Post Number 438134
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Natural Immunity Better Than Any Vaccine
by Mike Baker
This is a clip of Fauci admitting that getting infected, and thereby achieving Natural Immunity is better than ANY vaccine.

It's amazing how Fauci flip-flops on the most important issues with regard to the Plandemic. He flip-flopped on masks, which have long been known to be ineffective, and actually harmful to folks during a pandemic, but he also flip-flopped on the issue of Natural Immunity, which is what you'll get to see him do here in this short clip when he appeared on C-Span in 2004. In fact, Natural Immunity is the whole underlying science behind giving folks "traditional vaccines" over the past 100 years.

You give a person a small attenuated form of the virus, and then they develop Natural Immunity to that virus--just like they do when they get sick from a virus and then recover naturally. God gave you this remarkable thing called an immune system, and it learns how to protect you from ever getting sick again from a vurus.

However, the so-called mRNA vaccine is not a traditional vaccine. It's a genetic mutagen that has killed over 500,000 Americans. Clearly, the pill was worse than the ill. The whole COVID-19 Plandemic was just part of a giant, worldwide takeover plan by the World Economic Forum and the Leftist minions.

Had the CDC not withheld safe and effective treatments, and there were many, there would have never been any need for any of the Draconian and unconstitutional lockdowns and the mRNA Death shots that followed at "Warp Speed," which have wreaked irreparable damage on our society. 5 billion people received an experimental genetic therapy, which will likely lead to their untimely death.

Fauci and all of those involved with manufacturing and release of the SARS-CoV-2 bioweapon on the public, and the planning of this worldwide PSYOP must be indicted and punished for their crimes against humanity, which is unprecedented in human history.

You don't overthrow civilization to guard it from a mild-moderate flu-like illness such as COVID-19. You let it run its course, and the population will quickly develop Herd Immunity to it. The Amish proved that. Not one person died from COVID-19 in the Amish community.

If there are high risk segments of the population such as the immuno-compromised, you quarantine them and give them prophylactic treatments to prevent them from getting sick. That's been the standard way of handling pandemics for over a century. Why? Because that's what works.

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Sunday, April 09, 2023  09:21 AKDT
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