than those which they accuse political opponents on the Right of doing, is indicative a far greater problem facing our broken and divided nation--the weaponization of our nation's Justice System by the Left.

Are we witnessing history repeating itself? I think we might be. After all, history teaches us that some of the most evil Leftist regimes that ever existed secured their power after their violent takeovers by waging unrestricted "lawfare" against their political opponents. Stalin did it in Russia and Mao did it in China, as did so many other Leftist regimes, and with great efficacy, I might add.

Our Justice System is based on the moral notion that all Americans will be treated equally under the Law. However, that has not been the case for decades now. We now have activist judges, activist prosecutors, and even activist Law enforcement officers who use their positions of power to wage lawfare against people who don't share their far-Left worldview. Meanwhile, finding a Conservative or a Populist doing the same sort of thing to folks on the Left is like trying to find a unicorn. That's how rare that is. In fact, I can't think of even one example of that ever happening. At least not on par with what the Left is doing to President Trump in order to weaken his ability to campaign and raise funds in support of his 2024 Presidential run.

The most glaring example of the inequality of our Justice system is the almost cartoon-like prosecution of thousands of patriotic American who showed up at the Capitol on January 6, 2020 in order to protest the stolen 2020 Presidential Election, while almost no one on the Left who had participated in the Antifa/BLM riots just months earlier, which caused the deaths of dozens of people and the destruction of billions of Dollars of property, were ever prosecuted for their crimes, which were orders of magnitude worse than those allegedly committed by the [genuinely] mostly peaceful Jan 6 protesters, notwithstanding the incredible number of [federal] agent provocateurs who were there trying to manufacture violence.

Meanwhile, one Jan 6 protester, Ashli Babbitt, a mother and 14-year veteran of the United States Air Force, was actually murdered in cold blood by a cowardly, sub-human Capitol Police Officer, and instead of being prosecuted for his crime, which was caught on video, by the way, was applauded and given praise by the Leftist usurpers of our nation for what he did, when really, he should be rotting in prison.

We have a serious problem, folks. Without equal treatment before the Law for everyone, regardless of what our political views may be, America will eventually go the way that so many other countries went after they were conquered by Communists--straight to hell.

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Sunday, June 04, 2023  07:33 AKDT
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