Post Number 438029
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The Plan to Destroy America
by Mike Baker
The oligarchs have been working hard to enslave humanity for more than a hundred years now, and their plan to do so is a simple one. Using their hegemonic control of the world's financial and political systems, they have been implementing a multi-generational plan to remove their greatest obstacle to their success--peace, prosperity and freedom in America and the sovereign political order that once made all that possible; a political order that is based entirely upon the intent and purposes set out in our nation's Constitution.

The thirteen families who have long owned and/or control this world through financial fraud have been hard at work ever since they seized control of our nation's monetary system in 1914 to gradually and systematically deindustrialize and weaken America, both economically and culturally, and in every other way they can, while at the same time using our military to attack weaker countries which they don't already control. One day--once the eagle can fly no more, they will drive what little remains of our once great nation into the waiting arms of their New World Order , a system that they designed to cull most of humanity, and then rule over those who survive that genocide forever.

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Sunday, February 12, 2023  17:38 AKDT
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Tuesday, April 25, 2023  14:32 AKDT
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