They'll silence you, they'll hurt you, they'll lie to you, they'll burn your country down, and they'll even cheat in order get their candidates into office. So, the question is, how should we respond to this giant, worldwide Communist takeover? Well, that's easy. We must respond with courage. We must never tolerate these kind of things. We have nothing to be ashamed of by resisting and standing-up against evil. We also have the absolute right to say whatever it is that we believe to be true, no matter what CIA-hatched Web sites like Fakebook think. That's our birthright as Americans, and it's time for us to affirm that right out loud. If enough decent people rise up from their knees, stop going along to get along, and start saying "NO!" for a change, then these New World Order demons will vanish like vampires at dawn. We must show them that WE ARE NOT AFRAID, and that our knees don't bend for anyone.
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