Among the flood of misinformation perpetuated by fluoridation proponents is the concept of fluoride as an important nutrient. Despite the fact that fluoride has never been proven to serve any role in human nutrition whatsoever, for some perplexing reason, proponents believe ingesting a hazardous industrial waste is the answer to reducing tooth decay in children. Considering how the increasing toxic burdens affecting our children's health have resulted with over 50% of U.S. children suffering at least one chronic illness, and approximately 20% are developmentally disabled, does it really make sense to add more pollutants to our water supplies?
The federal government wants us to believe that drinking hydrofluorosilicic acid and sodium silicofluoride, two highly toxic industrial pollutants which are added to public water supplies under the cloak of "fluoridation," is meant to protect our teeth against cavities. However, there's now an overwhelming amount of scientific evidence which indicates that these chemicals are, in fact, extremely harmful to our health. Public water fluoridation also begs the larger, ethical question: If doctors can't forcefully medicate us, why is it that politicians can?"
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