The single greatest problem facing our nation right now is not natural viruses. You're carrying around lots of super deadly viruses that could kill you if God had not gifted you with this wonderful thing called an Immune System.
Viruses are everywhere, and they're nothing to fear. I bet 40% of the entire population of the planet would test "positive" for the HIV virus if I tested them using Fauci's beloved RT-PCR device in the same way it's fraudulently being used to misdiagnose people who have traces of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in their body, which is a man-made "marker" virus derived from the CDC-patented SARS-CoV virus.
They began spreading this chimeric virus, which produces HIV-laced spike proteins that are patented by Moderna (The company Bill Gates built) beginning in 2017 under the cover of the CIA's Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI) program to do so.
In fact, World Bank records show that 11 different countries were already ordering "COVID-19 testing" equipment in 2018, and Red Cross records show that the virus was already showing up in blood donations in 2019, way before the end-of-the-world fear mongering propaganda began in 2020.
Hell, 20% of your body weight is made up of bacteria and viruses (microbiota). Some of that includes sequestered viruses that you have no doubt been exposed to during your lifetime, but never got sick from, nor will you ever, because you have a working Immune System. In fact, much of your body's genome is made up of incorporated viral material.
Without viruses, modern man could not, and would not, even exist. Viruses are a natural and essential part of life. So, making people fearful of viruses is like making them scared of their own shadow.
It's not natural viruses that we need to be afraid of. There are more virus particles on Earth than there are grains of sand on the beaches of all the beaches on Earth. It's the unnatural viruses that are being unlawfully cooked-up by mad scientists in U.S. bio-labs throughout the world that we must eradicate before it's too late.
We don't need to fear natural climate change either. That's ridiculous. The climate changes every day, and it will continue doing so until the end of time, or until we lose our atmosphere after all life on Earth ceases to exist because it no longer contains sufficient carbon dioxide in it to sustain photosynthesis and the Carbon Cycle. All life requires carbon dioxide to exist, especially plants, which can't get enough of it. That's why they call it a Greenhouse Gas, because it's always been used in greenhouses to make plants bigger and more vigorous.
Ice Ages, followed by long periods of Global Warming have been coming and going on this planet for billions of years, and will continue to do so, no matter how much petroleum or coal that we burn to power our civilization. You have been lied to. Come on. Does that really surprise you? Neither of these resources are "fossil fuels" either, as the Globalist social engineers so speciously claim.
In fact, that's a logical impossibility when you consider that ridiculous notion. They're virtually unlimited carbon-based resources that could power our civilization in sustainable and environmentally safe ways for the next ten thousand years, if necessary.
Nor should we fear terrorism, or any other artificial Bogeyman that the criminal, illegitimate government that rules over us from D.C. and their media apparatchiks keep pointing to as reasons to surrender more and more of our Liberties and prosperity to them.
What we should really fear is the 13 [inbred] hereditary elite central banking families who control the occupational federal government, as well as all other governments in the world, which are nothing more than herd management teams that these families use to manage their human livestock for them, which is to say extracted, controlled, and culled in ways that are not too different than the way cattle are managed within the scope of a ranching operation.
Over the past 108 years, these central banking families have been using the unlimited amounts of unbacked, unredeemable, unconstitutional, counterfeit currency that were given license to create in 1913 by a handful of traitors in D.C. to buy up ownership and/or control the world, including all of the world's banks, the top 2,0000 corporations, our governments, our education system, our food supplies, our media, and the planet's resources. These demons now own and control everything, and they have no intention of sharing this planet with 7 billion "useless feeders," which is what they call the ordinary human being. Their stated goal, which is carved in stone, is to kill all but 500 million of us before the year 2030, and to place those who survive their Great Culling under the control of an AI-based surveillance and control system.
In short, the New World Order the Thirteen Families have been building for the past 100 years is a Neo-Feudalistic world, where there will only be an aristocracy, and everyone else will be their serfs.
How did this all happen? How did America go from being the most virtuous, prosperous, homogenous, and free nation on Earth to what you see now? Well that's what this video is all about. The answer is actually a simple one. When we turned our back on an honest Monetary System, one based on gold and silver, and handed over the power to create unbacked currency to a just thirteen families, most of whom are not even Americans, of course they would use that counterfeit currency to buy up and control the world. Wouldn't you?
Nothing will ever change; none of this evil that we've been watching unfold since the end of WWII will ever be vanquished until we repossess all that what was taken from us by the Thirteen Families through this 100 year-old Fractional Reserve Banking fraud scheme, and restore an Honest Monetary System; like the one that we had before 1913; like the one that is still mandated by our Constitution, but ignored by Congress and the Courts. Only then can we enjoy the peace, prosperity and freedom that is the birthright of every American.
If I could give one piece of advice to anyone who lacks a deep understanding of our nation's fraudulent banking system, and how unredeemable, unbacked, worthless currency it is the source of all of our suffering, it would be to
watch this video. It will be the best 3 hours you've ever spent learning anything, for it will describe the source of all our problems and explain what we must do to change this evil paradigm.
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