To those of you who see what I see, and feel as I feel, I invite you to stand with me and millions of others like us--patriotic Americans who believe in the Founding Principles of this nation and the vision of its Fathers--people who are willing to risk their honor, their fortunes, and their very lives if necessary to secure the Blessings of Liberty that were promised to us, their "Posterity," in our nation's Constitution. Together, we can defeat these tyrants; bring the traitors to justice; and put our country back on the path of freedom and independence that was laid for us so long ago. All we have to do is let the traitors hear us say "NO!" for a change, and let them hear us say it loudly, both in our words and our deeds, as we trust the consequences to God.
Please feel free to
read the full, annotated version of this Open Letter to America, and to copy and reuse any part you wish in corresponding with your legislators, or in any other way that is pursuant to the furtherance of Liberty in this nation. I also invite you to share this video.
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