Owing to the many federal records that have been released over the years relating to the Kennedy assassination, especially through the efforts of the Assassination Records Review Board in the 1990s, many Americans are now aware of the war that was being waged between the Kennedy family and the CIA throughout his presidency.
In this partial video interview with Robert Kennedy Jr., which was taken off the CIA-hatched Google/YouTube platform, (listen to full interview using audio link below), he reveales a fascinating aspect of this war with which I was unfamiliar. He stated that the deep animosity that the CIA had for the Kennedy family actually stretched back to something the family patriarch, Joseph P. Kennedy, did in the 1950s that incurred the wrath of Allen Dulles, the head of the CIA.
Kennedy Jr. stated that his grandfather, Joseph P. Kennedy, had served on a commission that was charged with examining and analyzing CIA covert activities, or "dirty tricks" as Kennedy Jr. put them. As part of that commission, Kennedy Jr stated, Joseph Kennedy (John Kennedy and Bobby Kennedy's father) had determined that the CIA had done bad things with its regime-change operations that were destroying democracies, such as in Iran and Guatemala. Consequently, Joseph Kennedy recommended that the CIA's power to engage in covert activities be terminated and that the CIA be strictly limited to collecting intelligence and empowered to do nothing else.
After firing Allen Dulles when he unilaterally ordered the Bay of Pigs Invasion, President John F. Kennedy famously said "I will break the CIA into a thousand pieces, and cast it to the wind."
He was assassinated shortly afterward, and Allen Dulles was the man put in charge of the investigation of that assassination.
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Full Audio Version of This Coversation (38:00 minutes)
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