Post Number 438112
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2003 Lecture by Eustace Mullins
by Mike Baker
I like listening to what old Americans have to say about history. Especially folks like Eustace Mullins (1923 - 2010) who was a researcher, forensic historian, and a genuine American patriot who authored at least seven books, some of which you can find on the Network still, fee of charge. This great video capture him giving a lecture to a group of fellow patriots, one of whom is none other than Ted Gunderson (1928 – 2011) who was the FBI Special Agent in charge of the Los Angeles regional office, and one of my heros, by the way, who exposed CIA drug-running and ritual Satanic abuse in several books that he wrote. Gunderson, with his unmistakable voice, can be heard at the end of the video asking questions of Mullins about topics he was still researching at the time.

Mullins not only worked as a Researcher at the Library of Congress during the 1950s, he also was an important part of the investigative team that was busy at that time helping Senator Joe McCarthy try to rid our country of the Communists who had infiltrated our government, our media, and our education system like a malignant cancer, infecting our society, culture, economy, and our body politic at every level imaginable. These demons had long been in control of our nation's fraudulent, privately-owned central banking system, which is deceptively-named the "U.S. Federal Reserve," for it is niether "federal," nor does it have ANY reserves.

Unfortunately, as we can now all plainly see, patriots like Mullins, McCarthy, and Gunderson were completely unsuccessful in removing the Curse of Canaan from our country's soil, for the Commies are still hard at work running this country (completely into the ground), while at the same time, essentially genociding the "Posterity" of the Founding Generation, the intended beneficiaries of this nation's very existence in the process (see the Preamble of the Constitution). However, losing that battle in the 50s never stopped Mullins in his lifelong efforts to expose some of the biggest lies that we Americans have been told about some of the most important events in our nation's history, many of which he covers in this golden lecture.

In fact, anyone who the ADL/SPLC-controlled Communist propaganda machine, known as "Wikipedia" (a.k.a the "Ministry of Truth") labels as an "American white supremacist, antisemitic conspiracy theorist, propagandist, and Holocaust denier" is, in fact, probably someone you might want to listen to--that is, if you're a red-blooded, patriotic, freedom-loving American, who believes in the founding principles of our nation, the Constitution for the United States of America, and someone who would rather know the unblemished truth about our nation's dark, corruption filled history rather than be placated by the sort of comfortable lies that we a fed 24/7/365 by the same Communist system that Mullins and Senator McCarthy were trying to protect us from (a.k.a. the New World Order).

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