High levels of fluoride in drinking water lowers the intelligence (IQ) of children, a new U.S. government report shows. Based on an analysis of published research, the LONG OVERDUE report marks the first time a federal agency has officially admitted what we have known for more than 50 years: that there is a a direct link between drinking fluoridated and the lowering of IQs in kids. Fluoride (a neurotoxin) also makes people more docile, calcifies their thyroid and pineal glands, and increases their risk of bone cancer by as much as 50%. In spite of the propaganda you've been fed for your entire life, fluoride doesn't protect your teeth (especially by drinking it), but it does cause a condition called "dental fluorosis" in about 20% of children who use fluoridated toothpaste, and that's just the tip of the iceberg, folks.
I have been telling folks that the government has been poisoning our public water supply and our toothpaste with fluoride for years. Maybe now they will listen.
Isn't it amazing how yesterday's so-called "conspiracy theories" almost always end up becoming today's facts?
Today's AP story about this topic
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