Post Number 437766
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Masks Are Proof of Fealty
by Mike Baker
Our Right to freely breathe oxygen in and out of our lungs from the environment is a vital biological activity that's essential for human beings to live. In fact, it is an unalienable, indefeasible, and immutable Right that's guaranteed to us under our nation's Constitution, which was specifically written in order to protect the Rights to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness of every American. Without proper amounts of oxygen, Life for human beings, as well as our ability to pursue Happiness, is quite literally impossible.

Therefore, we have a Right to breathe oxygen in and out from the environment without any interference whatsoever by the government. If we're being prevented from breathing freely by any government, then the true nature and extent of our Liberty-- another Unalienable Right, also comes into question, as does the true nature of that government.

OXYGEN IS No.1 NUTRIENT for almost every living organism on the planet, including humans.

Wearing a face mask is an unhealthy obstruction of oxygen flow that, if done for long periods of time, as we are currently being forced to by the government, can lead to hypoxemia (low oxygen level in the blood) and hypoxia (low oxygen level in the tissue), and a weakened immune system, not to mention cause us to become sick from overexposure to a multitude of bacteria and viruses, which accumulate in the mask, but would ordinarily be exhaled during normal, unrestricted respiration. All of these conditions represent a huge threat to human health (far greater than the risk that the SARS-CoV-2 itself), and can permanently damage the brain, lungs, heart, and just about every other organ in the human body.

The situation is more dire for children, whose bodies and brains are still developing, and therefore require all of the oxygen they can get from the environment. Oxygen deprivation in children can lead to dementia, severe health problems, and retardation of their neurological development, as well as a host of other issues. Meanwhile, statistics prove that people ages 0-20 have a 99.997% [or better] chance of fully recovering from COVID-19, in the extremely unlikely event that they will ever even become sickened by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which the Communist WHO tells us causes that mild-moderate [and temporary] flu-like illness.

Wearing a face mask also has a generally detrimental effect on human psychology. In fact, masks have been used by tyrants throughout history as a sort psychological anchor to suppress and enslave people, and enforce cognitive obedience by those who are forced to wear such cult-like symbols of obedience and fealty to their oppressors.

Being forced to wear a face mask also infringes upon our Right to Free Speech, for not only does it muzzle our voice, it also interferes with our ability to project our facial expressions to other human beings, which is a vital aspect of human verbal communication--of Life. Our faces are also the source of our individuality and our self-esteem, and to rob of us of our individuality and our sense of self is to rob of us of our personal identity, which is also one of the most basic and important parts of Life for a human being.

When you wear a mask, and unsocially distance yourself from other human beings, you are also complicit in declaring that all other humans are dangerous, infectious people who pose a threat to your well-being. Unless you are under arrest, you have an Unalienable Right to Assemble peacefully with others any time you choose to do so. This requirement that you distance yourselves from others hardly comports with the stated purposes of our nation's Constitution (the very foundation of our nation), which is to promote General Tranquility, and form a More Perfect Union of We The People.

How long do you think it will be before these Leftist social engineers tell you that simply talking spreads the virus farther, and then they forbid talking altogether? The [Jesuit] Epidemiologist Anthony Fauci has already forbid us from singing [at church], for God's sake, thereby violating our Right to practice our Religion, which represents yet another Unalienable Right that's been cast aside by the government during this Globalist takeover operation. And just when you thought that things couldn't possibly get any worse, Fauci is now ordering us to wear even more masks (2 or more, in fact), separating us even further from the oxygen that we require for Life.

All of this Totalitarian nonsense is being sold to you as something that's necessary for your "health and safety," but actually, you're being conned as part of carefully-planned [Bolshevik-style] psychological operation (a "PSYOP"), which is aimed at achieving worldwide political power by the architects of this diabolical crime against humanity.


Get off of your knees, throw the stupid masks in the trash, and start saying "NO!" for a change, before it's too late.

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Saturday, November 26, 2022  11:57 AKDT
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