Post Number 438123
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The Curse of Canaan
by Mike Baker
Unless you've been completely brainwashed by the false historical narratives that we are fed to you 24/7/365 by the forces of evil that have completely taken over ALL [formerly] European societies over the past 150 years, then you too cannot help to notice that every one of those societies have been completely been inverted in almost every way. What was once seen as good is now bad, and what was once considered bad is sold to us like it was mother's milk.

Through the application of relentless, Zionist-Communist (Masonic) social engineering techniques, which were perfected over the past 100 years of trial and error and the academic study of human behaviorism by the elite, America, Europe, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand have been all been turned into complete inversions of what they once were before the end of the Nineteenth Century. Where those societies were once the most prosperous, virtuous, and ethnically homogeneous nations that ever existed in all of human history, we have now been turned into the opposite of that over the course just six generations. Most obviously though, since the end of World War II.

Younger people may not realize this. But how could they? They have never known what it was like to live in America before the Commies were able to finally take over our country as they did after 1963, when John F. Kennedy was assassinated in what was a LBJ/CIA/FBI coup d'état--that moment in American history when "everything changed." Since then, we have not seen one good thing happen that has ensured the "blessings of Liberty" for the "posterity" of the Founding Generation, or which has made the sole beneficiaries of our nation's very existence (see Preamble to the Constitution) more united, prosperous, happy, tranquil, or free. Instead, everything, and I do mean everything, that has been done by our criminal, illegitimate government in the way of policy making and lawmaking since November 22, 1963 has ONLY been done in order to further the well-documented objectives of the Thirteen [Edomite] banking families who now own and/or control this world after buying it up through financial fraud.

Obviously, one of their objectives is to rid all ethnically European nations like America of Europeans--the posterity of the Founding Generation, and then enslave everyone, regardless of their ethnic heritage, under the jackboot of a vertically-consolidated, one-world, fascist government that will be administered by another creation of these inbred families, the United Nations.

In fact, if things continue as they are right now, VERY soon, every race on Earth will still have a racially homogeneous homeland, except of course, those people who are of Indo-European descent (people formally known as "Aryans" until the revisionist Canaanite historians changed the name to Indo-European, meaning "Indigenous Europeans" after WWII). The Africans will always have the countries of Sub-Saharan Africa. The Asians will have the countries of East Asia and Japan. The Slavs will have Russia and the other Slavic countries of Western Asia. The Jews (the descendants of Canaan) will have the illegitimate state of Israel and the Khazarian countries of Southwestern Asia, and the South Pacific Islanders will still have all of their island countries as well. However, even though Europeans (the descendants of Shem and Japeth) are indigenous to the European continent, they soon will be almost completely displaced, even on the continent that they and their ancestors have inhabited for more than 10,000 years.

You know this is true, and I know this is true, and you also know that this all didn't all happen organically. It was made to happen. It was planned by the Canaanites who seized political and economic power centuries ago. Europeans are being gradually and systematically genocided as the result of policies and agendas that are made by real people who are acting in accordance with real agendas, none of which are benevolent with regard to the descendants of Shem.

Who are these people who that are hellbent on the destruction of the Aryan race no matter where we might exist on the planet, and what's their REAL motivation for carrying out this diabolical plan of slow-motion genocide?

The answers to that question is one the most closely guarded secrets in the world, and it is this book, which was first published by Eustace Mullins in 1983, that will help you unravel that secret. Another book, entitled "The Thirteenth Tribe: The Khazar Empire and its Heritage" by Arthur Koestler is another great book that's aimed at helping you understand the greatest deception that's ever been perpetrated upon mankind by the descendants of Canaan.

What you will learn from this book will be absolutely mind-blowing, I can assure you. So many things will finally become clear. It will broaden your understanding of what's happening in the world right now. You'll also begin to understand why truth-tellers like Eustace Mullins and Arthur Koestler are demonized as "anti-Semites" by the Canaanite Mafia, when in fact, it's those whom would call them that who are the true anti-Semites (anti-Shemites).

Like with almost everything else that we the One People are taught by those who control our bought-and-paid-for schools, or media, and our governments with regards to history, the slanderous "ant-semite" pejorative is simply an inversion of reality. And all you need to know is who it is who "bought" these institutions in order to understand why that's so.

One of the truest things that I've learned during my 40 years of deep research into ancient history and human origins is that if you truly want to know the plain truth of things, you'll have to dig for it tirelessly, and find it on your own. For, as we all know, history is written by the victors.

The Curse of Canaan (full text)

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