In this Google Talk, Author Alex Epstein makes a solid case for the continued use of what he mistakenly refers to as "fossil fuels," a term that was invented by John D. Rockefeller in the late 19th century in order to promote the idea of artificial scarcity (see my video here about that). Notwithstanding that one minor flaw in his lecture, Epstein does a great job of pointing out the many logical fallacies in the [religious] arguments currently being proselytized by Al Gore's "climate change" cult. He presents most of the relevant scientific data regarding carbon dioxide, temperature, and ocean levels both past and present. All of which point to the inescapable fact that, not only have carbon dioxide level NEVER been lower and more stable than they are right now in ALL OF HISTORY, the same goes for temperature as well.
In fact, when you look closely and objectively at the climate change debate, you see that there really isn't one happening, and that there's actually an anti-human aspect to the solutions being proposed by these cultists, which almost everyone is ignoring. I will also add that the so-called "97% of scientists" who we are told who agree that we are facing a climate apocalypse are only [97% of] the 77 scientists who work for the United Nation's International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a group which is comprised mostly of political appointees [from various countries] who have absolutely no expertise in any Earth-related science. The 3% who are brave enough to publicly disagree with climate alarmism narrative are the ones who are actually environmental scientists who are looking objectively at the data.
When you poll Earth scientists [at large] who are not affiliated with the political FAR-Left in some way (or dependent on their funding), hardly any of those scientists would agree that we are currently facing a climate apocalypse due to carbon dioxide levels. However, this fact is just never reported to the public by the FAKEstream media, which is owned by the same banking families that created the UN just like academia is.
We actually need more CO₂, not less, in order for all life to flourish on this planet. CO₂ is called "the Gas of Life," and for good reason. Life can only flourish at levels >1,000ppm, not the mere 400ppm that we see now. It is, after all, one of the four building blocks of all life on Earth. Those scientists at the IPCC are simply working towards a shared political goal, which is aimed at UN-based global governance, and they're using the problem-reaction-solution dialectic of "climate change" (previously called "Global Cooling" in the 70s and 80s and then "Global Warming" until about 2000) as the way in which they hope to achieve their New World Order POLITICAL goal. See my video on the Hegelian Dialectic to learn more about this simple [fear-based] method of herding humanity in any direction the banking families want us to go. The elite ruling class has used it over and over again against us, and quite successfully, I might add, for more than 100 years now.
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