I see no reason to treat Russia with any animosity. What's happening in Ukraine is a Slavic Civil War happening 6,000 miles away, which does not affect American national security in any way.
It seems to me that if Russia, along with several Eastern-block countries, say a Warsaw Pact, ever combined their efforts to bring Mexico or Canada into their group, as NATO did with Ukraine, and then moved billions of Dollars worth of armaments into either of those countries, and built biological weapons laboratories there, for the purpose of attacking America, the U.S. would would go into Mexico or Canada and remove those threats to our national security immediately. And let's not forget, Ukraine's military is dominated by Neo-Nazis, who have a long history of committing atrocities of all kinds to their fellow Ukrainians in the Southeast. Especially in Donbass.
Imagine, for example, a racist faction of the Mexican military was committing acts of genocide against English-speaking, pro-American Mexicans who happened to be living in a region of Mexico that lies just across our Southern border. Would we not liberate them?
Why would the criminal, illegitimate Biden regime along with numerous Neo-conservative (RINO) Republicans ally our nation with the likes of Hitler? It appears that's exactly what we're doing when we support Ukraine. Aren't the Biden Leftists against Nazis? Don't they call everyone who disagrees with their takeover of America a "Nazi" and all European-Americans "racists?"
I suppose this is just another example of one criminal, illegitimate government assisting another. Criminals often help on another to accomplish their common goals.
Furthermore, why are we concerned about the integrity of Ukraine's borders when are borders have gone unguarded for over 40 years now. Not only is our nation's Southern border unguarded, our Sovereign Political Order is unguarded, our language is unguarded, our Constitution is unguarded, our economy is unguarded, and our culture is unguarded. Our nation is under attack by the people who we entrust to protect it. Yet, we are compelled to guard Ukraine, the Motherland of Russia, the place where Russia was originally founded?
Ukraine would be better off back under the arm of Russia than under the arm of the likes of George Soros (a former Nazi youth) who funded the neo-Nazis there in their Color Revolution takeover of the country during the Obama years, and who, along with the CIA is resposible for installing the American puppet, Serhiy Paraschenko. The subsequent President of Ukraine, Zelensky is also a puppet of the West, and the guy who will look the other way while the Biden family and the Romney family and Pelosi rape Ukraine for their own selfish benefit.
Meanwhile, Zelensky uses the Neo-Nazi Azov Brigade to wage war on the Russian-speaking people of Ukraine in the Southeast of the country, in an act of Fratricide. They, of course, the Ukrainians in the Southeast have formed militias to oppose Zelensky and his war there on the civilian population, which he speciously calls "terrorists."
The biggest issue facing America is NOT Russia. They want to "de-Nazify" the country, and remove the NATO threat to their nation's security. After all, our REAL enemy is China. That country poses the greatest existential threat to America. They have already bought up our nation's real assets using all of the worthless money that we paid them for the goods that we our forced to buy from them, because the U.S. taxpayer paid to have all of our factories moved there.
No. What we need to be focusing on right now is ending the giant, worldwide COVID-19 PSYOP and the political and economic takeover it is provided cover for, which is the greatest crime ever committed in human history, and bringing the criminals who were behind that crime to Justice.
The mainstream propaganda media's current focus on this Russia-Ukrainian conflict is just another example of the "wag the dog" phenomena. It's just another example of how easy it is for them to distract Americans from their real enemy--the criminal, illegitimate government in D.C. and the masters who they serve, which I can assure you is not the American People.
Never forget that the true power in this world is in the hands of just 13 hereditary elite banking families. It is they who are at the top of the pyramid. It is they who own the worldwide plantation that you live on, and they've always have owned it. After all, he who controls the world's monetary system controls the world, Nothing as big as the conflict in Ukraine or the COVID PSYOP, or anything else with global implications, happens without their approval.
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