If you're willing to sell items separately, then you must advertise them separately in separate ads. However, if you're offering multiple items together as a package deal, and as a package deal only, then you may do so, provided that you include the following phrase in your post before you submit it: "Sold as a package deal only. Will not sell separately." .
All firearm ads must contain the manufacturer's name, the model number or name, and the caliber. If you're selling an AR style weapon that is not a factory build, just describe it as a "Custom AR," and provide the caliber info. In the case of foreign weapons, if you do not know the manufacturer's name, just provide the country of origin, the model number, and the caliber.
All vehicle ads must contain the make, model, and year of the vehicle that you are offering.
All boat ads must contain the make, model, year, and length of the boat that you are offering.
Ad Management Links are provided to every user on the Posting Success Page, along with instructions to save that link somewhere, so you won't ever lose it.
While our Ad Management Link recovery service is gladly provided free of charge to our Featured Advertiser customers who lose their Ad Management Link, this service is otherwise a time-consuming, manual process that we must be equitably compensated for by other users.
If you upgrade your ad to a Featured Ad, we will look to see if you have good photos. If so, one will be chosen by our staff, and then added to the random display of Featured Ad images that readers now see at the top of every category. This will increase the number of eyes looking at your ad by orders of magnitude, and it will help you sell your item quicker.
If you choose our 90-Day option (only 10¢/day), you will not only get our cross-category image promotion benefit, you will also get a one-line text ad, which we will make for you, and rotate at the top of each category as well. This increases the number of eyes looking at your ad even more.
Immediately after you post your ad, our server will deliver the Ad Management E-mail for this ad to the address you provide in the post form. That e-mail contains a unique link in it that you can click on to access the Ad Management Page, which is where you'll go to edit and manage this ad.
To make your ad a Featured Ad, simply choose one of our "Featured Ad Options" from the drop-down menu, which is located directly above the "Post Your Ad" button.
Just complete the posting form, describing what it is you're offering, and submit your ad by clicking the large, blue button that says "Post Your Ad" on it at the bottom of the page.
It's that easy!
Just fill out the form, and submit your ad without choosing any of our Featured Ad Options.
It's that easy!
After you post and make payment, your ad will be published in less than 3 minutes.
Free Ads are provided by Alaska's List as a public service to the community. As such, they and are generally limited to non-commercial postings of less than $20,000. More specific limitations may apply to certain items and categories.
 5 Days only $3.99 = 79¢/day
20 Days only $4.99 = 25¢/day
5 Days only $4.99 = 99¢/day
15 Days only $9.99 = 66¢/day
5 Days only $3.99 = 79¢/day
20 Days only $4.99 = 25¢/day
60 Days only $7.99 = 13¢/day
90 Days only $9.99 = 10¢/day
You'll be able to edit and manage your classified ad by clicking a special Ad Management Link that our server will create and display for you immediately after you make your post. Be sure to copy and save that link, or simply bookmark it for easiest access.
Alaska's List strives to maintain a clean and well-organized Web site where Alaskans can buy and sell things online.
That's why there's real people working here (36 man/hours every day), moderating ads as they come in, deleting SPAM ads, perfecting titles, and making sure everything goes in the right category. In fact, nothing is ever published at Alaska's List until it is read and approved (in 3 minutes or less) by one of our Editors who work really hard at "keeping it real."
So, with that in mind, we welcome you to post your classified ad, subject to our Terms of Use Agreement.
Because we have enjoyed the support of so many of our fellow Alaskans since we launched this site in 2009, Alaska's List is now celebrating its 10th Anniversary this year.
We thank you for that support, Alaska.
If you would like to take a trip down Memory Lane, and learn a lot about the origins of Alaska's List, there's still a couple of good newspaper articles out there you can read about us. One is a 2009 article written by the Anchorage Daily News, entitled, "Frustrated Craigslist user starts his own site." The other was a 2010 story by The Frontiersman, a great newspaper in The Mat-Su Valley, which is entitled, "The Sheriff is in town."
Some advertisers don't need any help at all. They know just what they want, and how to get it done using Alaska's List. Other folks need more, and that's where you'll find us at our best; personally helping those who need it get the most out of their advertising in ways that they never expected, but were always happy to discover.
Today's Internet readers are like everyone else: pressed for time, and there's a lot of competition for their limited attention. So, it only makes sense that you would want your ad at the top of the List where Featured Ads are presented, because that's where it's most likely to be seen by busy eyes. Many readers come from Google searches, and after looking at the page they landed on will often take only a brief look at what else is available in that category. When they do, we find that they spend most of their time viewing Featured Ads.
We spent years working out what the most ideal highlighting effects we could apply to our Featured Ads. Finally, we gave Featured Ads a much bigger and bolder typeface than Free Ads, an alternating backround, and an extensive text preview.
We spent years working out what the most ideal highlighting effects we could apply to our Featured Ads. Finally, we gave Featured Ads a much bigger and bolder typeface than Free Ads, an alternating backround, an extensive 327 character text preview, as well as an engaging image preview that compels users to focus their attention on your ad's preview image at the exclusion of all others.
It's the fisherman who casts the widest net who catches the most fish. So, when Alaska's List promotes your Featured Ad off-site at one of our great partner sites like AKweb.com, we're making your advertising net even wider, which increases the number of people looking at your ad, and helps you sell your item or service even faster.
All of our advertisers get great e-mail support, but we think it's nice to be able to call someone who can help you with your ad whenever you need it, and that's exactly what you'll be able to do when you become a Featured Advertiser. Phone Support will be available to you 6:00 AM - 6:00 PM, and E-mail Support between 6:00 AM - Midnight (AK Time).
You can never underestimate the importance of search engine optimization, and that's why we make sure that Featured Ads get seen first, not only by the readers who come directly to our site, but by Google and the other search engines as well, which index our site continuously.
This is something we work hard at, and what this means is that whenever someone searches for something on the Internet, and it matches your Featured Ad, it will likely be found here on Alaska's List, whereas a Free Ad of the same description may not even show-up in the Google results. This is because we optimize all of our Featured Ad pages so that they rank as high as possible in Web searches.
Since most people just "Google" what their looking for on the Internet, this is another huge advantage Featured Ads enjoy over Free Ads, and perhaps the most important one when you think about. In fact, we believe this accounts for the 20:1 view rate advantage Featured Ads have over Free Ads, which are not optimized for Web searches.
After you post, you will be able to edit and delete your ad, or manage any picture attachments you may have by clicking a special link contained in your Ad Management E-mail, which we will send to you automatically after you post your ad.
After five years of operation, and after publishing more than 300,000 Alaskan classified ads for the 22 million users who viewed them, we analyzed our logs and found that those visitors were twelve (12) times more likely to click on Featured Ads while they were visiting our site than Free Ads.
After publishing our first 300,000 Alaskan classified ads for the 22 million users who viewed them, we analyzed our logs and found that those visitors viewed Featured Ad pages twenty (20) times more often than they did Free Ad pages, which translates to a huge statistical advantage for Featured Ads.
Let's face it. A little qualification goes a long way on the Net. When it is known by the reader that you paid a fee, even one as tiny as ours to run your ad, then you must be someone who is serious about what your advertising, and that it's likely still available, and that you're probably not a foreign scammer, the likes of which are notorious for abusing free classifieds sites. Today's savvy Internet readers know this, and will naturally lean towards Featured Ads first, which they know are the most "qualified" ads to respond to.
Featured Ads are low-cost classified ads which have been purchased by our valued customers. As such, they are qualified and timely advertisements, which are professionally maintained and presented here for your consideration above all else.
Thanks for looking at Featured Ads first!
Free Ads are self-service ads, which are the sole responsibility of the poster to update, manage, and dispose of responsibly whenever they no longer need it. Once a Free Ad is received, moderated, and then published by our staff, they receive only those levels of support which might be necessary to help the poster manage or delete their ad.
Free Ads are ads which have been provided to the community as a limited public service. After they are accepted for publication, Free Ads are the sole responsibility of the advertiser to edit, manage, and delete whenever the item sells.
Free Ads are ads which have been provided to the community by Alaska's List as a public service.
No matter which Featured Ad Option you may choose, if you have good photos for your ad, one will be chosen by our staff, and then added to the random display of Featured Ad images that readers now see at the top of every category. This improves the number of eyes looking at your ad by orders of magnitude, and it will help you sell your item quicker.
If you choose our 90-Day option (only 10¢/day), you will not only get our cross-category image promotion benefit, you will also get a one-line text ad, which we will make for you, and rotate at the top of each category as well. This increases the number of eyes looking at your ad even more.
No matter which Featured Ad Option you choose, we will look to see if you have good photos. If you do, we will add the best one to the random display of Featured Ad images that readers now see at the top of each category and the front page. This will increase the number of eyes looking at your ad by orders of magnitude, and it will help you sell your item quicker.
After publishing our first 300,000 Alaskan classified ads for those first 22 million users who viewed them, we analyzed our logs and found that those visitors viewed Featured Ad pages twenty (20) times more often than they did other pages, which translates to a huge advantage for Featured Ads.
If you choose our 90-Day Featured Ad Option, which costs only 10¢/day, you will not only get our Image Promotion benefit, you will also get a Showcase Ad, which we will make for you, and rotate at the top of each category. These one-line text ads are quite effective because they reach out to readers in a compelling way, which is not dependent on images.
This option is frequently chosen by advertisers who don't have pictures, and by those who just want the best advertising option offered by Alaska's List.
When you buy time for a new or existing ad, it will be moved to the top of its category where it will displayed above all other ads. If you have good photos, one will be chosen by our staff, and then added to our random rotation of Featured Ad images that readers see at the top of every category.
Narrows search to a specific category. Not required.
Narrows search to a specific location. Not required.
Enter the highest price you wish to match. Not required.
Enter the lowest price you wish to match. Not required.
Searches ad title and text for exact matches to your query. Searches are case insensitive. Substring searches (for parts of a word) are supported. Special search operators are not supported. Entry is not required.
These figures are based on last month's average figures. If you want to see the actual statistics upon which this number is based, simply click on the number that's indicated, and our Web site's Complete Statistical Analysis will appear for you in a new window.
This is the total number of page views classified ads have received here since our site was first launched on January 1, 2009. Whenever someone visits an ad page, that user's visit is only counted once, regardless of how many times the user may have viewed that ad.
This is total number of active classified ads currently in our database for this state. The number goes down when somebody sells something and deletes their ad, and the number goes up whenever a new ad is placed.
This is total number of active classified ads currently in our database. The number goes down when somebody sells something and deletes their ad, and the number goes up whenever a new ad is placed.
This is the number of visitors who were viewing classified ads on our Web site, as of the time wen you loaded this page. You must reload the page in order to see the latest figure.
Alaska's List is a huge, online service, featuring classified ads placed by people and businesses throughout The Greatland. Here you'll find people in your area offering you an opportunity to save really big on what you're looking for.
This Category is too big to display all at once. Please choose a subcategory to browse instead. Thank you for your understanding.