We have been conditioned over the years to believe that during the Second World War the Germans and Japanese were the only ones capable of atrocities whilst 'our boys' were good, moral upstanding people who would never dream in a million years of committing immoral and repugnant acts or serious crimes against humanity and our illustrious leaders especially, even more so. The problem with this view is that it does not stand up to even cursory scrutiny. The number of Germans, civilian and military, murdered, starved and tortured to death in the two year period following VE day, far exceeded the worst excesses of Nazi brutality including the so-called 'holocaust.' War is horrific and the atrocities committed on both sides in every conflict are inexcusable but at the same time are inevitable consequences of the hatred engendered by propaganda from a country's elite and its puppet leaders, fear of the enemy and also of misguided desire for retribution.
No, Germany's defeat in May 1945 and the end of World War II in Europe did not bring an end to death and suffering for the already vanquished German people. Instead the victorious Allies ushered in a terrible new era of destruction, looting, starvation, rape, 'ethnic cleansing' and mass killing.
A contemporary edition of Time magazine referred to this period as "history's most terrifying peace."
Even though this unknown holocaust is ignored in our motion pictures and classrooms and by our political leaders, the facts are well established. Historians are in basic agreement about the scale of the human catastrophe, which has been detailed in a number of other books. For example, American historian Alfred de Zayas, along with other scholars, has established that in the years 1945 to 1950, more than 14 million Germans were expelled or forced to flee from large regions of eastern and central Europe, of whom anywhere from four to ten million were deliberately or negligently killed or otherwise lost their lives unnecessarily.
The abuses committed by the forces of the occupation in Germany reached such bestial extremes that various people in the Allied command structure opposed it, or tried to. Colonel Charles Lindbergh mentioned how the American soldiers burned the leftovers of their meals to keep them from being scavenged by the starving Germans who hung around the rubbish bins.
Lindbergh also wrote:
"In our homeland the public press publishes articles on how we 'liberated' the oppressed peoples. Here, our soldiers use the word 'liberate' to describe how they get their hands on loot. Everything they grab from a German house, everything they take off a German is 'liberated' in the lingo of our troops. Leica cameras are liberated, food, works of art, clothes are liberated. A soldier who rapes a German girl is 'liberating' her.
"There are German children who gaze at us as we eat … our cursed regulations forbid us to give them anything to eat. I remember the soldier Barnes, who was arrested for having given a chocolate bar to a tattered little girl. It's hard to look these children in the face. I feel ashamed. Ashamed of myself and my people as I eat and look at those children. How can we have gotten so inhumane?" - Charles Lindbergh
Colonel Charles Lindbergh was regarded as a national hero of the United States and was proposed as a candidate for the presidency. He served in the USAF and was no Nazi or Nazi sympathiser, but simply recognised the injustices committed by man against his fellow man, supposed enemy or not.
"it is hard to escape the conclusion that Dwight Eisenhower was a war criminal of epic proportions. His policy killed more Germans in peace than were killed in the European Theatre." Peter Worthington, in the Ottawa Sun, 12th September 1989
Canadian, Bacque James' book "Other Losses" exposes the cover-ups, obfuscations, and downright distortions perpetrated by Army high command in the heady days following Allied victory in Europe. He details General Eisenhower's nearly pathological hatred of Germany and the German people and his systematic starvation and neglect of disarmed German soldiers and civilians. The death count is staggering, and the behavior of those in command, criminal. All the more so, because this type of spiteful retribution was unbeknownst and contrary to the will of the American people.
Other Losses by James Bacque
Crimes and Mercies: The Fate of German Civilians Under Allied Occupation, 1944-1950 by James Bacque
On the Web: "The Rhine Meadows Killing Fields 1945-47"
On the Web: The Morgenthau Plan: The Dirty Secret of WWII
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