Post Number 438181
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U.S. Bio-Labs: Tools of Genocide
by Mike Baker
International Law Attorney Dr. Francis Boyle, who is a professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law, and the man who wrote the U.S. Anti-Biological Terrorism Act, which is now Law, is one of the foremost experts on biological weapons in the world. In this interview he describes the U.S. funded bio-labs in Ukraine as gross violations of that Law, and says that all those who were involved in building those labs and operating those labs are criminals who should be punished with life in prison for their crimes, which is what the Law calls for.

Let's not forget that it was Dr. Boyle who first pointed out in February of 2020 that the SARS-CoV-2 virus that was released on humanity came from unlawful biological weapon research that was done at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, and the University of Texas-Galveston. It took over a year for the mainstream propaganda media to finally admit this fact, even though they knew these facts to begin with. So, one would be wise to hear what this man has to say about the bio-labs in Ukraine as well.

Biological weapon laboratories like those that have been built all over the world by the Neo-Cons who took control of the federal government in 1980 actually pose a greater risk to mankind than nuclear weapons. I think the COVID-19 PSYOP should have taught everyone with two brain cells left to rub together that oh-so-obvious lesson.

After all, building race-specific weapons, which can be used as political tools, is a stated objective of the Neo-cons in their pre-9/11 Manifesto called the "Project for a New American Century" (PNAC) which they published just prior to GW Bush being installed into the White House. All of these demons served in the Bush Administration. We also know that the Anthrax attack which followed 9/11 PSYOP came from weaponized Anthrax that was developed at Fort Detriech.

Guess what? Anthrax is also listed as one of the biological agents being "stored" at these Ukrainian labs, along with several types of Soviet era biological weapons, and a LONG list of other deadly and potentially offensive biological weapons. The criminal, illegitimate government in D.C. has already admitted this publicly, but of course, continues to gaslight the public.

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Tuesday, April 18, 2023  18:04 AKDT
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Saturday, December 09, 2023  10:44 AKDT
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