The great economic fight continues. Keynes vs. Hayek, Second Round. It's time to weigh-in. Will it be more of the same, or something sound?
Many people want to blame Free Market Capitalism for today's economic problems. But, genuine Free Market Capitalism has not existed in America since 1913. What we have had since then is Monopoly Capitalism. Why? Because genuine Free Market Capitalism requires an Honest Monetary System--like the one like we had between 1835 and 1913, when all of our nation's money was based on something of genuine value (i.e.,gold, silver, copper, and nickel), things which cannot simply be created out of thin air like money has been since 1913.
When you give thirteen Edomite banking families the power to create un-backed, un-redeemable, fiat money like a handfull of traitors in Congress did 1913, of course the they will use that counterfeit money to buy up the world, and consolidate their power by seizing control of every foundation of our society, which is exactly what they did.
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