Unless you have been in a coma, or you're one of those people who watches mainstream news propaganda for any other purpose than to simply monitor enemy communications, then you probably already know that the thirteen Edomite central banking families who own and/or control this world after buying up said ownership and control our planet through their hegemonic, 110-year control of the world's fiat monetary systems are now intentonally destroying what remains of our nation's economy and its lifeblood, the U.S. Dollar, while they, at the same time, herd us all into a new and even more comprehensive system of political, economic, and financial enslavement than we already live under, the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC).
That said, this video is a montage containing three comprehensive, 1-hour plus interviews with some of the sharpest financial knives in the drawer, David Jensen, Dr. Kirk Elliott, Edward Dowd, and the professor of Banking and Economics at Oxford University, Dr. Richard A. Werner. Each gives you their razor-sharp analysis of what's happening right now in the world--how we got here, what went wrong, who's to blame, where it's all headed. Most importantly, each one tells us what we need to do right now to prepare for what's inevitable at this point, a complete [orchestrated] collapse of our nation's economic and monetary systems.
You would be wise to listen to what these guys have to say. Believe me, it will be time well spent. In fact, I wouldn't have even bothered to put this Roundup together unless I found the information worth sharing with my Brothers and Sisters in the Freedom Movement.
Be sure to pay close attention to David Jensen's explanation of how the gold and silver markets have been intentionally manipulated ("rigged") since 1980 in order to give the artificial appearance that the U.S. Dollar was "strong" against these two commodities, when in fact, the U.S. Dollar has lost 99% of it's buying power since 1913, while gold [and even more so, silver] has been undervalued against the Dollar since 1980, due to a fraudulent market price manipulation scheme that's been employed since then by the Bank of England. That is, after key changes were made in the Law[s] governing the London Gold Exchange markets by then Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.
The things you will learn in this video are not things that you will ever learn watching mainstream propaganda news (FCC-licensed network Television stations). After all, their job is not to inform you about the true nature and scope of what's going on in the world. Their job is to not only to keep you panicked, afraid, and scientifically misinformed, but most importantly, always heading in the one direction that their masters, the thirteen Edomite central banking families, want you to be herded, which is directly into the global, Technocratic feedlot they have been building for humanity to live in for the past 150 years, their "New World Order." In fact, those thirteen families would rather that you and your family just die from the effects of your (mRNA genetic therapy), or whatever gets the job done, before you ever even get to their feedlot. After all, to those inbred demons, you're nothing but a "useless feeder" who's using up their resources anyway, and therefore, you and yours need to be culled from the herd altogether.
Sorry. I didn't mean to sugar-coat it like that.
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