Post Number 437991
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The Death of Darwin's Theory
by Mike Baker
Isn't it ironic that now, just as the Judeo-Christian roots from which Western civilization grew have been almost completely hacked away by the atheistic materialists who have been chopping at those roots using Darwin's axe for the past 150 years, scientists are finally realizing that the standard theory of evolution and the standard, out of nothing came everything, cosmological theory which we have been taught in our nation's schools during this long period of time have huge, gaping holes in them that can only be filled by the recognition that intelligent design is responsible for both the creation of life on this planet as well as the fine-tuning that we see in the universe? I think so.

While there’s no reason to doubt that Darwin successfully explained the small adjustments by which species adapt to local circumstances--like changes to fur density or wing style or beak shape, for instance ("Micro Evolution), there are many purely scientific reasons to doubt whether Darwin theory can answer the hard questions of Biology, such as the emergence of new species that have no predecessor (like the octopus, for example), as well as a plethora of other things which scientists can now point to that actually disprove Darwin's theory rather than support it.

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Tuesday, January 24, 2023  12:09 AKDT
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Tuesday, January 24, 2023  12:23 AKDT
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