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Once upon a time, in a world that functioned under the harmonious balance of the sexes, men and women complemented each other, creating a society that was not only prosperous but stable, where each gender played a role defined by nature and necessity. This was not a tyranny but a partners ...
In the unhallowed halls of the U.S. Congress, a practice has taken root that undermines the very essence of democratic governance: the use of omnibus bills. These legislative behemoths, like the Continuing Resolution (CR) bill, the COVID-19 Stimulus Bill, or the so-called Inflation Reduct ...
In an era where the cure for mental distress is often found at the bottom of a prescription bottle, we've engaged in what can only be described as one of the most dangerous experiments on our youth. The widespread prescription of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) has not onl ...
In what can only be described as an act of sheer madness, President Joe Biden has allowed Ukraine to fire U.S.-made ATACMS missiles into Russian territory, a decision that smacks of desperation and irresponsibility from a leader with mere months left in his term. This move isn't just a po ...
Consider the profound foresight of America's founders who, in their wisdom, enshrined the right to free speech in the First Amendment. They understood that without the freedom to express ideas, critique government, and engage in open debate, all other liberties would be at risk. The Bill ...
The United Nations, often masquerading as a beacon of global cooperation, is nothing more than a snake in the grass, methodically undermining the very foundations of American sovereignty, democracy, and cultural integrity. The U.S.'s continued participation in this institution is not only ...
Since the infamous day of September 11, 2001, the United States has been ensnared in a web of endless wars, fueled by the unconstitutional Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) passed in haste by a Congress that has since shown more cowardice than courage. This AUMF, a document s ...
Americans have the shortest lifespan and highest ultra-processed food consumption among developed countries. "Americans are being poisoned," former presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. repeated throughout his campaign. He linked the nation’s poor diet to rising heal ...
President-elect Donald Trump has made it abundantly clear that he intends to hit the ground running when he returns to the Oval Office on January 20, 2025. Throughout his 2024 campaign, which kicked off in late 2022, Trump has outlined a series of immediate actions he plans to take, targe ...
In a nation that prides itself on being the beacon of democracy, it is a travesty and a betrayal that our current voting system has become a labyrinthine mockery of free and fair elections. The shift to mail-in voting and the widespread use of drop boxes, supposedly to ensure safety durin ...
The Creed of Freedom Freedom is defined as the absence of control over your life by way of force or coercion; the absence of constraint over your thoughts, your choices, and your actions. If you're truly "free," then you enjoy liberty, which is the unobstructed expression of ...
As the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election approaches, an alarming strategy is unfolding within the ranks of the Democrat Party, one that threatens the very foundations of our republic. With the election mere days away, the Democrat leadership, backed by significant financial and intellectual ...
As we stand on the precipice of the 2024 US Presidential Election, a shadow looms over our nation, cast by the very guardians supposed to uphold its democratic ideals. The Democrat Party, in a move that reeks of desperation rather than statesmanship, has seemingly embarked on a perilous p ...
On November 5, 2024, while the nation ostensibly engages in the democratic process, the AFCEA Atlanta Homeland Security Conference plans to conduct a large-scale cybersecurity exercise. This isn't just poor timing; it's a glaring symbol of the overreach and misplaced priorities of the Dep ...
In our current era, where the tapestry of global interconnectedness has been woven so tightly as to suffocate individual national identities, it's imperative to speak out with fervor and conviction about the urgent need to reclaim the sanctity of national self-determination. The relentles ...
In the shadows of our nation's capital, a breed of political leeches has entrenched itself, feasting on the very essence of America. These are not mere public servants; they are the parasitic political class of Washington D.C., whose actions not only betray the principles upon which our c ...
In the heart of our nation, nestled within the verdant banks of the Potomac, lies a city not of governance but of parasitism. Washington D.C., often revered as the epicenter of American democracy, has morphed into a sanctuary for a political class that has forgotten its service to the nat ...
Since its inception in 1913, the federal income tax has been nothing short of an economic and moral travesty, a coercive mechanism designed not just to fund government but to fundamentally alter the social and economic fabric of the United States. Here is why this institution is not only ...
We stand witness to a slow-motion cultural coup, not orchestrated with guns but through the gradual infiltration of America's institutions, values, and daily life. This so-called "Cultural Revolution" is neither spontaneous nor benign; it is methodical, rooted in Neo-Marxist (Gl ...
On November 5, 2024, while the nation ostensibly engages in the democratic process, the AFCEA Atlanta Homeland Security Conference plans to conduct a large-scale cybersecurity exercise. This isn't just poor timing; it's a glaring symbol of the overreach and misplaced priorities of the Dep ...
Mountain Middle School in Durango, Colorado, banned cellphones from classrooms a dozen years ago. Principal and executive director Shane Voss recalled at the time the constant stream of text messages and snapping of photos were too much to tolerate. "It was already a massive di ...
The modern environmental movement has latched onto the phrase "climate change" with a fervor that borders on religious zealotry, advocating for measures to "stop" or "reverse" it. This notion, however, is not rooted in an understanding of Earth's geological h ...
The clarion call to "stop climate change" has become a mantra for environmentalists, policymakers, and global leaders alike. However, this notion, painted with the broad brush of environmental salvation, is not only scientifically misguided but philosophically flawed. Herein lie ...
The [Neo-Marxist] progressive movement, often heralded as the harbinger of social justice and equity, has increasingly become a force that undermines the very foundations of American society through policies and agendas that promise equity but deliver instead division, economic instabilit ...
It is a fundamental principle of any democratic society that the law should apply equally to all citizens. Yet, there exists a glaring exception within the very heart of American governance: members of Congress are effectively permitted to engage in insider trading, a practice that sends ...
Recent developments in the U.S. regarding water fluoridation are coming as a result of a significant ruling by U.S. District Judge Edward Chen in the case of Food & Water Watch, Inc., et al. v. United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), et al. In the Findings of Fact and Co ...
In my opinion, one of the [many] things that has most negatively impacted our society over the past few decades has been the introduction of texting. I think texting has become a kind of emotional crutch that too many folks lean on as a way of avoiding the challenge of engaging in a natur ...
The financial press is reporting that China's lending policies are undergoing another shift, away from troubled real estate and local land development back to manufacturing. This is not the market speaking. It is a decision made from the center, by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and ca ...
What qualifies a person as a "natural born citizen" with respect to their legal eligibility to become President of the United States? The concept of a "natural born citizen" in the context of U.S. presidential eligibility is rooted in the U.S. Constitution but has b ...
No matter how bad you think things are right now in America, I can assure you that they are far worse than you ever thought. The only reason that you're not aware of this is that the bought-and-paid-for [and highly controlled] mainstream propaganda media won't show you these things, which ...
These days, you can easily find signs of panic about the status of career public servants and their future. They are said to be hated by the public, targeted by political enemies, hounded by the courts. You can count on reliable allies in academia and media willing to testify that the att ...
Count Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi, an Austrian noble and ardent proponent of a united Europe, remains a controversial figure in the annals of European history. While some hail him as a visionary who saw beyond the petty squabbles and bloodshed of warring nation-states, many others view ...
Several new polls have appeared that confirm what you suspected. Trust in medical authority and pharmaceutical giants, along with their core product, have hit new lows. The first comes from Gallup. "Fewer Americans today consider childhood vaccines important, with 40 percent sayin ...
On May 29, 1935, in the midst of a Great Depression that would not end, the Supreme Court struck down a central piece of legislation of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's New Deal, the National Industrial Recovery Act. In Schechter Poultry Corp. v. United States, the Court ruled that the entire ...
Joseph Schumpeter dishes out heaps of astounding insights in his 1942 book “Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy.” I keep going back to this treatise for guidance in our strange times, mainly to better understand the interaction of economics, politics, history, and culture. His outloo ...
When viewed in the context of U.S. and international policies on population reduction and control, the COVID pandemic was not an isolated or random event... In fact, we are in the end stage of a multi-pronged, multi-front, multidecadal war against life itself. It gets worse: Most peopl ...
Right now, Dr. Morens's LinkedIn profile states that he is looking for work. That's quite a fall. He went from among the most powerful figures in the world to depending on social media for his next gig. In his testimony to the House Subcommittee on the topic of the virus response, Dr. ...
For the New York Times, which started this whole fiasco dating from Feb. 27, 2020 with a podcast designed to drum up disease panic, it's been a drip, drip, drip of truthiness ever since. Two weeks ago, the CIA-controlled Toilet Paper of Record finally (begrudgingly) decided to report o ...
Imagine a technology that could genetically rewire organisms in real-time, silencing critical genes across entire ecosystems with unknown effects. Sounds like science fiction? It's not. It's the reality of a new class of pesticides harnessing RNA interference--or RNAi--and they're already ...
On June 28, 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary was shot and killed in Sarajevo, Bosnia. The killer was motivated by politics: a Serbian nationalist done with the empires of old. In some ways, the ambition to disrupt achieved its aim. The murder set off a chain reaction of d ...
"Nothing can have as its destination anything other than its origin. The contrary idea, the idea of progress, is poison." -- Simone Weil The terms "fascist" and "fascism" are continuously bandied about today. But those who use these words most seem to unde ...
It's not been a good week for the Censorship Industrial Complex. The machine has been built and put into action over nearly a decade but largely in secret. Its way of doing business has been via surreptitious contacts with media and tech companies, intelligence carve-outs in "fact ...
Do you have suspicions and maybe fears about any movement labeled populist? If so, you join most responsible intellectuals, probably since the dawn of modern political and financial institutions in the 16th century. After all, the very word populism conjures up pitchforks and torches, unm ...
The Color Revolution is restless. Beginning in the former Soviet republics in the early 2000s, it moved along the coast of North Africa with the so-called Arab Spring in the 2010s, and, into the current decade, has spread further. The ostensible purpose of Color Revolutions-named after ...
The year that the Seventeenth Amendment was allegedly ratified, it was actually two states short of the number of votes necessary. Therefore, like the Sixteenth Amendment was unlawfully ratified. I proved it beyond any legal threshold in a Court of Law. The first judge dismissed my case ...
The Founders established a decentralized Republic that allowed most if not nearly all important political decisions and impositions to be taken at the level of the states. This comes from the experience during the Colonial period. Each colony had a different policy, ethos, religion, econo ...
The rich are getting richer, the poor are getting poorer, and it's all thanks to the Federal Reserve. Last week the Fed released a new study that wealth of the top 1 percent in America hit an all time high of $45 trillion. That's up $15 trillion, or 50 percent from 2020. Put differe ...
We've all come across warnings against doom scrolling. This is the practice of waking up in the morning, scouring headlines, seizing on the bad news, and dwelling on the darkness. You do this during downtimes in the day and in the evening. Your mood worsens, permanently. It cannot be g ...
Yesterday's conspiracy theory is today's reality. Especially if it was never a conspiracy theory in the first place. Just ask Alex Jones. That wasn't quite how he put it, of course. "I don't like ‘em putting chemicals in the water that turn the ... frogs gay!" he bellowed, ...
The U.S. Constitution, formally adopted in 1789, is by far one of the oldest written constitutions in the world still in place. At about 4,400 words for its original seven articles, it is also the shortest. (The 27 amendments to the original Constitution add only another 3,000 words.) ...
The next summit meeting of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is set for July of this year in Washington, D.C., following the 75th anniversary of the alliance’s founding on April 4. The organization’s leading lights will discuss “important issues” and “provide strateg ...
If it is possible to watch a society--an entire civilization--go insane, we are watching that phenomenon in real time. Across all forms of media, the headlines bring fresh evidence of this sad reality everyday. Western civilization--that aggregation of cultural, political, social, and ...
Atheists thought that with the rejection of God in the West we would enter an age of reason and intelligent Humanism. However, that has not been the case. The “God hole” — the void left by the West’s rapid retreat from Christianity — has merely been filled by a jumble of irratio ...
A new report issued by Congress [1] shows that the criminal, illegitimate U.S. occupational government currently lording over us spent $39 million of taxpayer money on a secret program called "Track F," which is aimed at using artificial intelligence to censor and suppress the f ...
For more than 60 years now, tens of millions of strangers have been permitted to enter our country, unchecked. This has balkanized our society, and turned America into a polyglot nation of groups who are pitted against one another, fighting each other for resources and privileges, which i ...
Most Americans are well aware of the fact that the word “racist” is simply a Marxist psychological tool that's used by the Left in order to stigmatize, smear, and silence their adversaries. I believe one political commentator put it best when he said that "a racist is anyone who ...
Four out of five Americans are being exposed to a little-known chemical found in popular oat-based foods — including Cheerios and Quaker Oats — that is linked to reduced fertility, altered fetal growth and delayed puberty. The Environmental Working Group published a study in the Jo ...
Despite efforts to address voter fraud concerns that marred the 2020 election, an independent analysis of five key swing states finds little fundamental change. Massive voter fraud allegations that marred the 2020 election spurred a political and grassroots movement from coast to coast ...
With considerably lower efficacy rates, mRNA COVID-19 vaccines cause more deaths than the illness it was intended to prevent, according to a new study whose researchers called for a "global moratorium" on the shots and "immediate removal" from childhood immunization sc ...
Researchers in China's military are studying how to use influence operations to sow discord abroad and encourage a mentality of defeat in the United States, according to one expert. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its military wing, the People's Liberation Army (PLA), are engaged ...
This weekend, some climate activists entered the Louvre Museum in Paris and splashed carrot soup on the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci. To be sure, if such a thing happened at the Whitney Museum in New York City, no one would have noticed the difference. But the Mona Lisa is the most reve ...
The criminal, illegitimate Biden regime has drafted a document that would require background checks for all gun sales, even transactions between private citizens, according to a whistleblower group. The U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) drafted the 1,300-pa ...
The Communist Chinese interfered in both the U.S. 2020 and the 2022 midterm elections through various means, according to a declassified U.S. intelligence report and multiple private-sector investigations. The effort included a broad array of techniques orchestrated by the Chinese Comm ...
Two decades ago, the US intelligence community worked closely with Silicon Valley in an effort to track citizens in cyberspace. And Google is at the heart of that origin story. Some of the research that led to Google’s ambitious creation was funded and coordinated by a research group es ...
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has invoked the invasion clause of the U.S. Constitution and said he would defend his state. The move comes after the U.S. Supreme Court this week ruled that federal Border Patrol agents can destroy Texas concertina wire border barriers. "The federal governm ...
According to the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), there are now more than 70 million illegal aliens living here in America, with tens of thousands more are pouring over our bleeding, unguarded border every day. In fact, perhaps as many as 20 million of those aliens have been permitte ...
Fifty years ago, pursuant to their widely-held belief in the tenets of Classical Liberalism, Democrats were the champions of all forms of individual human freedom, including, but not limited to everyone's right to free speech. However, most members of today's Democrat Party have been tran ...
"In the 1960's, the elite media invented second-wave feminism as part of the elite agenda to dismantle civilization and create a New World Order." Since writing these words last week, I have discovered that before she became a feminist leader, Gloria Steinem worked for the C ...
The Earth has entered "uncharted territory," and life is "under siege." The public has failed to heed this message, and now, "time is up," according to a recent report from Oxford Academics' BioScience. The authors of the report wrote that the catalyst beh ...
On Monday, January 15, former president--and current Republican frontrunner--Donald Trump garnered a record-breaking 51 percent of the votes in Iowa's GOP presidential caucus. Trump's percentage was greater than those of his next two competitors'--Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and former Sout ...
Is the truth propaganda? America creates chaos all around the world--and calls it the “Rules Based Order.” The more you understand, the less you forgive. Gonzalo Lira, whom I last wrote about in August, is no more. Having previously been placed on a Ukrainian kill list, he succumb ...
In my opinion, one of the [many] things that has most negatively impacted our society over the past few decades has been the introduction of texting. I think texting has become a kind of emotional crutch that too many folks lean on as a way of avoiding the challenge of engaging in a natur ...
Last Saturday, I went into a small specialty shop. There was no one else there but me and the shopkeeper who was standing behind the counter. As I approached, the man put on a mask, which puzzled me, so I asked him why he was doing that. He explained that there are many diseases out there ...
"Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past." That line from George Orwell's "Nineteen Eighty-Four" might serve as a sort of motto for the woke apparatchiks who run our lives today. Perhaps it's because they have, as on ...
If the twenty-first century has been a war to preserve the establishment's legitimacy, the current battle in the United States is the 2024 presidential election. There's truth to the familiar cliché that the next election is always the most important in history. As the federal governm ...
I am an accomplished interdisciplinary scientist and physicist, and a former tenured Full Professor of physics and lead scientist, originally at the University of Ottawa. I have written over 30 scientific reports relevant to COVID, starting April 18, 2020 for the Ontario Civil Libertie ...
Economists love data. It's their bread and butter for how they make judgments about economic health. It's never been perfect. But it's what they have and there has been a general sense that the professionals behind the data are doing the best they can. Because of official data, a rece ...
"Clang, clang, clang went the trolley, Ding, ding, ding went the bell..." Do you know that song? Most Americans of all ages have heard it. How about this one? "Have yourself a Merry little Christmas. Let your heart be light ..." They are both from the belov ...
Legislation to Get US Out! of the United Nations has been introduced in the current, 118th Congress. H.R. 6645 and S. 3428, titled the Disengaging Entirely from the United Nations Debacle (DEFUND) Act, are respectively sponsored by Representative Chip Roy (R-Texas) and Senator Mike Lee (R ...
This is a historic December 7, 2023 Tucker Carlson interview with Alex Jones at his studio in Maine. They cover the global elite's agenda to burn down what little remains of a once great America in order to build upon its ashes a Technocratic, global slave state that they call the New Wor ...
Whether you care about it or not, we now live in a hyper-controlled. socially-engineered world, where our perception of reality is meticulously planned, managed, and executed in order to control and herd society like frightened sheep in whatever direction the global elite want us to go. O ...
We are approaching critical mass, the point at which all hell breaks loose. The government is pushing us ever closer to a constitutional crisis. What makes the outlook so much bleaker is the utter ignorance of the American people-and those who represent them-about their freedoms, hi ...
You often hear the climate Cultists clamoring about how "we" (meaning Americans, I presume) need to get to get to "Net Zero," which apparently means that they want us to produce less carbon (the basis of all life on Earth) than is being sequestered by nature. They tell ...
Think back to those grim days of mid-March 2020. Many things didn't make sense. There were screams about a new virus but no tests available for anyone to find out if we had the dreaded disease or not. The main question in everyone’s mind was, “How can I find out if I have this strange ...
A growing government–corporate partnership in the United States to control what Americans say has established an unprecedented system of censorship that circumvents and undermines the constitutional right to free speech. More Americans are being censored, more speech is being censore ...
Who can deny that we Americans live in extremely dangerous times. Perhaps, the most dangerous times ever. We are essentially being displaced by a criminal, illegitimate government, if not outright genocided in the country that our forefathers conquered. Meanwhile, our nation's unguard ...
This last week has been spent at in-person meetings, first at the Brownstone Institute annual conference and gala in Texas, and currently at Hillsdale College in Michigan. The former was glorious for me because the institution only came into existence 2.5 years ago and yet feels robust an ...
There are more than 50 million illegal aliens living here in America now, with tens of thousands more are pouring in every day. Meanwhile, the OBiden regime consistently refuses to defend our nation's borders or enforce its immigration laws. So, why should those Americans whose ancesto ...
Seven Australian authors "advocate for the suspension of gene-based COVID-19 vaccines... and other vaccines based on mRNA or viral-vector DNA technology." People commonly ask me for "comprehensive" publications on vaccine side effects. It is fair to point out that t ...
This week, Sen. Rand Paul is pushing an amendment to a major spending bill that would finally do what should have been done decades ago. It should have been an annual undertaking for the past 100 years. He wants a thorough and external audit of the Fed, using prevailing accounting standar ...
There's a subtext to nearly all American political trends today. It's hardly ever spoken about overtly and explicitly. But the topic is nonetheless always there. All insiders know about it. It is also the central and critical debate concerning America's future. The question is as follo ...
Dottering around in a large clothing store, I sat down for a few moments near the changing rooms. An employee came by and started collecting leftovers from a huge bin. She was putting them in a cart and heading out to get all these rejected items back on the rack from whence they came. ...
In the face of ongoing challenges to our cherished freedoms, it is imperative to critically examine the forces at play that threaten the very fabric of democracy. The ideals of freedom and open markets are at risk of being undermined by influential political forces seeking to impose oppre ...
A key justification of the Fed - of Keynesian central banking - is that the way to make an economy grow is to print money. This is the "Philips Curve" -- a tool that claims a trade-off between unemployment and inflation. In that model, if you want economic growth, you print m ...
Life today feels ever more like an old Western film with white hats and black hats in a forever battle for the control of the town. Allow me to explain this and see where you fit in, and also speculate on which side is going to win. Let's begin with a gratifying scene, a gathering of p ...
In the backdrop of the controversies about who is to be voted Speaker of the House of Representatives is the awareness that this role is third in line for the presidency. The current president seems barely functional. The number two in line is absent without leave, never qualified in a ...
This is a great compilation that glues together all of the most recent eye-opening videos by Greg Reese. Greg makes short, 9-minute or less "Reese Report" videos that educate people about the nature and scope of the elite's plan to abolish human freedom, and slowly herd humanity ...
A couple weeks ago, The Economist ran a sad editorial that read like the end of an era. It was about the cause of free markets and how they seem doomed in today's world. Governments are on the march. The cause of free trade is on the back foot. Freedom and rights seem like slogans of the ...
At one time, Climatology was a science. Today it has become a cult-like pseudo-religion for people who have no other. Its tenets are based upon scientific fraud, and its high priests are charlatans. Like most religions, the Church of Climatology has its own apocalyptic vision of the f ...
Every major economic downturn of the past 110 years bears the mark of the Federal Reserve. In fact, as long as the Fed has been around, it has swung the economy between inflation and recession. Yet Americans, surprisingly, have tolerated it. But we shouldn’t expect that to go on fore ...
In the course of almost four years, and really dating back a decade and a half, I've managed to read most of the writings of the intellectuals, titans of industry, and government officials who constructed the strange reality of 2020 and after. They wanted to conduct a science experiment o ...
If you own land in America, or even if you don't, you'll want to listen to the information presented here. United Nations' Agenda 2030 is being implemented as concrete policies in countries around the world. Here in the United States, one of the major manifestations of Agenda 2030 is the ...
Much of the political class of the Founding Generation viewed the Constitution as restraining, not unleashing, the government. They recognized that Natural Rights--areas of human behavior for which we do not need a government permission slip--are truly unalienable. These Unalienable Right ...
A nation without secure borders is no nation at all. Faithful execution of the Rule of Law requires that we find, prosecute, and deport every criminal who is guilty of violating our country's immigration laws. Frankly, America has been invaded. Therefore, we must take whatever steps a ...
There's no climate emergency. And the alarmist messaging pushed by global elites is purely political. That's what 1,808 scientists and informed professionals stated when they signed the Global Climate Intelligence Group's "World Climate Declaration." "Climate science sho ...
For years in the "before times," I traveled the world with the happy message of an increasingly free and prosperous world, born of new technologies and declining power of governments. Not all at once, I said, we are seeing the rebirth of freedom in our times. Our job is to gain ...
The Federal Emergency Management Agency or FEMA had told us long in advance about the alert they would send to phones on Oct. 4, 2023. Many people did not get the message. They had no idea it was coming. (Those who did shut down their phones completely.) So there was a sense of shock a ...
Yes, we all love being online. It’s how we stay in touch, read and hear the news, watch movies, bank, buy, sell, find directions, track our health, influence culture and politics, read books, and generally stay in contact with the world. I’ve been an online maven since about 1995 if n ...
As the Biden administration and governments worldwide make massive commitments to rapidly decarbonize the global economy, the persistent effort to silence climate change skeptics is intensifying-and the critics keep pushing back. This summer the International Monetary Fund summarily ca ...
On March 6, 2020, the mayor of Austin, Texas, canceled the biggest tech and arts trade show in the world, South-by-Southwest, only a week before hundreds of thousands were to gather in the city. In an instant, with the stroke of a pen, it was all gone: hotel reservations, flight plans, ...
One year ago, I joined the states of Missouri and Louisiana and several other co-plaintiffs to file a suit in federal court challenging what journalist Michael Shellenberger has called the censorship-industrial complex. While much of the press cooperated with the state’s censorship effo ...
There are more than 50 million illegal aliens living here in America now, with millions more coming. Meanwhile, the OBiden regime consistently refuses to defend our nation's borders or enforce its immigration laws. So, why should those Americans whose ancestors created, fought, bled a ...
This is surely one of the strangest twists in official narratives in perhaps hundreds of years. The bad guys have been christened as the good guys, and the good guys have been purged, deplatformed, canceled, and demonized. Just consider the fate of former New Zealand Prime Minister Ja ...
In the last three years, the ruling class in the United States has been found out. They tipped their hand with outrageous deployments of grotesque power. They closed the schools without any real basis. They shut the churches. They imposed a deadly shot on unwilling takers who never needed ...
Last week, New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham created a firestorm with an executive order suspending for 30 days the right to concealed or open carry of a firearm in Bernalillo County (where Albuquerque, the state's most populated city, is located). In her order, Grisham declared gun ...
The European Union is leading the drive by the United Nations, Bill Gates, and the World Economic Forum for worldwide issuance of digital IDs, vaccine passports, and centralized control of AI by the U.N. The recent 22nd anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks should not obscure the f ...
Here's what never happened in the hospital during COVID: a doctor sat down next to a patient and said, "You have a choice. We can give you Remdesivir, which killed 53 percent of the patients in an Ebola trial. It was so bad the trial had to be shut down. And you'll notice here in Rem ...
There's no climate emergency. And the alarmist messaging pushed by global elites is purely political. That's what 1,609 scientists and informed professionals stated when they signed the Global Climate Intelligence Group's "World Climate Declaration." "Climate science sho ...
Today, we face a historic turning point. We can fight for a government that defends our freedoms, or we can turn a blind eye and descend into despotism. Already, there is a fierce assault on our liberties. We can feel the tides of aggression toward both people of faith and the free market ...
Dozens of people were killed by COVID-19 vaccines in the United States, death certificates show. COVID-19 vaccination is listed on 26 death certificates across five states, a review found. That includes a 78-year-old Minnesota man who died on Jan. 5, 2021. The man suffered sudden ca ...
The U.S. government and pharmaceutical companies are investing a substantial amount to develop new mRNA vaccines for infectious diseases and cancer, fueling a lucrative mRNA platform valued at $136.2 billion. A newly established White House program announced on Aug. 23 that it is grant ...
International scientists have jointly signed a declaration dismissing the existence of a climate crisis and insisting that carbon dioxide is beneficial to Earth, contrary to the popular alarmist narrative. "There is no climate emergency," the Global Climate Intelligence Group ...
Trying to grasp the uncanny synchronicity of the global response to the COVID pandemic, Dr. Robert Malone, a highly regarded biodefense expert and one of the original inventors of the mRNA vaccine platform, came to the conclusion that it could not be accidental. The information received f ...
Fourteen Woketard, DemonicRat-run American cities plan to ban meat and dairy products, as well as all private vehicles, within the next seven years. Even electric vehicles are on the chopping block. The group calls itself the "C40," a self-described network of nearly 100 mayo ...
The unelected, globalist-controlled ruling body known as the United Nations (UN) is "building a digital army" to police and censor free speech online - and it is doing so using your tax dollars. In order to maintain its position as a global leader in the "fight against o ...
The old saw that goes "Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me" has never applied more than it does at this time in American history. COVID-19, part one, was bad enough. Now, we are reading and hearing in numerous places that COVID-19 version 2.0, is in the off ...
Economists have been writing for hundreds of years on the role of government in solving economic and social problems. A theme has emerged throughout: policy officials are quite often ill informed or have bad incentives compared with what individuals, markets, institutions, and society can ...
Police officers raided Cristal Starling's New York apartment when they suspected her then-boyfriend of dealing drugs, in October 2020. And while Ms. Starling was never suspected or charged with any wrongdoing, police seized $8,040 of her hard-earned cash. But because law enforcement se ...
With inflation plaguing the economy as the U.S. dollar is increasingly being sidelined in international trade, potentially even at risk of losing its status as the global reserve currency, lawmakers in Washington and state capitals are touting gold and precious metals as the solution. ...
The U.S. Constitution established the United States of America as a federal republic within the principles of democracy and civic nationalism. Civic nationalism, also known as liberal nationalism, is a form of nationalism identified by political philosophers who believe in an inclusive ...
Two prominent climate scientists have taken on new rules from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on cutting carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in electricity generation, arguing in testimony that the regulations "will be disastrous for the country, for no scientifically justifiabl ...
During the CNN town hall with Donald Trump in May, the former president ran circles around the silly reporter. The reason: she hit him with a stream of ridiculous left-wing talking points about which actual voters in the Republican primaries care nothing. They centered on January 6th stuf ...
Among the many alarming revelations from the Facebook files is the discovery of a strange official policy that dominated the platform in the COVID years. "For content that doesn't meet that threshold, we instituted borderline demotions," the company wrote on July 16, 2021. &q ...
The usually monolithic New York Times has decided, after so many years of incredible wreckage of basic freedoms, to permit a bit of introspective self-criticism. The author is David Brooks, who has traditionally shown a bit more comprehension of big-picture themes than the usual op-ed pag ...
Highly developed nations requiring the most neonatal vaccine doses tend to have the worst mortality rates in children under age 5, according to a peer-reviewed study published July 20 in Cureus. Researchers Neil Miller, director of the Institute of Medical and Scientific Inquiry in New ...
For the first time in human history, the gene regulatory program of healthy people has been manipulated on a massive scale. Despite everything we've been told, RNA-based COVID-19 injections were manufactured with modified RNA-not messenger RNA (mRNA). Modified RNA (modRNA) poses [TA ...
The political fiction that humans cause most or all climate change and the claim that the science behind this notion is 'settled', has been dealt a savage blow by the publication of a 'World Climate Declaration (WCD)' signed by over 1,100 scientists and professionals. There is no climate ...
31,487 American scientists have signed the following petition, including 9,029 with PhDs urging the U.S. government to reject the United Nations' IPCC [false] climate crisis narrative: "We urge the United States government to reject the global warming agreement that was written in ...
In the past decades the public has been flooded with fear-mongering stories, telling them that global temperatures will rise to catastrophically high levels. Climate activists claim that the cause of all this impending doom is the increasing amount of CO² produced by human activities. ...
A growing number of scientists and other professionals and experts are of the same mind that so-called "global warming" and other climate change fictions are just that: fiction. At least 1,200 of them have signed on to the World Climate Declaration, which declares that there ...
Following the Supreme Court decision finding preferential treatment, i.e., affirmative action, in college admissions unconstitutional, the president of Harvard issued a statement to “Members of the Harvard Community.” This statement tells us how those managing one of the nation’s ...
Of all the ways in which we exercise our freedom in America, the exchange of information without the interference of government may be the most indispensable. One can imagine times when the federal government is entitled to keep news or views from the American people; perhaps knowledge ...
With every passing year the evidence of atrazine's harmful environmental and human health effects grows stronger. Now a new study, summarizing over a decade of research, has further confirmed some truly scary stuff about atrazine, the most commonly detected pesticide contaminant of groun ...
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s 2024 presidential campaign has certainly hit the ground running with the Democrat hopeful calling out his party for promoting censorship. In a statement this week, Kennedy, the nephew of the late President John F. Kennedy, blasted the Democrats for becoming cham ...
A systematic review of 325 autopsies showing COVID-19 vaccination caused or significantly contributed to 74 percent of deaths was removed from The Lancet's preprint SSRN server within 24 hours, adding to an increasing number of censored studies on the potential harms of COVID-19 vaccines. ...
Mainstream media is acting as propaganda organs for U.S. government agencies, NATO, and the United nations. These so-called "news organizations" played a major role in an organized conspiracy by censoring anyone who questioned the official narrative on a variety of subjects i ...
The recent cultural transformation of corporate America - think Bud Light, Target, and Disney as some of the more recent examples - has shocked traditional Americans to the core. Suddenly, it seems that every major company in the nation has gone "woke," promoting everything from ...
In 1796. Edward Jenner extracted a small sample from an infected child's smallpox pustule, and injected it into a young healthy boy. The boy remained healthy, so Jenner concluded that the risky treatment had granted the child "miraculous immunity." But, that's how our immune ...
The purported 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution is and should be held to be ineffective, invalid, null, void and unconstitutional for the following reasons: 1. The Joint Resolution proposing said amendment was not submitted to or adopted by a Constitutional Congress per ...
A federal judge has made a historic ruling by partially granting an injunction that blocks various Biden administration officials and government agencies like the Justice Department and the FBI from working with big tech firms to censor posts on social media. The injunction came in res ...
As we pretend to celebrate our nation's independence this Fourth of July, I shake my head in disgust, and wonder what it is that my fellow Americans are celebrating. Actually, they shouldn't be celebrating at all. They should be weeping. For America is no longer a free or independent nati ...
Once again, Americans honored the Independence Day holiday with a renewed patriotic fervor. As is customary, traditional fireworks displays took center stage, and scores of people turned out to witness the dazzling show in the Summer sky. With mixed feelings, I sat with my friends beneath ...
This week at the Constitutional Convention of 1787 featured speeches by a number of delegates that reveal the understanding of most of the men gathered together that summer in Philadelphia. These discourses, although never taught today - and this article will make it clear why - are worth ...
And so it continues. This entire fiasco-indicting Donald Trump for allegedly violating both the Espionage Act and obstructing justice by improperly handling classified records-is merely the latest in a never-ending series of distractions, distortions, and political theater aimed at div ...
So-called climate policies by governments and Big Business, not alleged man-made climate change, are leading the world toward catastrophe on multiple fronts, warned leading scientists and policymakers from across the United States and beyond. Gathered at the Heartland Institute's 15th Int ...
Opposition to "woke" ESG corporatism is snowballing, as Joe Biden and Larry Fink have found out recently. Fink is the billionaire CEO of BlackRock, the world's largest asset manager, with $8 trillion under management. He is also one of Biden's biggest boosters and the most promi ...
We Americans did not elect the United Nations to govern our country. Article IV Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution guarantees us a Republican form of government, not a government ran by a bunch of foreign, unelected bureaucrats at the U.N. [TAGNAME]div[/TAGNAME][TAGCODE]id=target[/T ...
We live in an age in which the benefits of dieting and working out are well-known. "Watching what you eat and drink" has become common wisdom for those who care about their physical health. Given that, it's surprising that so little attention is generally paid to what our minds ...
Being "edgy" only lasts so long before it gets old. Today's leftist filmmakers may think they're being shocking and relevant with the blackwashing trend, in which they cast black actors to depict historical figures who were white or fictional characters who were traditionally ...
The report from special counsel John Durham dropped earlier this week has proven two things: First is that the FBI is a den of traitors, a branch of the Democrat party that sought a coup against a sitting president; and second is that nothing can be done about it. Whatever the FBI once ...
In the current ridiculous battle over "real news" vs. "fake news," the establishment media liars all claim that climate change is the perfect example of how "fake news" keeps interfering with their truthful facts. They repeatedly claim that 97% of scientists ...
The era of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is finally over, except for a few deranged diehards who are still choosing to wear a mask while driving alone or walking solitary through the local park. What is not over, though, are the repercussions that the COVID tyrants inflicted upon socie ...
Let me make something clear. There is no one monolithic (single) Coronavirus. There are, in fact, many different types of Coronaviruses that are known to infect human beings, the most common of which is the Common Cold. And, unless you live your life in a medical clean room, or you're wea ...
In the latest step in the drive by the US ruling class to censor the Internet, the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) on Thursday published its order abolishing Internet neutrality in the governmental Federal Register, initiating a 60-day countdown for the law to come into force. T ...
There is a war on free speech. To be more accurate, however, the war on free speech is really a war on the right to criticize the government. Although the right to speak out against government wrongdoing is the quintessential freedom, every day in this country, those who dare to spe ...
A former US Army psychological warfare officer says that Tucker Carlson was fired by Fox News because of the regime's agenda to maintain an "uninformed semi lobotomized quasi retarded population." The remarks were made by US counter-terror expert Scott Bennett. Carlson and ...
If you have failed to realize we are living through the most significant social, economic, and political revolution in history, it can only be by a herculean effort in self-deception. So powerful is man's ability "to thrust aside what they do not desire," is it any wonder histor ...
The past few weeks, major countries have been moving away from the US dollar, raising doubts about the dollar's long-dominant role in the world. Eight weeks ago, it was just pariah nations like Iran or Russia trying to de-dollarize. Now it's Brazil, France, even Saudi Arabia-the lynchpin ...
A lot of people seem shocked that the fabric of our society is steadily unraveling all around us, but the truth is that this shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone. What we are witnessing is simply the law of cause and effect in action. We have discarded the values that this nation was ...
In the lead-up to Easter, three United States congressmen, all Republican, have introduced a bill that would once again back the U.S. dollar with gold rather than nothing. Reps. Alex Mooney (R-W.V.), Andy Biggs (R-Az.), and Paul Gosar (R-Az.) say that HR 2435, also known as the " ...
The University of Florida has created a radical diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) bureaucracy that promotes racial and political preferences in faculty hiring, encourages white employees to engage with a twelve-step program called Racists Anonymous, and maintains racially segregated ...
Members of Congress are seeking to enact a bill that -- despite ostensibly being just a "TikTok ban" -- would give new, tyrannical powers to the federal government, but in no way bans TikTok. S. 686, titled the "RESTRICT Act," is sponsored by Senator Mark Warner (D- ...
The most effective ammunition one can use to blow-up the official fairy tale of the Holocaust ™ -- aka: "the song that never ends about the event which never happened" -- consists of the many necessary concessions which the "usual suspects" themselves let slip out fr ...
So-called climate policies by governments and Big Business, not alleged man-made climate change, are leading the world toward catastrophe on multiple fronts, warned leading scientists and policymakers from across the United States and beyond. Gathered at the Heartland Institute's 15th Int ...
Opposition to "woke" ESG corporatism is snowballing, as Joe Biden and Larry Fink have found out recently. Fink is the billionaire CEO of BlackRock, the world's largest asset manager, with $8 trillion under management. He is also one of Biden's biggest boosters and the most promi ...
Under the pretense of protecting national security, two United States senators, Mark Warner (D-VA) and Tom Thune (R-SD), have introduced a bipartisan bill that, if passed, will mean the end of the First Amendment. Touted by the media as the "TikTok ban," S. 686 will supposedl ...
Saturday, March 11, 2023 marks the 12 th anniversary of the triple disaster that struck the Fukushima coastal region with a powerful tsunami, an earthquake that wrecked older homes and soon followed by a massive tsunami that wrecked the vulnerable Fukushima No.2 nuclear power station ope ...
The following historical story is taken from a radio address given by Congressman Charles G. Binderup of Nebraska, some in 1941 and was reprinted in Unrobing the Ghosts of Wall Street: Before the American War for Independence in 1776, the colonized part of what is today the United Stat ...
The purpose of the U.S. Monetary Reform Act is to restore confidence in and governmental control over currency and credit, to stabilize the currency supply and price level, to establish full reserve banking, to prohibit fractional reserve banking, to retire the national debt, to repeal co ...
The single greatest problem facing our nation right now is not natural viruses. You're carrying around lots of super deadly viruses that could kill you if God had not gifted you with this wonderful thing called an Immune System. Viruses are everywhere, and they're nothing to fear. I bet ...
Our whole monetary system is totally fraudulent, because it is based on debt rather than something of tangible value. We did not vote for it. It was foisted upon us gradually over time through the scheming, unlawful machinations of just a few, inbred banking families who own the U.S. Fede ...
As long as the American People continue to pay their so-called "national debt" to privately-owned central banks (collectively know as the U.S. Federal Reserve) which was empowered by an unconstitutional law in 1913 to create unlimited amounts of unbacked fiat currency, at no cos ...
The latest batch of "Twitter Files" has been released, and like previous batches, it is chock full of stunning revelations about how the platform was used, under former management, to stifle free speech, limit debate, and crush conservatives. Previous batches have revealed ho ...
Bill Joy is an American computer scientist who co-founded Sun Microsystems in 1982 and served as chief scientist at the company until 2003. His now famous Wired magazine essay, “Why the future doesn’t need us,” (2000) sets forth his deep concerns over the development of modern techn ...
When peddling his book "How to Avoid a Climate Disaster" in 2021, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates told the MIT Technology Review that "all rich countries should move to 100% synthetic beef. You can get used to the taste difference, and the claim is they're going to make it ...
In 2019, the head of one of the top pharmaceutical corporations that participated in Operation Warp Speed told his employees to start churning out billions of doses of a new vaccine that would come into play "next year" in response to a planned "plandemic." Moderna ...
The False Claims Act (FCA) is America’s first whistleblower law and one of the strongest whistleblower laws in the United States. It was originally signed into law in 1863 by President Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War. In the midst of wartime, it had become clear that many suppli ...
My name is Matt Taibbi. I’ve been a reporter for over 30 years, and an advocate for the First Amendment. Much of that time was spent at Rolling Stone magazine. Over my career, I’ve had the good fortune to be recognized for the work I love. I’ve won the National Magazine Award, the ...
The establishment media viewed the 15 votes required to elect Kevin McCarthy as speaker of the House as evidence of a dysfunctional Republican Party. The talking heads repeatedly misrepresented that heroic battle as a personality conflict, or a fight for certain members to be appointed to ...
The latest data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that females today are overwhelming miserable and unhappy, with one out of three of them now considering suicide as the solution to their hopelessness. Radical feminism has brainwashed three out of fiv ...
The central control of money is an enormous prize, like the Infinity Gauntlet of Marvel fame, giving those in power the ability to steal the wealth of their nations at will. This isn't obvious at first because the mechanisms of central banking don't make this monetary power dynamic easy t ...
Radical leftists, in their quest to demean American culture to pave the way to redesign our government, have been disparaging our Founders, including George Washington. None of the Founding Fathers stands taller in importance than George Washington. At his funeral, Washington's good fr ...
Bitcoin changes our mental model and we can see it in a lot of people that get into Bitcoin. Many Bitcoiners start saving and not living paycheck to paycheck. Many start taking their lives more seriously and quit drinking alcohol and playing video games. Still others start investigating t ...
There are many words commonly used today to describe political attitudes. We are told that there are Conservatives, Liberals, Libertarians, Progressives, Left-wingers, Right-wingers, Socialists, Communists, Maoists, Trotskyites, Fascists, Nazis; and if that isn’t confusing enough, now w ...
The Rockefellers are arguably the wealthiest and most powerful family in the history of the United States. For more than 100 years, they have shaped and directed America's economic, financial, political, and public policy while simultaneously amassing one of the largest family empires in ...
Twenty years ago this spring the US government was finally successful in lying us into war with Iraq. Administration after administration had sanctioned and bombed and even invaded the country, but finally 20 years ago next month the Bush Administration unleashed "shock and awe" ...
As the ruling elite pushes its rigged election, forcibly cramming crime boss Biden down our gullets against the people’s choice or will, so goes suppression of information and rapidly shutting off the truth spigot, leaving Americans high and dry, starved of honesty by their oligarchic o ...
Atheists believe that "a multiverse, for which there is no experimental or observational evidence, containing an inconceivably large number of universes spontaneously not only created itself, but the universe we live in as well." Yet, the Christopher Hitchens' of the world a ...
Joseph R McCarthy (1908-1957) is the U.S. Senator who is generally remembered by the controlled propaganda media's parody of him: that he was an opportunistic, right-wing monster who unscrupulously accused innocent American citizens of being communists for his own political gain. However, ...
Presently, over 13 billion doses of COVID-19 Vaccines have been administered worldwide. With vaccine manufacturers protected from liability, evidence increasingly indicates that mRNA injections are not just failing but, more significantly, are causing death and many serious adverse events ...
For years, experts have predicted impending catastrophe from climate change. For example, thirty-one years ago, a senior U.N. environmental official told the Associated Press that governments had only a 10-year window to reverse global warming before it went beyond human control. To see h ...
Americans must decide: Are we to be governed by Americans or by an international organization? I owe no allegiance to the United Nations, nor will I ever give it any. I owe my allegiance to the Constitution for the Unted States of America. That's the only body of Law that I pledge my alle ...
A damning indictment of the Net Zero political project has been made by one of the world's leading nuclear physicists. In a recently published science paper, Dr. Wallace Manheimer said it would be the end of modern civilization. Writing about wind and solar power he argued it would be esp ...
Good news, folks. Recent scientific analysis has found that green vegetation on Earth has increased significantly due to higher levels of carbon dioxide (CO₂), a.k.a. "the Gas of Life." A paper called "Greening of the Earth and its drivers" was published in 2016 b ...
A shocking new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine reveals that when pregnant women are given Covid vaccinations during their first or second trimesters, they suffer an 82% spontaneous abortion rate, killing 4 out of 5 unborn babies. This stunning finding, which is s ...
International Socialists ("Globalists") are always working hard to destroy the independence for which our Founding Fathers fought the American Revolution. After all, Thomas Jefferson did not write some declaration of diversity in 1776, but a Declaration of Independence for a new ...
Two decades ago, the US intelligence community worked closely with Silicon Valley in an effort to track citizens in cyberspace. And Google is at the heart of that origin story. Some of the research that led to Google’s ambitious creation was funded and coordinated by a research group es ...
This article explains how the world's central banking cartel, which is owned by just Thirteen Families, took humanity from an honest, gold-based monetary system that existed before 1971, and then enslaved us under an unredeemable, constantly inflated, debt-based, paper, and now, digital m ...
A free and open exchange of truth, which once one of the hallmarks of Western civilization, it is now increasingly under attack from a radicalized Left bent on quashing all dissent. In the pre-Internet era, this might have been accomplished by burning books, smashing printing presses, ...
Every conversation liberals had with their friends and coworkers, all the polls they saw, and every news report they read prior to Election Day suggested that Trump would lose in 2016. But they hadn’t reckoned with Trump’s ability to circumvent the traditional channels and appeal dire ...
The United Nations, a creation of the Rockefeller and Rothschild families, has long been implementing a genocidal European population replacement plan aimed at flooding Europe, America, Australia, and Canada with hundreds of millions of Third World migrants by 2050 in order to change the ...
While Gain-of-function (GOF) virus research is rationalized by mad scientists such as Dr. Anthony Fauci (NAIAD), Francis Collins (NIH), Ralph Baric (UNC-Chapel Hill) who were all involved in the development of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, as being "worth the risk," it is actually prohi ...
United Nations forces and allies, many with ties to the new age and the occult, are working to hijack and unify the religions and religious leaders of the world for sinister purposes, explains the new American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind the Deep State. Various UN a ...
The Nuremberg Military Tribunal’s decision in the case of the United States v. Karl Brandt et al. includes what is now called the Nuremberg Code, a ten point statement delimiting permissible medical experimentation on human subjects. Trials of War Criminals before the Nuremberg Milit ...
It's remarkable that we allowed our entire world to be overturned over a man-made virus that 99.97% of the people who even become sickened by it fully recover from after experiencing only a few days of flu-like symptoms. Meanwhile, 4 million people die worldwide each year from obesity ...
For years, people around the world – “the West” in particular – have been told that “six million Jews were systematically murdered by Germans in ‘Concentration Camps’ during World War 2.” Thousands of honest people disputing this claim have been viciously smeared as a hate ...
We've been passive for three years now. We've absorbed one shock after another with little pushback. We've watched the rise of totalitarianism in disbelief as it has taken hold in the form of lockdowns, riots, censorship, and election fraud. We have, for the most part, been obedient ...
I see no reason to treat Russia with any animosity. What's happening in Ukraine is a Slavic Civil War happening 6,000 miles away, which does not affect American national security in any way. It seems to me that if Russia, along with several Eastern-bloc countries, say a Warsaw Pact, ev ...
Peter Gumley talks with Tim Kelly about the links between the growing constellation of environmental extremist organizations and the oligarchs, and how the goals of these supposedly two disparate groups align perfectly with objectives of the thirteen central banking families who not only ...
Newly leaked documents show that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) regularly met with executives from Facebook and Twitter to conjure up new ways to censor critical and damning information on social media. The Intercept is credited with obtaining the leaks, as is Missouri ...
If there is one point on which there should be no political parsing, no legal jockeying, and no disagreement, it is this: for anyone to advocate terminating or suspending the Constitution is tantamount to a declaration of war against the founding principles of our representative governmen ...
A fourth batch of documents released by America First Legal (AFL) show that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) conspired with social media corporations like Facebook and Twitter to silence free speech under the guise of fighting "misinformation." At Twi ...
Dr. David Martin has slammed public health authorities around the world for forcing roughly four billion people to take the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) mRNA "kill shots," turning them into biological weapons in the process. "The reason why [the mRNA injections] are impo ...
If the administrators of Rutgers University had a shred of integrity -- and they apparently don't -- they would have already fired a black professor after she essentially called for the white race to be eliminated. In a vile, disgusting rant on an all-black podcast, "The Root,&quo ...
As a patriotic American, this is the kind of post that pains me. But unlike the Leftist horde and their make-believe gender identity fairy tales which pretend that biology isn't real, I can't simply choose to alter the Laws of Economics and tell you that something that isn't so, when it's ...
For the world to get to how it is today, with the nearly complete elimination of nearly every traditional value in favor of a GloboHomo world where things like diddling little children is becoming the "New Normal," Conservatives have had to lose every meaningful cultural war in ...
Our Right to freely breathe oxygen in and out of our lungs from the environment is a vital biological activity that's essential for human beings to live. In fact, it is an unalienable, indefeasible, and immutable Right that's guaranteed to us under our nation's Constitution, which was spe ...
On September 7, 2021, nine days after being injected with the Johnson and Johnson COVID-19 vaccine so that she could serve as a "room mom" in her daughter’s classroom, Seattle resident Jessica Wilson, 37, died of vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia. Her obitu ...
The left's abuse of scientific credentials to affect political ends long predates the so-called SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, going back at least to the earliest days of their efforts to use climate as a tool to effect global political change. "Get a good grip on your long johns cold weather ...
A Communist revolutionary once said "First you get the women, and with them will follow the children, and then so too will the men." In fact, Fakebook, and how it evolved, is a good example of this truth. The University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) Higher Education Resear ...
The following is the English translation of a speech delivered by Chi Haotian, Vice-Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Military Commission to top Chinese military officers. It first came to the attention of the public in an article that was published in the newspaper, Epoch Tim ...
"You see them on the street. You watch them on TV. You might even vote for one this fall. You think they're people just like you. You're wrong. Dead wrong." -- They Live We're living in two worlds. There's the world we see (or are made to see) and then there's the one we ...
As I witness of all of revelry of July 4th, I shake my head and wonder what it is we Americans are really celebrating. It couldn't be our nation's freedom and independence, for God's sake. Our nation long ago ceased to be a free, independent, and sovereign nation--one that provides fo ...
Yet another research endeavor has deconstructed the myth that the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) appeared out of nowhere as a random act of nature in late 2019. A cohort of scientists from both the United States and Germany decided to take a closer look at SARS-CoV-2 using different meth ...
"Defining COVID-19 mRNA vaccines as pharmaceutical drugs has straightforward implications for their pharmacodynamic, pharmacokinetic, clinical and post-marketing safety assessment. Only an accurate characterization of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines as pharmaceutical drugs will guarantee a sa ...
As the global warming cult continues to proselytize the world with all sorts of climate nonsense aimed at deindustrializing and depopulating the West, we could not help but notice that many of the most climate “progressive” countries in the world are all claiming, via the corrupt medi ...
A deep irony exists when we live in a world that has become so deeply polarized and politicized. So much so that an immutable, apolitical system of scarce information — of value — has manifested into existence. As a protocol, Bitcoin is absolutely apolitical. It is indifferent to a ...
Proclamation Calling Militia and Convening Congress April 15, 1861 BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES A PROCLAMATION. Whereas the laws of the United States have been for some time past, and now are opposed, and the execution thereof obstructed, in the States ...
Technologies are just amplifiers, not arbiters of morality. By extrapolating from the above quote, it is within reason to claim that any technology can be both a tool for either tyranny or for freedom depending on whose hands are on the power lever. The principle of checks and balances ...
As the Russian invasion of Ukraine continues, a Ukrainian neo-Nazi military regiment called the Azov Regiment is back in the headlines. Russian President Vladimir Putin referenced the presence of such units within the Ukrainian military as one of the reasons for launching his "spe ...
Journal of the Senate; Thursday, April 26th, 1810 (Pages 503-504) The Senate resumed the consideration of the motion made on the 18th of January, for an amendment to the constitution of the United States, respecting titles of nobility, together with the amendments proposed thereto. ...
The Genocide of White People Did you know that in 1965, people of [ethnically] European descent (a.k.a. "white people") made up over 28% percent of the world's population. Today, just 59 years later, we now make up less than 8% of the world's population. No other racia ...  
The Fictional Book 1984 Became Reality Let's explore some of the ways 1984 is being fulfilled. In the novel, all people of the world fall under three regional governments — Oceania (where the book's protagonist, Winston Smith, lives), Eurasia, and Eastasia. This is reminiscent of the ...  
Rescue Your Kids from Public Schools The Italian Communist Antonio Gramsci’s “Long March Through the Institutions” screed describes the slow and gradual intellectual capture of a society through its influential and powerful institutions, including the church, media, the arts, corp ...  
European-Americans are Being Displaced The U.S. Census Bureau recently reported that non-European-American births in America now surpass those of European-Americans. This represents an unprecedented milestone in American history. European-Americans, who in 1965, made-up over 90% of the po ...  
None Dare Call it "Conspiracy" Unless you've been completely brainwashed by the false historical narratives that we are fed by the malevolent forces which have all but completely taken over ALL [formerly homogeneous] European societies since the the 1960s, then you too cannot help ...  
Tim Kelly Interview with Dissident Mama Rebecca Dillingham joins the "Interesting Times" audio broadcast to discuss Southern Nationalism and the impending collapse of the Yankee Empire. The two talk about secession, the Confederacy, Reconstruction and how diversity is acceleratin ...  
Be The Change You Want to See We can do this, folks. Be the change that you want to see in the world. Stop allowing yourself to be led into the hellish dystopia that is the New World Order. Resist that which is evil. Support that which is good. Fight back against the cabal. Just ...  
Humanity Conquered by its Fears and Desires What George Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Aldous Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book for there would be no one who wanted to read one? Orwell feared that the truth would be concealed from us. Huxley ...  
1 Million POWs Murdered in U.S. Death Camps World War II is often referred to as the "Good War," a morally clear-cut conflict between good and evil.1 The "Good War" is also claimed to have led to a good peace. After a period of adjustment, the United States generously adopt ...  
We Must Return to an Honest Monetary System The privately-owned Federal Reserve System is solely responsible for any failure of our current monetary and banking system since they were given sole custodianship over our monetary system since 1913 in the Federal Reserve Act. Now that it has ...  
Hidden History of Cultural Destruction in America Historian Keith Alexander joins dreadnaught researcher Tim Kelly to discuss the hidden history of Southern Nationalism, the War of the Northern Aggression, and the true history of race relations in America. They also talk about the corruption of the ...  
COVID-19 Jab Intentionally Designed to Kill In November of 2021, Dr. Shankara Chetty, M.D., a prominent South African family doctor warned the world that the goal of the mass "vaccination" program is to "control and kill off a large proportion of our population without anyone su ...  
82% of Unborn Babies Murdered by COVID Jabs A shocking new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine reveals that when pregnant women are given Covid vaccinations during their first or second trimesters, they suffer an 82% spontaneous abortion rate, killing 4 out of 5 unborn babie ...  
COVID Deaths Highest Among "Vaccinated" Public Health England just released a new report showing that at least 62 percent of all deaths associated with the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) are occurring in people who were already "vaccinated." The news just so happened to come out ...  
Posterity of the Founding Generation being Replaced European-Americans are doomed. That is, unless we reverse the damage done to our society by the Leftist social engineers since the Coup of '63, and start creating babies again. While Americans refuse to reproduce, women in Africa and the Middle-E ...  
Biden Regime Caught Censoring Fakebook On August 29, 2022, a lawsuit filed on Monday in U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida is alleging that tech-giant Facebook is colluding with the White House to censor opinions that they find problematic, especially when it comes to ...  
Google's Great 2016 Awokening Every conversation liberals had with their friends and coworkers, all the polls they saw, and every news report they read prior to Election Day suggested that Trump would lose in 2016. But they hadn't reckoned with Trump's ability to circumvent the t ...  
Big Tech Censorship is Unlawful In July of 2021, President Donald Trump filed a class-action lawsuits against three Big Tech companies over censorship issues, the Washington Post report. In a public statement, Trump said, "Today in conjunction with the America First Policy ...  
Big Tech is a Proxy for U.S. Intelligence Two decades ago, the US intelligence community worked closely with Silicon Valley in an effort to track citizens in cyberspace. And Google is at the heart of that origin story. Some of the research that led to Google’s ambitious creation was funded ...  
The Holocaust™ and the Phony Six Million I know that the official version of the Holocaust regarding the alleged systematic extermination of six million Jews via homicidal gas chambers is complete nonsense, do you? This post will demonstrate why without even looking into the cold hard facts ...  
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