Post Number 438152
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Alex Jones Was Right
by Mike Baker
If I knew someone who is totally clueless about the plans of the global elite to exterminate more than 90% of humanity before 2030, and to herd the few who remain after that Great Culling and genetic modification into the Technocratic feedlot they call the New World Order, it would be this video. Why? Because in just 1 hour Jones lays out everything that someone needs to know, and in a way that's easy to understand. Who among us would be unwilling to take an hour to learn the game plan of the greatest enemies that free humanity has ever faced in the history of our species.

So, if you know anyone who needs to know that a 100 year-old plan that was conceived by the thirteen inbred central banking families and their agents to demolish Western civilization and then replace that with a Technocratic, Neo-feudalistic society where there will only be an aristocracy and a sub-human class of serfs whose job it will be to serve them, then please share this video with them, because that's a truth, a truth universally recognized by every honest student of history.

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Tuesday, April 11, 2023  08:50 AKDT
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Tuesday, April 11, 2023  08:52 AKDT
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