The criminal, illegitimate federal government wants us to believe that drinking hydrofluorosilicic acid and sodiumsilico fluoride, two highly toxic industrial pollutants which are added to public water supplies under the cloak of "public water fluoridation," is meant to protect our teeth against cavities. However, there's an overwhelming amount of scientific evidence which indicates that these chemicals are, in fact, extremely harmful to our health.
The main fluoride chemicals that is being added to water is not what most people would call a naturally occurring compound. It is a corrosive acid captured in the air pollution control devices of the phosphate fertilizer and aluminum production industries. Fluoride is captured in air pollution control devices because fluoride gases are hazardous air pollutants that cause significant environmental harm. This captured acid which is being added to our public water supplies, may trigger additional risks when compared to those presented by natural fluorides. These risks include a possible cancer hazard from the acid's elevated arsenic content, and a neurotoxic hazard from the acid's ability--under some conditions--to increase the erosion of lead from old pipes. Not only that, these acids may contain radioactive material. Some researchers even claim that public water fluoridation may be responsible for the drastic decrease in sperm counts that medical authorities have been reporting for several decades now.
Did you know that fluoride has never been approved by the FDA for preventing tooth decay, or that Europeans ended fluoridation several decades ago due to public health concerns? In fact, the FDA warning on fluoride toothpaste tubes tell us to call a poison control center immediately if we ever swallow it. Yet, it's okay to drink fluoridated water, when each cup of fluoridated water contains the same amount you get in every squeeze you put onto a toothbrush.
Dentists apply fluoride topically to their patient's teeth. However, they always warn those patients not to swallow during the procedure. So, why are politicians, none of which are doctors who are licensed to treat ANYONE with biologically any active medications, treating us all with an internally medication that we have no choice but to take?
Enlightened towns and cities throughout the country have been stopping public water fluoridation, and for a host of good reasons, in spite of the huge amounts of money that's paid to them by the federal government to turn their citizens into unwitting toxic waste disposal facilities for the aluminum production and phosphate fertilizer industries.
How can ingesting a dangerous neurotoxin be beneficial to human health in any way? Fluoride has been proven to reduce IQ by as much as 15 points in a Harvard study that was published about 18 years ago, and then quickly removed from Harvard's Web site after the study began to receive a lot of attention. Fluoride also increases certain cancer risks significantly, namely bone cancer, because the chemical accumulates in the bones. Do they want to dumb-down and sicken the American population even more than we already are? I think that's exactly what they want to do. After all, a mentally castrated public is much easier to enslave and control than a public that's fully conscious and healthy.
Public water fluoridation also begs the larger, ethical question: If doctors can't forcefully medicate us, why is it that politicians can, and on such a mass scale? Why can't we just brush our teeth with fluoridated toothpaste if we want to? If politicians can order fluoride to be put in our water to medicate us, can't they also put other so-called "medications" in our food too? Well, in fact, that's exactly what they are now doing. They're now injecting livestock [COVID-19] mRNA injections which produce spike proteins into our country's livestock, and in a new process called "precision insertion," they are adding similar so-called "vaccine" products to the vegetables that we eat.
Among the flood of misinformation being perpetuated by fluoridation proponents is the concept of fluoride as an important nutrient. Despite the fact that fluoride has never been proven to serve any role in human nutrition whatsoever, for some perplexing reason, proponents believe ingesting a hazardous industrial waste is the answer to reducing tooth decay in children. Considering how the increasing toxic burdens affecting our children's health have resulted with over 50% of U.S. children suffering at least one chronic illness, and approximately 20% are developmentally disabled, does it really make sense to add more pollutants to our water supplies?
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