Post Number 438419
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The 17th Amendment Was Not Lawfully Ratified
by Devvy Kidd
The year that the Seventeenth Amendment was allegedly ratified, it was actually two states short of the number of votes necessary. Therefore, like the Sixteenth Amendment was unlawfully ratified. I proved it beyond any legal threshold in a Court of Law. The first judge dismissed my case without looking at a single piece of evidence obtained at the U.S. Archives in Washington, DC and from the California State Archives.

This "judge"was brought out of retirement to hear two cases (while all other court rooms were overflowing), mine and a personal injury case. Spit was exchanged between the judge and two attorneys over in less than 10 minutes. Those two attorneys then left. That huge empty court room was down to the "judge", the clerk, the two attorneys representing the State of Texas and me.

Arrogantly, the "judge" said it all happened a long time ago so who cares? That's exactly what he said, case dismissed. He also wanted sanctions against me by the state but the state declined. The "judge" damn near crapped his pants, got up and left. The Texas Appeals Court white washed it so I decided to skip the Texas Supreme Court. No one wants to be standing two feet from a hydrogen bomb. My court filings are here. Pg 97 is the first so you work your way up.

Many are not familiar with the Seventeenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and why it's so critical to get rid of it.When the First Continental Congress was convened via a resolution of the Congress of the Confederation, one of the first issues discussed on May 29, 1787, was the balance of power for a newly created federal government.

James Madison wrote in The Federalist Papers #45: "The Senate will be elected absolutely and exclusively by the State legislatures." John Jay, co-author of The Federal Papers is quoted: "Jay then informed Governor Clinton that, unlike the Senate, where the two-thirds rule was in force for treaties and impeachment, the lower house had nothing to do with treaties; it represented the people whereas the Senate represented the states-for the Federalists always a significant distinction."

The framers of the Constitution wisely understood the absolute necessity of ensuring we the people would have the right to vote for our representative in Congress, and at the same time because they all jealously guarded freedom and liberty, the states must also have equal representation. We the people would have the ability to remove via the ballot box, miscreants and scoundrels, while state legislatures could recall their U.S. Senators who acted against the best interests of their state.

The Senate was supposed to be a sort of checks and balances, but that noble concept disappeared when U.S. Senators were then voted into office by special interests and mobs demanding more and more from the people's treasury. The absolute right of the states to equal representation was wiped out when the Seventeenth Amendment was declared ratified on April 8, 1913.

I once read a comment below a news item regarding former senate candidate, Joe Miller, [R-AK] after he came out supporting a repeal of the Seventeenth Amendment. The useful fool who submitted the comment said old Joe wouldn't have to run for office and worry about getting beat. Miller's opponent and alleged eventual winner, RINO Sen. Lisa Murkowski, opened the pie hole in her face: "...was the first to criticize Miller's comments, issuing a news release entitled "Joe Miller reaching new extremes every day."

"We have seen Joe Miller take some extraordinary positions in this campaign, but I never imagined he would support disenfranchising himself and every other Alaskan," Murkowski said in a statement. "Joe is no longer content with simply taking away federal support for Alaskan families, now he wants to take away their right to select our United States senators." She's another blabbering bobble head in Congress.

Yeah, those who gave their lives and blood to create this republic reached "new extremes" when they voted to create two separate bodies for the U.S. Congress, one for the people and one for the states.

Think Murkowski wants to give up her power as a U.S. Senator? When pig's fly. That foolish hen votes for legislation that affects my life and I can't vote her out of office. Another dangerous female, Sen. Olympia Snowe, RINO from Maine (now retired), voted for the unconstitutional Obamacare declaring her constituents wanted it! Well, I wasn't her constituent and I sure as hell don't want it. The vile, Charles Schumer, [D-NY] would like to see the Second Amendment wiped off the books. I have no way to send his "progressive" backside packing.

The U.S. Senate over the years has ratified treaties killing MILLIONS of good paying jobs sending them overseas. This has had a direct impact upon the states as far as growth, unemployment and so many problems, it would take fifty columns to cover. All because of an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that was not ratified by the necessary number of states at the time - 36.

Article V of the U.S. Constitution: The Congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution...and that no state, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate.

In 1940, Alabama was only in session every four years. No Action taken at the time: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, Delaware. Georgia specifically based on an investigation ordered by their governor at the time that the Seventeenth Amendment was not legally adopted by Congress before it was sent to the states.Not all states were in session at the time depriving them of equal suffrage in the Senate. However, as the movement to repeal the Seventeenth Amendment was continuing to grow, an extraordinary thing happened:

On April 11, 2002, the State of Alabama decided out of the clear blue to ratify the Seventeenth Amendment - 89 years after the alleged ratification. On July 1, 2010, 97 years after the alleged ratification of that amendment, the State of Delaware ratified it. On April 1, 2012, 99 years after the alleged ratification, the State of Maryland voted to ratify the Seventeenth Amendment.

How interesting that nearly 100 years after the alleged ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and after people like me have been pounding on this issue for close to two decades, three states just up and decided to vote on an old constitutional amendment.Why? Because ratification was two states short. I know a former member of the Maryland General Assembly, Don Dwyer, who told me he was completely surprised one day while in session, out of the clear blue, they were all to vote on ratifying that amendment. The shadow government's hand all over it. Only one problem:

United States Supreme Court - DILLON v. GLOSS, 256 U.S. 368 (1921) 256 U.S. 368 DILLON v. GLOSS, Deputy Collector. No. 251. Argued March 22, 1921. Decided May 16, 1921.

"The provisions of the act which the petitioner was charged with violating and under which he was arrested (title 2, 3, 26) were by the terms of the act (title 3, 21) to be in force from and after the date when the Eighteenth Amendment should go into effect, and the latter by its own terms was to go into effect one year after being ratified. Its ratification, of which we take judicial notice, was consummated January 16, 1919. That the Secretary of State did not proclaim its ratification until January 29, 1919, is not material, for the date of its consummation, and not that on which it is proclaimed, controls."

Very much the same as the Foster v. Love case decided by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1997, 9 - 0: Federal elections END ON election day. Not three hours after midnight or six hours after midnight once ballot dumps were finished or three days after midnight on election day. Those votes by Alabama, Delaware and Maryland are meaningless, but how many state legislators or Americans know that or even about the Foster v. Love case?

Think the Arizona State Legislature would loved to have been able to recall one of the biggest crooks and RINOs ever to serve in Congress, John McCain? The bottom line is states that voted for ratification foolishly voted to give up their rights and representation in Washington, DC. It's been a disaster ever since.

The criminal imposter in the WH is implementing the shadow government's plans for the final and complete destruction of this country in hyper speed. Now many states are scrambling to fight back against the tyranny coming out of the WH. I covered this in my last three columns on state's rights: nullification and Executive Orders.

Here in Texas our AG filed a lawsuit over Biden's EO to force states to allow mentally ill "transgenders" to compete in women's sports. Feb. 3, 2021: North Dakota Legislators Plan To Nullify Biden's Executive Orders At State Level - "Specifically, the proposed HB1164, enumerates the following issues for nullification:

- Pandemics or other health emergencies
- The regulation of natural resources, including coal and oil
- The regulation of the agriculture industry
- The use of land
- The regulation of the financial sector as it relates to environmental, social, or governance standards
- The regulation of the constitutional right to keep and bear arms

"Additionally, State Rep. Sebastian Ertelt (R), has introduced legislation that would affect the same fate to unconstitutional legislation coming out of the Federal Legislative Branch. Ertelt's HB1282 would create a "Committee on Neutralization of Federal Laws.

"South Dakota has legislation similar North Dakota's HB1164 targeting Biden's executive lawmaking. South Dakota's HB1194 sets up an executive board to review the constitutionality of all presidential executive orders. It lists the six issues laid out in the North Dakota legislation as well."

This is what needs to get done in as many states as possible but it won't happen without patriots making the effort. See sample letter here.

Since no court will touch the big lie - the Seventeenth Amendment was not ratified by enough states - the only option left is an amendment to repeal put forth from Congress. The 21st Amendment repealed the 18th which was prohibition. Enough people ignored it, toasted local coppers, lots of money made bootlegging, paying no taxes. Congress caved and repealed it.

That's what needs to happen with the 17th and it can start with state legislatures hammering on their U.S. House members and Senators to introduce an amendment. And, like Prohibition, millions of patriots have to hammer on their Congress critters. It's too bad one state doesn't just send two new senators to DC and recall the current two. That would make national headlines and bring this issue right to the American people.

Of course, that state would need their legislators to use the media to explain why: You are already represented by the U.S. House. Explain why the framers of the Constitution said senators should never be voted into office. Explain how senators have destroyed economies with their votes for "free trade" and so on. I've been on this since 1993. The time is ripe for the states to really stand up and fight back over that destructive amendment.

As I said, the movement to repeal the 17th Amendment is bigger than Americans know. Now, we need to escalate our efforts because the DemonRats in the Senate are hell bent on destroying this republic with the help of their comrades in the House.

Repeal the 17th Amendment, Mises Institute

I was shocked, but give credit where credit is due: [R-NE] Sen. Ben Sasse Calls For Repealing The 17th Amendment, Sept. 8, 2020

Information Paper - Seventeenth Amendment August 2004 Prepared for: Rep. Henry McElroy By: Devvy Kidd

Is it time to repeal the 17th Amendment? - The Hill

Jan. 29, 2021 - The Seventeenth Amendment and the censure of Donald Trump

Repeal the 17th Amendment. Restore Liberty.

Republican Candidates Call for Repeal of Seventeenth Amendment

NATRONA COUNTY TRIBUNE, 1911 (Wyoming) - Still chosen by legislatures - "DIRECT ELECTION OF SENATORS." Nobody will be surprised that the [U.S.] senate rejected the proposition for an amendment of the constitution for the election of senators by direct vote, but that it lacked only four of the two-thirds will be decidedly surprising. Thirty-three republicans and twenty-one democrats supported the proposition, while twenty-four republicans and nine democrats opposed it." Fraud got it through in 1913.

He's one of the state senators I sent a package to... long ago. "Senate president wants 17th Amendment repealed" LEXINGTON (AP) - Kentucky Senate President David Williams told a group of law students that state legislators, not voters, should choose members of the U.S. Senate - comments that drew a negative reaction from Kentucky's two senators.

"Declaring himself "a tea partier," Williams on Wednesday called for repeal of the 17th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which provides for popular election of U.S. senators, the Lexington-Herald Leader reported.

"In his speech to the University of Kentucky Law School Federalist Society, Williams said that most of the problems with the federal government stem from the 17th Amendment, adopted in 1913. He said the amendment prevents state legislatures from having input into the ever-growing role of the federal government with its mandates, such as this year's health care overhaul." Nov. 12, 2010

Idaho State Rep. Seeks Repeal of 17th Amendment

50 State Legislatures Have the Power to Take Back Washington, 2003, Interview with former Montana State Rep. Jerry O'Neil - Montana bill SJ-10, to repeal the 17th Amendment, in 2003 passed the Judiciary Committee 6-3 but was defeated in the full Senate. (Sure. Incumbents in state houses like to run for senate in Congress.)

Illlegals invasion & the Seventeenth Amendment

The gray wolf, the ESA & the 17th Amendment

Scrap 17th Amendment - Denver Business Journal, January 1, 1999

Former U.S. Senator Zell Miller - Dump the Seventeenth

NH Votes on Seventeenth Amendment Resolution - "The New Hampshire General Court (state legislature) voted on a Seventeenth Amendment resolution February 18, 2004. The resolution failed and according to one state representative, the bill was sabotaged for political reasons. According to this source, "an experienced Rep (a committee chairman) referred to the HJR23 as "goofy" in a column he writes in a local paper." This confidential source also forwarded the following blurb posted on the House Calendar by a conservative Republican in the legislature:" Rest at link.

The 2020 election cost nearly $14 BILLION dollars. $716 MILLION dollars was spent on 33 senators up for re-election. It's obscene. Buying a senate seat would stop if the Seventeenth were repealed and power returned back to state legislatures where it belongs. It would also eliminate the sickening, dirty campaigns for senate seats. It would also eliminate vote fraud for those races which I have no doubt is how many dirty, establishment senators in both parties keep getting re-elected.

Help me inform Americans with my book, Taking Politics Out of Solutions. 400 pages of facts and solutions on these issues: "Federal" Reserve, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more. 800-955-0116 for phone orders.
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