As a Christian, are you really certain that you will be "raptured" before the Tribulation as the pastors of most mega churches funded by Rockefeller's World Council of Churches teach? Perhaps you should think again. For the first 1,800 years of Christianity, pre-Tribulation Rapture Theology was never taught to anyone in Christianity. Why? Because it's simply not in the Bible. In fact, a careful examination of Bible prophecy and current events makes it quite clear that we are very likely living in the End Times right now.
So, either the pre-Tribulation theology that was foisted onto Christianity by and through the influence of the Globalists servants of Satan like the House of Rockefeller in order to cause Christians to stand down from resisting their New World Order (Beast System) agenda is 100% wrong, or there simply isn't anyone alive right now who is worthy of being spared that from the Tribulation that's upon us. I think both things are true.
This documentary will walk you through the facts that will prove that this whole notion is a product of the Scofield Reference Bible and modern propaganda movies that were produced by the Globalists, not upon any rational interpretation of the King James Bible. But no matter what you might believe, one thing's for certain: Christians have a sacred duty to resist and fight back against evil, whenever and wherever it may raise its ugly head. Why? Because that's what Jesus would do.
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